我想用 LaTeX 產生這個 5 列表的前兩行:
- 內部逐項列出但不一致,即。第 4 列所有行內部都有逐項列表,第 2,3 和 5 列在某些但不是所有行中確實有逐項列表,第 1 列根本沒有逐項列表。
- 桌子的對齊方式很好
- 糖果般的外觀就像是
包裝的初衷 - 這是一張緊湊的桌子,沒有令人不快的空間
- 列表有方形項目符號
\thispagestyle{empty} % hide page number
\setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{\abovecaptionskip}% Correct skip for caption on top
\caption{Wide Itemized Mixed Table}
\textbf{BSL} & \textbf{Agents} & \textbf{Practices} & \textbf{Primary barriers} & \textbf{Secondary barriers} \\
1 & Not known to consistently cause diseases in healthy adults & standard microbiological practices & no primary barriers required, PPE & bench and sink required \\
2 & - Agents associated with human diseases - Routes of transmission include per-cutaneous injury, ingestion, mucous membrane exposure & BSL-1 practice plus: - limited access - Biohazard warning signs - ``Sharps'' precautions - Biosafety manual defining any needed waste decontamination or medical surveillance polices & Primary barriers: - BSCs or other physical containment devices used for all manipulations of agents that cause splashes or aerosols of infectious materials - PPE: Laboratory coats, gloves, face and eye protection, as needed & BSL-1 plus: - Autoclave available\\
答案是將清單放入小型頁面或 parbox 中,但這並不是很有趣。這是enumitem
leftmargin = * ,
label = \textbullet ,
nosep ,
before = \tablistcommand ,
after = \tablistcommand
\caption{Wide Itemized Mixed Table}
\textbf{BSL} & \textbf{Agents} & \textbf{Practices}
& \textbf{Primary barriers} & \textbf{Secondary barriers} \\
1 & Not known to consistently cause diseases in healthy adults
& standard microbiological practices
& \begin{tabitemize}
\item no primary barriers required,
\item PPE
& bench and sink required \tabularnewline
2 & \begin{tabitemize}
\item Agents associated with human diseases
\item Routes of transmission include per-cutaneous injury,
ingestion, mucous membrane exposure
& BSL-1 practice plus:
\item limited access
\item Biohazard warning signs
\item ``Sharps'' precautions
\item Biosafety manual defining any needed waste
decontamination or medical surveillance polices
& Primary barriers:
\item BSCs or other physical containment devices used for all
manipulations of agents that cause splashes or aerosols of
infectious materials
\item PPE: Laboratory coats, gloves, face and eye protection,
as needed
& BSL-1 plus:
\item Autoclave available
format = plain ,
font = footnotesize ,
labelfont = bf ,
justification = centerlast ,
labelsep = period ,
position = top ,
aboveskip = 5pt ,
belowskip = 0pt
leftmargin = * ,
label = \textbullet ,
nosep ,
before = \tablistcommand ,
after = \tablistcommand
\caption{Wide Itemized Mixed Table}
\scriptsize BSL & \scriptsize Agents & \scriptsize Practices
& \scriptsize Primary barriers & \scriptsize Secondary barriers \\
1 & Not known to consistently cause diseases in healthy adults
& standard microbiological practices
& \begin{tabitemize}
\item no primary barriers required,
\item PPE
& bench and sink required \tabularnewline\addlinespace
2 & \begin{tabitemize}
\item Agents associated with human diseases
\item Routes of transmission include per-cutaneous injury,
ingestion, mucous membrane exposure
& BSL-1 practice plus:
\item limited access
\item Biohazard warning signs
\item ``Sharps'' precautions
\item Biosafety manual defining any needed waste
decontamination or medical surveillance polices
& Primary barriers:
\item BSCs or other physical containment devices used for all
manipulations of agents that cause splashes or aerosols of
infectious materials
\item PPE: Laboratory coats, gloves, face and eye protection,
as needed
& BSL-1 plus:
\item Autoclave available
\usepackage{mathabx}% for \sqbullet
\thispagestyle{empty} % hide page number
\setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{\abovecaptionskip}% Correct skip for caption on top
\caption{Wide Itemized Mixed Table}
\textbf{BSL} & \textbf{Agents} & \textbf{Practices} & \textbf{Primary barriers} & \textbf{Secondary barriers} \\
1 & Not known to consistently cause diseases in healthy adults
& standard microbiological practices
\item No primary barriers required
\item PPE
& bench and sink required
2 & \vspace{-1ex}
\item Agents associated with human diseases
\item Routes of transmission include per-cutaneous injury,
ingestion, mucous membrane exposure
& BSL-1 practice plus:
\item limited access
\item Biohazard warning signs
\item ``Sharps'' precautions
\item Biosafety manual defining any needed waste
decontamination or medical surveillance polices
& Primary barriers:
\item BSCs or other physical containment devices used for all
manipulations of agents that cause splashes or aerosols of
infectious materials
\item PPE: Laboratory coats, gloves, face and eye protection, as needed
& BSL-1 plus:
\item Autoclave available
\thispagestyle{empty} % hide page number
\caption{Wide Itemized Mixed Table}
& \thead{Agents}
& \thead{Practices}
& \thead{Primary barriers}
& \thead{Secondary barriers} \\
1 & Not known to consistently cause diseases in healthy adults
& standard microbiological practices
& \vspace{-2ex}
\item No primary barriers required,
\item PPE
& Laboratora bench and sink required \\
2 & \vspace{-2ex}
\item Agents associated with human diseases
\item Routes of transmission include per-cutaneous injury, ingestion, mucous membrane exposure
& BSL-1 practice plus:
\item limited access
\item Biohazard warning signs
\item ``Sharps'' precautions
\item Biosafety manual defining any needed waste decontamination or medical surveillance polices
& Primary barriers:
\item BSCs or other physical containment devices used for all manipulations of agents that cause splashes or aerosols of infectious materials
\item PPE: Laboratory coats, gloves, face and eye protection, as needed
& BSL-1 plus:
\item Autoclave available
\end{compactitem} \\
from packagerotating
和 for list inside table compactitem
from package paralist
附錄: 看來所有三個答案的組合將給出最佳解決方案:-)。所以我結合以下內容
Arash Esbati在他的回答中使用 package 的方式tabularx
\usepackage{mathabx}% for \sqbullet
\usepackage{enumitem}% for nice list
\newcommand{\tablistcommand}{% <-- for eliminating vertical space
% before and after itemize
\newlist{tableitems}{itemize}{1}% <-- defined new list
\setlist[tableitems]{nosep, % <-- new list setup
topsep = 0pt ,
partopsep = 0pt ,
leftmargin = * ,
label = $\sqbullet$ ,
before = \tablistcommand ,
after = \tablistcommand
\caption{Wide Itemized Mixed Table}
& \thead{Agents}
& \thead{Practices}
& \thead{Primary barriers}
& \thead{Secondary barriers} \\
1 & Not known to consistently cause diseases in healthy adults
& standard microbiological practices
& \begin{tableitems}
\item No primary barriers required,
\item PPE
& Laboratory bench and sink required \\
2 & \begin{tableitems}
\item Agents associated with human diseases
\item Routes of transmission include per-cutaneous injury, ingestion, mucous membrane exposure
& BSL-1 practice plus:
\begin{tableitems}[before=]% <-- nullifying before skip
\item limited access
\item Biohazard warning signs
\item ``Sharps'' precautions
\item Biosafety manual defining any needed waste decontamination or medical surveillance polices
& Primary barriers:
\begin{tableitems}[before=]% <-- nullifying before skip
\item BSCs or other physical containment devices used for all manipulations of agents that cause splashes or aerosols of infectious materials
\item PPE: Laboratory coats, gloves, face and eye protection, as needed
& BSL-1 plus:
\begin{tableitems}[before=]% <-- nullifying before skip
\item Autoclave available
\end{tableitems} \\