如何在沒有 end 關鍵字的情況下正確在演算法偽代碼中建立垂直線縮排?

如何在沒有 end 關鍵字的情況下正確在演算法偽代碼中建立垂直線縮排?




\PassOptionsToPackage{noend}{algpseudocode}% comment out if want end's to show

% start with some helper code
% This is the vertical rule that is inserted
\newcommand*{\algrule}[1][\algorithmicindent]{\makebox[#1][l]{\hspace*{.5em}\vrule height .75\baselineskip depth .25\baselineskip}}%

    \ifnum \theALG@nested>0% is there anything to print
    \ifx\ALG@text\ALG@x@notext% is this an end group without any text?
    % do nothing
    \addvspace{-3pt}% FUDGE for cases where no text is shown, to make the rules line up
    % draw a rule for each indent level
    \algrule[\csname ALG@ind@\the\ALG@printindent@tempcnta\endcsname]%
    \advance \ALG@printindent@tempcnta 1
    \ifnum \ALG@printindent@tempcnta<\numexpr\theALG@nested+1\relax% can't do <=, so add one to RHS and use < instead
% the following line injects our new indent handling code in place of the default spacing
\patchcmd{\ALG@doentity}{\noindent\hskip\ALG@tlm}{\ALG@printindent}{}{\errmessage{failed to patch}}
% end vertical rule patch for algorithmicx



        \caption{Arbitrary Algorithm}\label{IS2OSLS}
            \Require A matrix $\mathbf{A}$ of size $m\times n$.
            \Ensure Something.
            \For{$i$ in $m$}
                \For{$j$ in $n$}
                        \State Select a random action
                            \State Stay silent 
                            \State Break

我希望在關鍵字的第一個字母之後開始垂直線,即,對於關鍵字,垂直for線應該在 等之後開始f。我還需要不帶關鍵字的偽代碼,如圖所示。ofend



我可以更改\hspace*{.5em}為,\hspace*{.1em}以便將垂直線向左移動一點。這已經解決了。但為什麼在演算法結束時線條會重疊呢? (如果我新增end關鍵字,問題就解決了。)


\addvspace導致重疊的指令;去掉它。我還添加了另一個補丁,可以在省略“結束”標籤時避免虛假的垂直空間,請參閱帶有 algpseudocode 和 noend 的虛假空白





% start with some helper code
% This is the vertical rule that is inserted
    \hspace*{.2em}% <------------- This is where the rule starts from
    \vrule height .75\baselineskip depth .25\baselineskip

    \ifnum \theALG@nested>0% is there anything to print
    \ifx\ALG@text\ALG@x@notext% is this an end group without any text?
    % do nothing
    % draw a rule for each indent level
    \algrule[\csname ALG@ind@\the\ALG@printindent@tempcnta\endcsname]%
    \advance \ALG@printindent@tempcnta 1
    \ifnum \ALG@printindent@tempcnta<\numexpr\theALG@nested+1\relax
% the following line injects our new indent handling code in place of the default spacing
\patchcmd{\ALG@doentity}{\noindent\hskip\ALG@tlm}{\ALG@printindent}{}{\errmessage{failed to patch}}
\patchcmd{\ALG@doentity}{\item[]\nointerlineskip}{}{}{} % no spurious vertical space
% end vertical rule patch for algorithmicx



\caption{Arbitrary Algorithm}\label{IS2OSLS}

  \Require A matrix $\mathbf{A}$ of size $m\times n$.
  \Ensure Something.
  \For{$i$ in $m$}
    \For{$j$ in $n$}
        \State Select a random action
          \State Stay silent 
          \State Break



