特定 BST 風格的錯誤金鑰產生器

特定 BST 風格的錯誤金鑰產生器



\usepackage{jucs2e} \usepackage{url}




\bibliographystyle{jucs}  \bibliography{bib}


當我.bbl使用 Bibtex 建立文件時,我得到:

\begin{thebibliography}{1} \newcommand{\enquote}[1]{``#1''} \providecommand{\natexlab}[1]{#1}

\bibitem[{Blum et~al.(2004)Blum, Cao, Chen, Evans, George, George, Gu, He,   Krishnamurthy, Luo, Son, Stankovic, Stoleru and Wood}]{EnviroTrack} Blum, T. A.~B., Cao, Q., Chen, Y., Evans, D., George, J., George, S., Gu, L.,   He, T., Krishnamurthy, S., Luo, L., Son, H., Stankovic, J., Stoleru, R.,   Wood, A.: \enquote{Envirotrack: Towards an environmental computing paradigm   for distributed sensor networks}; Proceedings of the 24th International   Conference on Distributed Computing System; 582--589; 2004.


產生的 bibitem 鍵/標識符是錯誤的,因為該 bibitem 添加了年份名稱“Blum、Cao、Chen、Evans、George、George、Gu、He、Krishnamurthy、Luo、Son、Stankovic、Stoleru 和 Wood”。我認為這種行為是由於尤克斯我正在使用的風格。




  • 主要論點of \bibitem(大括號中的材料) -- 這裡: -- 是“關鍵”,即,作為(或、等) 命令EnviroTrack的參數寫入的內容。\cite\citet\citet*

  • 可選參數of——\bibitem方括號中的材料——決定了引文標註的樣子。您(或程式包)似乎jucs2e載入了引文管理程式包natbib。載入後natbib,指令\cite{EnviroTrack}將產生截斷的標註Blum et al. (2004)

    相反,使用指令\citet*{EnviroTrack}LaTeX 將產生未刪節的標註(列出所有作者的姓名):

    Blum, Cao, Chen, Evans, George, George, Gu, He, Krishnamurthy, Luo,
    Son, Stankovic, Stoleru and Wood (2004)





\bibitem[{Blum et~al.(2004)Blum, Cao, Chen, Evans, George, George, Gu, He, 
Krishnamurthy, Luo, Son, Stankovic, Stoleru and Wood}]{EnviroTrack} Blum, T. A.~B., 
Cao, Q., Chen, Y., Evans, D., George, J., George, S., Gu, L., He, T., Krishnamurthy, 
S., Luo, L., Son, H., Stankovic, J., Stoleru, R., Wood, A.: \enquote{Envirotrack: 
Towards an environmental computing paradigm for distributed sensor networks}; 
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Distributed Computing System; 
582--589; 2004.
