pdf 中並未顯示所有程式碼

pdf 中並未顯示所有程式碼



\title{Matematisk modellering}
\author{olba_ }
\date{February 2016}




\section{Problem 1}

Givet avståndet $d$ från högtalare och ljudkälla, samt givet högtalarnas positioner, beräkna läget för ljudkällan.

    point/.style = {draw, circle,  fill = black, inner sep = 1pt},
    dot/.style   = {draw, circle,  fill = black, inner sep = .2pt},

  % the circle
  \node (origin) at (0,0) {};

  % triangle nodes: just points on the circle
  \node (n0) at +(60:\rad) [point, label = above:$s$] {};
  \node (n1) at +(-145:\rad) [point, label = below:$r_{1}$] {};
  \node (n2) at +(-45:\rad) [point, label = {below right:$r_{2}$}] {};
  \node (n3) at +(10:\rad) [point, label = {below left:$r_{3}$}] {};

  % triangle edges: connect the vertices, and leave a node at the midpoint
  \draw[->] (n2) -- node (a) [label = {above left:$d_{2}$}] {} (n0);
  \draw[->] (n1) -- node (b) [label = {below right:$d_{1}$}] {} (n0);
  \draw[->] (n3) -- node (c) [label = {above right:$d_{3}$}] {} (n0);






\title{Matematisk modellering}
\author{name here}
\date{February 2016}




\section{Problem 1}

Givet avståndet $d$ från högtalare och ljudkälla, samt givet högtalarnas positioner, beräkna läget för ljudkällan.
    point/.style = {draw, circle,  fill = black, inner sep = 1pt},
    dot/.style   = {draw, circle,  fill = black, inner sep = .2pt},

  % the circle
  \node (origin) at (0,0) {};

  % triangle nodes: just points on the circle
  \node (n0) at +(60:\rad) [point, label = above:$s$] {};
  \node (n1) at +(-145:\rad) [point, label = below:$r_{1}$] {};
  \node (n2) at +(-45:\rad) [point, label = {below right:$r_{2}$}] {};
  \node (n3) at +(10:\rad) [point, label = {below left:$r_{3}$}] {};

  % triangle edges: connect the vertices, and leave a node at the midpoint
  \draw[->] (n2) -- node (a) [label = {above left:$d_{2}$}] {} (n0);
  \draw[->] (n1) -- node (b) [label = {below right:$d_{1}$}] {} (n0);
  \draw[->] (n3) -- node (c) [label = {above right:$d_{3}$}] {} (n0);



