包,但遇到了這樣的情況:對於必須為 64 位寬的字段,似乎沒有好的解決方案(即使文檔沒有顯示這樣的示例!)。話不多說,結果如下:
正如您所看到的,64 位元值的寬度超出了頁面範圍。我嘗試使用bitwidth
文檔中描述的可選參數來限制它(例如以下這個答案的問題提供 的參數0.8\textwidth
An \texttt{unsigned word} is defined as a 16-bit or two-octet quantity, having the range \texttt{[0, 65535]}: \\
\bitheader{15, 7, 0} \\
\bitbox{16}{\texttt{unsigned word}} \\
An \texttt{unsigned word} is addressable as an 2-size array of bytes, where \texttt{byte[0]} corresponds to the most-significant byte in the word (the \textit{high byte}) and \texttt{byte[1]} corresponds to the least-significant byte in the word (the \textit{low byte}). \\
An \texttt{unsigned doubleword} is defined as a 32-bit or four-octet quantity, having the range \texttt{[0, 4294967295]}: \\
\bitheader{31, 23, 15, 7, 0} \\
\bitbox{32}{\texttt{unsigned doubleword}} \\
An \texttt{unsigned doubleword} is addressable as an 4-size array of bytes, where \texttt{byte[0]} corresponds to the most-significant byte in the doubleword (the \textit{high byte}) and \texttt{byte[3]} corresponds to the least-significant byte in the doubleword (the \textit{low byte}). \\
An \texttt{unsigned quadword} is defined as a 64-bit or eight-octet quantity, having the range \texttt{[0, 18446744073709551615]}: \\
\bitheader{63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15, 7, 0} \\
\bitbox{64}{\texttt{unsigned quadword}} \\
An \texttt{unsigned quadword} is addressable as an 8-size array of bytes, where \texttt{byte[0]} corresponds to the most-significant byte in the quadword (the \textit{high byte}) and \texttt{byte[7]} corresponds to the least-significant byte in the quadword (the \textit{low byte}). \\
產生錯誤的非工作程式碼如下 - 將其括在大括號中並不能緩解錯誤:
\begin{bytefield}[endianness=big, bitwidth=0.8\textwidth]{64}
\bitheader{63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15, 7, 0} \\
\bitbox{64}{\texttt{unsigned quadword}} \\
另外,對明智的人說的話 - 我仍然(慢慢地)掌握 TeX 的訣竅,所以我的自私技能仍然有點局限於“在線尋找解決方案,希望有人已經實現了它”;你可能需要幫我分解潛在的答案。
如果有幫助的話,所討論的環境是 MacTex 2015 (TeXLive-2015);程式碼是使用 TeXstudio 2.10.4 建構的。
of 套件graphicx
An \texttt{unsigned word} is defined as a 16-bit or two-octet quantity, having the range \texttt{[0, 65535]}: \\
\bitheader{15, 7, 0} \\
\bitbox{16}{\texttt{unsigned word}} \\
An \texttt{unsigned word} is addressable as an 2-size array of bytes, where \texttt{byte[0]} corresponds to the most-significant byte in the word (the \textit{high byte}) and \texttt{byte[1]} corresponds to the least-significant byte in the word (the \textit{low byte}). \\
An \texttt{unsigned doubleword} is defined as a 32-bit or four-octet quantity, having the range \texttt{[0, 4294967295]}: \\
\bitheader{31, 23, 15, 7, 0} \\
\bitbox{32}{\texttt{unsigned doubleword}} \\
An \texttt{unsigned doubleword} is addressable as an 4-size array of bytes, where \texttt{byte[0]} corresponds to the most-significant byte in the doubleword (the \textit{high byte}) and \texttt{byte[3]} corresponds to the least-significant byte in the doubleword (the \textit{low byte}). \\
An \texttt{unsigned quadword} is defined as a 64-bit or eight-octet quantity, having the range \texttt{[0, 18446744073709551615]}: \\
\bitheader{63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15, 7, 0} \\
\bitbox{64}{\texttt{unsigned quadword}} \\
An \texttt{unsigned quadword} is addressable as an 8-size array of bytes, where \texttt{byte[0]} corresponds to the most-significant byte in the quadword (the \textit{high byte}) and \texttt{byte[7]} corresponds to the least-significant byte in the quadword (the \textit{low byte}). \\
\bitheader{63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15, 7, 0} \\
\bitbox{64}{\texttt{unsigned quadword}} \\
不是最好的 LaTeX 指令。 (但這裡很好,因為它是center
\bitheader{63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15, 7, 0} \\
\bitbox{64}{} \\
\makebox[\linewidth]{\raisebox{4ex}{\texttt{unsigned quadword}}}%
An \texttt{unsigned quadword} is defined as a 64-bit or quantity, in the range
\texttt{[0, 18446744073709551615]}:
\bitheader{63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15, 7, 0} \\
\bitbox{64}{\texttt{unsigned quadword}} \\