如何使用 `\everypar` 理由聲明?

如何使用 `\everypar` 理由聲明?

@David Purton評論於如何在不明智的情況下自動強制乳膠不調整文字?

在 TeX 中按主題 (eijkhout.net/texbytopic/texbytopic.html)有一個例子,如果段落中的行太少,則將它們弄亂。請參閱第 5.9.6 節。也許這種方法合適?




\newbox\linebox \newbox\snapbox
\setbox\linebox\lastbox % check the last line
\else % if it’s not empty
\unskip\unpenalty % take whatever is
{\eatlines} % above it;
% collapse the line
% depending on the difference
\box\snapbox % take the one or the other,
\else \box\linebox \fi



% proposal.tex
% Based on http://www.latextemplates.com/template/simple-sectioned-essay

\usepackage[a4paper, margin=2cm]{geometry}


\newbox\linebox \newbox\snapbox
\setbox\linebox\lastbox % check the last line
\else % if it’s not empty
\unskip\unpenalty % take whatever is
{\eatlines} % above it;
% collapse the line
% depending on the difference
\box\snapbox % take the one or the other,
\else \box\linebox \fi




    In typesetting advertisement copy, a way of justifying paragraphs has
    become popular in recent years that is somewhere between flushright
    and raggedright setting. Lines that would stretch beyond certain limits
    are set with their glue at natural width. This single paragraph is but an
    example of this procedure; the macros are given next.



此外,在文字中,他確實提到了it can be inserted automatically with \everypar。不過,我不明白如何使用\everypar.到目前為止我嘗試過這個:




    In typesetting advertisement copy, a way of justifying paragraphs has
    become popular in recent years that is somewhere between flushright
    and raggedright setting. Lines that would stretch beyond certain limits
    are set with their glue at natural width. This single paragraph is but an
    example of this procedure; the macros are given next.




接下來,是否有一種可靠/簡單的方法來將此文本對齊轉換應用於所有文本,而不是將每個段落都包含在某些內容上\everypar{ My paragraph 1 text } \n\n \everypar{ My paragraph 2 text }





    My paragraph 1, In typesetting advertisement copy, a way of justifying paragraphs has
    become popular in recent years that is somewhere between flushright


    My paragraph 2, and raggedright setting. Lines that would stretch beyond certain limits
    are set with their glue at natural width. This single paragraph is but an
    example of this procedure; the macros are given next.





My paragraph 1, In typesetting advertisement copy, a way of justifying paragraphs has
become popular in recent years that is somewhere between flushright

My paragraph 2, and raggedright setting. Lines that would stretch beyond certain limits
are set with their glue at natural width. This single paragraph is but an
example of this procedure; the macros are given next.








% \indent
% \vbox{

    In typesetting advertisement copy, a way of justifying paragraphs has
    become popular in recent years that is somewhere between flushright
    and raggedright setting. Lines that would stretch beyond certain limits
    are set with their glue at natural width. This single paragraph is but an
    example of this procedure; the macros are given next.

% \par\eatlines}



main2.tex:38: TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000]. [    I]

main2.tex:33: Missing { inserted. [\par=]
main2.tex:33: Missing { inserted. [\par=]
main2.tex:33: Missing { inserted. [\par=]
main2.tex:33: Missing { inserted. [\par=]
main2.tex:33: Missing { inserted. [\par=]
Too many errors. TeX stopped.


您必須在本機設定\everypar={}in,\vbox因為 in 的第一個字母\vbox開始下一段,因此\everypar將處理下一個。它打開一個新的\vbox\everypar處理新的,等等......永無止境的循環就在這裡。這會導致“TeX 容量”錯誤。


\newbox\linebox \newbox\snapbox
  \setbox\linebox\lastbox % check the last line
  \else % if it’s not empty
    \unskip\unpenalty % take whatever is
    {\eatlines} % above it;
       \box\snapbox % take the one or the other,
    \else \box\linebox \fi

\everypar={\setbox0=\lastbox \par 
   \vbox\bgroup \everypar={}\def\par{\endgraf\eatlines\egroup}}

    In typesetting advertisement copy, a way of justifying paragraphs has
    become popular in recent years that is somewhere between flushright
    and raggedright setting. Lines that would stretch beyond certain limits
    are set with their glue at natural width. This single paragraph is but an
    example of this procedure; the macros are given next.

    Second paragraph.


in從主垂直清單中\setbox0=\lastbox \par刪除\everypar空白行(\lastbox消耗縮排框並\par完成空白段落:沒有任何內容加入主垂直清單)。下一個材料\everypar打開\vbox並在本地重新定義\par以處理您的\eatlines並且\everypar={}由於上述原因在本地設定。
