註釋和評論使用。問題是,雖然我使用帶有雙面選項的回憶錄,但奇數側外距和偶數側外距不同。我希望奇數頁和偶數頁的外邊距完全相同(例如,外邊距為 6 厘米,內邊距為 2 厘米)。我想擴展頁首和頁腳以包括外邊距(marginsep 和 marginwidth)。據我了解,這可以使用
這是一個 MWE。我試著把它縮短一點。
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\renewcommand\marginpar[1]{\-\oldmarginpar[\footnotesize #1]%
{\raggedright\footnotesize #1}}
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\chapter{Chapter 1}
\marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\kant[7]\marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\section{Section 1}
我用的是幾何學正確設定頁邊距大小(6 個外部,2 個內部)。記住該\headwidth
在 \pagestyle 之後新增即可。 Adobe Acrobat 中的螢幕截圖:
%*****************Margins and MarginNotes******************
\usepackage[outer=6cm, inner=2cm, heightrounded, marginparwidth=4cm, marginparsep=1cm]{geometry}
%*******************Header & Footer***********************
\chapter{Chapter 1}
\marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\kant[7]\marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}
\section{Section 1}
\marginpar{The reader should be careful to observe that the objects in space and time are the clue to the discovery of, certainly, our a priori knowledge, by means of analytic unity.}