參考章節中的 Paralist 項目

參考章節中的 Paralist 項目

我使用paralist'sasparaenum而不是小節。不過,有時候我想參考一個asparaenum項目。這是一個 MWE:

\chapter{The First}\label{1-0}
Some stuff
Important Stuff
Occasionally, I would like to refer to just the item Important Stuff in \Cref{1-1} \nameref{1-1} rather than to the whole section 1.


嘗試在項目後面添加標籤,例如然後\item\label{1-1-2}%2 Important Stuff引用它\ref{1-1-2}

摘自 \verb+paralist+ 包,第 6 頁:





\chapter{The First}\label{1-0}

Excerpt from \verb+paralist+ package, page 6:

As an example, we use \verb+asparaenum+ within this paragraph.
\item   Every \verb+\item+ is basically set as a separate paragraph. The second
line is not indented (this is a feature, not a bug).
\item   The next \verb+\item+ looks like this and is labeled.
The example was produced by the following piece of code:
\item Every \dots
\item The next \dots \label{pl1}
By saying \verb+\ref{pl1}+ we get \ref{pl1}.

The \verb+inparaenum+ environment formats an enumerated list within a paragraph, just like the one in the introduction.

The example in the introduction was set by the following commands:
\dots of an enumerated environment that
    \item can be used within paragraphs,
    \item takes care of enumeration and
    \item has items that can be referenced. \label{pl2}
Another posting mentioned ...
By saying \verb+\ref{pl2}+ we get c.


In your case:
\item   Some stuff
\item\label{item:1-1-2} Important Stuff
Occasionally, I would like to refer to just the item \emph{Important Stuff}, e.g \cref{item:1-1-2} in above list \dots

With use referencing some list item, you should be aware that when you do again like in the following case:
\item   Some stuff second time
\item\label{item:1-2-2} Important Stuff again
the  \emph{Important Stuff again} has the same \verb+\cref+ mark as before, but corect hyperlink, e.g \cref{item:1-2-2},


which work correctly  from any part of document, e.g see \cref{item:1-2-2} on the page \pageref{item:1-2-2}!






\crefname{aspar}{Important Item}{Important Items}
\Crefname{aspar}{Important Item}{Important Items}
\crefformat{aspar}{Important Item #1}
\newcommand{\labelasp}[1]{\label[aspar]{#1}} % a new command for custom referncing important items

哪裡aspar有新的標籤類型可供cleveref包裝識別。\labelasp是一個新指令,可用於識別重要項目。請注意,Important Item可以變更為您想要引入的任何名稱,但請確保正確設定複數和單數。



\crefname{aspar}{Important Item}{Important Items}
\Crefname{aspar}{Important Item}{Important Items}
\crefformat{aspar}{Important Item #1}
\newcommand{\labelasp}[1]{\label[aspar]{#1}} % a new command for custom referncing important items


\chapter{The First}\label{1-0}

\item Some stuff
\item \labelasp{imp1}
Important stuff 2
\item \labelasp{imp2}
Important stuff 3
\item \labelasp{imp3}
Important stuff 4


Now you can refer to \cref{imp1} in page \labelcpageref{imp1} or multiple \cref{imp2,,imp3,,imp1} in \cref{1-1}. 

