調整 \institute 部分中的文本

調整 \institute 部分中的文本

我正在使用 Beamer 海報格式。為了證明文本合理,我使用\usepackage{ragged2e}\justifying

Beamer 海報格式\institute {}\title和之後有一個部分\author。我正在使用這個特定的部分來儲存摘要,現在我打算證明相同的文字。但\justifying命令無法正常工作\institute {\justifying .... text ....}




由於您沒有提供最小的工作範例,因此我使用了在 Overleaf 上找到的範例。如果我的回答不能解決您的問題,請提供。



\title{Why don't people add a MWE?} 
\author{Paulinho van Duck} 
\institute{\parbox{.5\linewidth}{Duck fan club. Duck fan club was founded by Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda many years ago, and now it spreads all over the world. I have to add some more text to have an institute name with many lines, but I don't know what to write, so I'm writing some nonsense.}}

\justifying A minimal working example is always necessary!
A minimal working example is always necessary!
A minimal working example is always necessary!
A minimal working example is always necessary!
A minimal working example is always necessary!
A minimal working example is always necessary!
A minimal working example is always necessary!

