指向兩個方向的軸和定位軸標籤 (Tikz)。 AD-AS圖

指向兩個方向的軸和定位軸標籤 (Tikz)。 AD-AS圖


% Author: Rasmus Pank Roulund

:Title: Intersection of
:Tags: Coordinate systems

This example shows how the ``intersection of`` mechanism of Tikz work. Notice how a horizontal 
line is made from point B to allow the calculation to be done.

Caption: In a fixed exchange regime it might not be possible to reach internal balance 
(full employment and price stability) and external balance (some given level of net export) 
using only fiscal policy. At point B only point C and D can be reached via fiscal policy. 
Only by devaluing the country is able to reach the optimum level at point A.

:Author: Rasmus Pank Roulund

    axis/.style={very thick, ->, >=stealth'},
    important line/.style={thick},
    dashed line/.style={dashed, thin},
    pile/.style={thick, ->, >=stealth', shorten <=2pt, shorten
    every node/.style={color=black}
    % axis
    \draw[axis] (-0.1,0)  -- (1.1,0) node(xline)[right]
    \draw[axis] (0,-0.1) -- (0,1.1) node(yline)[above] {$E$};
    % Lines
    \draw[important line] (.15,.15) coordinate (A) -- (.85,.85)
        coordinate (B) node[right, text width=5em] {$Y^O$};
    \draw[important line] (.15,.85) coordinate (C) -- (.85,.15)
        coordinate (D) node[right, text width=5em] {$\mathit{NX}=x$};
    % Intersection of lines
    \fill[red] (intersection cs:
       first line={(A) -- (B)},
       second line={(C) -- (D)}) coordinate (E) circle (.4pt)
       node[above,] {$A$};
    % The E point is placed more or less randomly
    \fill[red]  (E) +(-.075cm,-.2cm) coordinate (out) circle (.4pt)
        node[below left] {$B$};
    % Line connecting out and ext balances
    \draw [pile] (out) -- (intersection of A--B and out--[shift={(0:1pt)}]out)
        coordinate (extbal);
    \fill[red] (extbal) circle (.4pt) node[above] {$C$};
    % line connecting  out and int balances
    \draw [pile] (out) -- (intersection of C--D and out--[shift={(0:1pt)}]out)
        coordinate (intbal);
    \fill[red] (intbal) circle (.4pt) node[above] {$D$};
    % line between out og all balanced out :)
    \draw[pile] (out) -- (E);


    axis/.style={very thick, <->, >=stealth'},
    important line/.style={thick},
    every node/.style={color=black}
    % axis
    \draw[axis] (0.1,0)  -- (1.1,0) node(xline)[right] {$Y$};
    \draw[axis] (0,0.1) -- (0,1.1) node(yline)[above] {$\pi_s$};
    % Lines
    \draw[important line] (.15,.15) coordinate (A) -- (.85,.85)
        coordinate (B) node[right, text width=5em] {$AS$};
    \draw[important line] (.15,.85) coordinate (C) -- (.85,.15)
        coordinate (D) node[right, text width=5em] {$AD$};


法比奧 在此輸入影像描述

解決方案:對於那些對 AD-AS 圖感興趣的人,這就是我迄今為止所實現的目標。我認為這是相當不錯的:

    axis/.style={very thick, <->, >=stealth'},
    important line/.style={thick},
    every node/.style={color=black}
    % axis
    \draw[axis] (0.1,0)  -- (1.1,0) node(xline)[midway,below] {$\hat{Y}$};
    \draw[axis] (0,0.1) -- (0,1.1) node(yline)[midway,left] {$  \hat{\pi}_s$};
    % Lines
    \draw[important line] (.15,.15) coordinate (A) -- (.85,.85)
        coordinate (B) node[right, text width=5em] {$AS$};
    \draw[important line] (.15,.85) coordinate (C) -- (.85,.15)
        coordinate (D) node[right, text width=5em] {$AD$};
    %shifted IS-LM diagram
    \draw[xshift=.2cm, red!52] (.15,.10) coordinate (A) -- (.85,.80)
    coordinate (B) node[right, text width=5em] {$AS'$};

    %arrows between intersections
    \draw[->, thick, black, >=stealth']
    (0.61,.59) -- (.72,.48)
    node[sloped, above, midway] {$\hat{\tau}^w_S$};




\draw (0,0) -- (5,0) node[midway,above]{A};

midway是 的別名pos=0.5
