![轉義特殊字元以用作 URL](https://rvso.com/image/309846/%E8%BD%89%E7%BE%A9%E7%89%B9%E6%AE%8A%E5%AD%97%E5%85%83%E4%BB%A5%E7%94%A8%E4%BD%9C%20URL.png)
如果 url 包含特殊字元 (~
工作得很好。但是,我想要包含這些 URL 的巨集列表,並在稍後處理它們,就像我在使用 \foreach 循環執行宏,並使用清單中提供的宏參數。所以,我希望能夠這樣說:
*[Main Search Site]{Google}{http://www.google.com},
這適用於第一種和第三種情況,但不適用於具有特殊 TeX 字元的情況。我嘗試轉義它們,但這不太有效,因為連結無法單擊。
s% #1 =* not used yet
O{}% #2 = optional title
m% #3 = Mandatory title
m% #4 = URL Link
\newcommand*{\MyFormatLinkParameters}{}% Initialize
\FormatLinks*[Main Search Site]{Google}{http://www.google.com}
% Prefer to define a list, and later execute the list:
*[Main Search Site]{Google}{http://www.google.com},
%% What changes do I need to make to the following URL to get it pass through the macros.
% [people.brunel.ac.uk]{http://people.brunel.ac.uk/~mastmmg/ssguide/set_work.html#4_32},
Following should produce same results as above:\medskip\par
\foreach \x in \MyFormatLinkParameters {%
\typeout{DEBUG: "\x"}
s% #1 =* not used yet
O{}% #2 = optional title
m% #3 = Mandatory title
m% #4 = URL Link
\newcommand*{\MyFormatLinkParameters}{}% Initialize
\FormatLinks*[Main Search Site]{Google}{http://www.google.com}
% Prefer to define a list, and later execute the list:
*[Main Search Site]{Google}{http://www.google.com},
%% What changes do I need to make to the following URL to get it pass through the macros.
Following should produce same results as above:\medskip\par
\foreach \x in \MyFormatLinkParameters {%
\typeout{DEBUG: "\x"}