使用 mhchem 和術語表的大寫字母

使用 mhchem 和術語表的大寫字母

mhchem我在詞彙表中使用時遇到以下問題。我不想在開始一個句子時擔心我是否已經使用了首字母縮略詞,但我發現這\Gls似乎不適用於mhchemin glossaries。我可以透過嘗試追蹤我是否已經使用過縮寫詞來解決這個問題,但我希望能夠在我的\newacronym定義中進行編輯以使其發揮作用。任何建議,將不勝感激!

\usepackage[acronym]{glossaries} % Load the package
\makeglossaries % Prepare the glossary

\newacronym{CO2}{\ce{CO2}}{carbon dioxide}
\newacronym{H2SO4}{\NoCaseChange{\ce{H2SO4}}}{sulfuric acid}

    %I'd like the following to work, but it doesn't...
    \Gls{CO2} in the environment \ldots 
    \Gls{CO2} now generates an error

    \Gls{CH4} in the environment \ldots
    \Gls{CH4} works fine.

    %\gls works fine
    Calculation of the corresponding \gls{CO2} emissions to cover the surplus in electricity demand.

    %I also tried
    \Gls{H2SO4} is an acid. We use \gls{H2SO4} everyday. 
    \Gls{H2SO4} generates an error \ldots
    \gls{H2SO4} is okay.

    \printglossary[type=acronym,title={List of Abbreviations}]



為底層大寫巨集 ( \makefirstuc) 提供一個空群組作為其工作的第一個「令牌」即可:

\newacronym{CO2}{{}\ce{CO2}}{carbon dioxide}

