

在我的論文中,我需要對我的參考文獻進行排序,這樣,雖然所有內容都將按其外觀順序進行排序,但 url 連結將在最後進行排序。

如何使用 .bst 檔案?


[1] 文章 [2] 文章 [3] 網址

即使 url 位於文本中的文章之前。


您可以透過使用 biblatex/biber 的類別輕鬆地做到這一點。


% some bib entries for test purposes:
  TITLE = {Test 1},
  AUTHOR = {Doe, John},
  JOURNAL = {Journal of unreproducible Results},
  YEAR = {2015},

  TITLE = {Test 2},
  AUTHOR = {Doe, Jane},
  JOURNAL = {Journal of unreproducible Results},
  YEAR = {2015},

  TITLE = {Google},
  URL = {www.google.com},

  TITLE = {Wikipedia},
  URL = {en.wikipedia.org},

% sorting = none means same order as the appearance in the document
% biber is the modern backend for biblatex, replacement for bibtex    
\usepackage[backend=biber, sorting=none]{biblatex}

% create a new category for web sources
% add the web entries to the category


See \cite{art1}, \cite{web1}, \cite{art2}, and \cite{web2}!

% one bibliography for the non-web soruces
\printbibliography[notcategory=web, title={Print References}]
% and another one for the websources
\printbibliography[category=web, title={Internet References}]


使用latex document.tex,進行編譯biber document.bcflatex document.tex 其中 Latex 是您選擇的編譯器。

結果: 結果
