我正在努力實現與這篇文章相同的目標: 刪除 *\section 之前的換行符 但問題是,使用建議的解決方案時,節資訊不能在標頭中使用。有什麼方法可以刪除小節之前的換行符,同時保留標題的節資訊?我需要一個包含第一節和最後一節以及小節資訊的運行標題。
基本上我正在嘗試實現以下目標的組合: 部分之前沒有換行符,保留標題訊息
和這個: 標題中目前頁的章節和詩句
\usepackage[paperheight=8cm,paperwidth=7cm, margin=2cm]{geometry}
\textsection\thesection\markright{#1}~\textit{#1} %
%\chapter{zzz} omit this as page heading is open on chapter start pages by default
\section{Start} something about the beginning \section{This} and a bit more
\section{That} A longer section about something that has more than one paragraph.
It seems a bit odd to have a paragraph more distinguished than a section heading, so perhaps that is not needed. \section{Then} and sections will always be inline.
\section{Later} or at the start of a paragraph.
\section{Second Start} something about the beginning \section{Second This} and a bit more
\section{Second That} A longer section about something that has more than one paragraph.
It seems a bit odd to have a paragraph more distinguished than a section heading, so perhaps that is not needed. \section{Second Then} and sections will always be inline.
\section{Second Later} or at the start of a paragraph.
\section{Third} Is surprisingly different to the first two.