有人碰巧有一個聰明的主意,如何將正文文字的行距設為 1.5,將內部表格的行距設為 1.0?我正在查看這個包
,但儘管它沒有觸及標題,但表格內容的間距變成了 1.5。我的文件中有大量表格,我真的很想避免為每個表格單獨設定行距。
這裡是 MWE:
Some text
Some more text which continues on the next row. More text and more and more and more and more text.
\caption{Caption to be placed here.}
您將表格行視為 1.5 倍間距的是常規的間距。事實上,使用\usepackage[onehalfspacing]{setspace}
Some text Some more text which continues on the next row. More text
and more and more and more and more text.
\caption{Caption to be placed here.}