如何用 biblatex 關閉「語言」欄位?

如何用 biblatex 關閉「語言」欄位?

我尋求有關使用時關閉某些欄位的方法的協助biblatex。它運作良好並且原來的問題可以在這裡看到。 但是,當我嘗試使用\AtEveryBibitem{\clearfield{language}}關閉language參考書目項目中的欄位時。看來不行。我的程式碼是:

author    = {Kubota, Alison and Wolfer, WilhelmG. and Valone, StevenM. and Baskes, MichaelI.},
title     = {Collision cascades in pure $\updelta$-plutonium},
journal   = {Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design},
year      = {2007},
volume    = {14},
number    = {3},
pages     = {367-378},
month     = {oct},
doi       = {10.1007/s10820-007-9057-x},
file      = {:Collision cascades in pure delta-plutonium_J Computer-Aided Mater Des 14 (2007) 367–378.pdf:PDF},
groups    = {Unsorted},
issn      = {0928-1045},
keywords  = {Molecular dynamics; Radiation damage; Plutonium},
language  = {English},
owner     = {Wenqiang},
publisher = {Springer Netherlands},
review    = {Wigner-Seitz analysis},
timestamp = {2015.03.04},
url       = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10820-007-9057-x},
author        = {Stukowski, Alexander},
title         = {Structure identification methods for atomistic simulations of crystalline materials},
journal       = {Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering},
year          = {2012},
volume        = {20},
number        = {4},
pages         = {045021},
__markedentry = {[Wenqiang:6]},
doi           = {10.1088/0965-0393/20/4/045021},
file          = {:Structure identification methods for atomistic simulations of crystalline materials_Modell. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 20 (2012) 045021.pdf:PDF},
groups        = {Post-analysis},
issn          = {0965-0393},
language      = {en},
owner         = {Wenqiang},
review        = {adaptive CNA, common neighbor analysis modifier in OVITO},
timestamp     = {2016.11.06},
url           = {http://stacks.iop.org/0965-0393/20/i=4/a=045021},
urldate       = {2016-11-06},

\AtEveryBibitem{\clearfield{note} \clearfield{title} \clearfield{language}}

    I want to disable the language field in bibitems\cite{Kubota2007_JoCMD.14.367}\cite{Stukowski2012_MaSiMSaE.20.45021}.

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書目檔案是在 JabRef 中產生的。誰能告訴我如何關閉該language字段?任何幫助將非常感激!




