knitr 中新頁面上的區塊

knitr 中新頁面上的區塊

我遇到一種情況,我正在 \enumerate 中編織一堆數字,並且數字很大,因此我更喜歡每個數字一頁。



\item Lets' try figure 1. 
<<fig1, include=TRUE, fig.pos='htbp', fig.align='center', fig.cap='fig1', fig.height=5, fig.width=5>>=
set.seed(1213)  # for reproducibility
x = cumsum(rnorm(100))
mean(x)  # mean of x
plot(x, type = 'l')  # Brownian motion

\item Lets' try figure 2. 
<<fig2, include=TRUE, fig.pos='htbp', fig.align='center', fig.cap='fig2'>>=
set.seed(1213)  # for reproducibility
x = cumsum(rnorm(100))
mean(x)  # mean of x
plot(x, type = 'l')  # Brownian motion

\item Lets' try figure 3. 
<<fig3, include=TRUE, fig.pos='htb!', fig.align='center', fig.cap='fig3'>>=
set.seed(1213)  # for reproducibility
x = cumsum(rnorm(100))
mean(x)  # mean of x
plot(x, type = 'l')  # Brownian motion




一種方法是手動使用 \newpage 命令。如果它是一個



\item Lets' try figure 1. 
<<fig1, include=TRUE, fig.pos='htbp', fig.align='center', fig.cap='fig1', fig.height=5, fig.width=5>>=
set.seed(1213)  # for reproducibility
x = cumsum(rnorm(100))
mean(x)  # mean of x
plot(x, type = 'l')  # Brownian motion
\item Lets' try figure 2. 
<<fig2, include=TRUE, fig.pos='htbp', fig.align='center', fig.cap='fig2'>>=
set.seed(1213)  # for reproducibility
x = cumsum(rnorm(100))
mean(x)  # mean of x
plot(x, type = 'l')  # Brownian motion
\item Lets' try figure 3. 
<<fig3, include=TRUE, fig.pos='htb!', fig.align='center', fig.cap='fig3'>>=
set.seed(1213)  # for reproducibility
x = cumsum(rnorm(100))
mean(x)  # mean of x
plot(x, type = 'l')  # Brownian motion

