




所以問題是,與\clearpagevs.相比, vs.\newpage是否有類似的指令?tabular \???\\


下面介紹一個tabular new line 宏\tnl,它檢查後面是否\tnl使用了\@ifnextchar.由於\@ifnextchar在輸入流中留下了“peeked token”,所以連接的呼叫\tnl都被忽略,除了最後一個:





\begin{tabular}{ l }
  one \\ two
\begin{tabular}{ l }
  one \tnl two


\begin{tabular}[t]{ l }
  one \\ \\ two
\begin{tabular}[t]{ l }
  one \tnl \tnl two


\begin{tabular}[t]{ l }
  one \\ \\ \\ two
\begin{tabular}[t]{ l }
  one \tnl \tnl \tnl two





% My standard header for TeX.SX answers:
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} % To avoid confusion, let us explicitly 
                                 % declare the paper format.

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}         % Not always necessary, but recommended.
% End of standard header.  What follows pertains to the problem at hand.

\newcommand*{\ensureLineHasEnded}{\ifvmode \else \expandafter \\\fi}


    A one-column \texttt{tabular}, just for demo purposes.  \\
    It uses both vertical and horizontal rules (arrggh\ldots!).  \\
    But some of the \verb|\\|~commands are missing\ldots
    \ldots yet the horizontal rules are typeset normally.  \\*[6pt]
    The \verb|\ensureLineHasEnded| can take the same optional arguments\ldots
    \ldots as the \verb|\\|~command.
    Moreover, it works as expected when used at the end of the \texttt{tabular}.


編輯:飾演 大衛卡萊爾已評論\ifvmode如果使用 -type 列,則測試不起作用p,因為 TeX 在這些列中也處於垂直模式。請注意,更準確地說,TeX 是內部的垂直模式在p類型列內部和對齊線之間(教材,p。 282),因此補充\ifinner測試也無濟於事。確實有效的區別在簡單的情況下基於目前群組級別,可以透過 e-TeX 原語查詢\currentgrouplevel


% My standard header for TeX.SX answers:
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} % To avoid confusion, let us explicitly 
                                 % declare the paper format.

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}         % Not always necessary, but recommended.
% End of standard header.  What follows pertains to the problem at hand.


    \ifnum \currentgrouplevel>\@tabular@group@level
        % % Diagnostics:
        % \count@ \currentgrouplevel
        % \typeout{Inserting \protect\\ at line \number\inputlineno,
        %     since \number\count@\space > \number\@tabular@group@level}%
        \expandafter \\%
        \global \@tabular@group@level
            \numexpr \currentgrouplevel -\@ne \relax
        % % Diagnostics:
        % \typeout{\number\@tabular@group@level}




With \texttt{l}~columns:
        A one-column \texttt{tabular}, just for demo purposes.  \\%
        It uses both vertical and horizontal rules (arrggh\ldots!).  \\
        But some of the \verb|\\|~commands are missing\ldots
        % \typeout{\number\currentgrouplevel}%
        \ldots yet the horizontal rules are typeset normally.  \\*[6pt]
        The \verb|\ensureLineHasEnded| can take the same optional arguments\ldots
        \ldots as the \verb|\\|~command.  \\
        Moreover, it works as expected when used at the end of the \texttt{tabular}.


With \texttt{p}~columns:
        A one-column \texttt{tabular}, just for demo purposes.  \\%
        It uses both vertical and horizontal rules (arrggh\ldots!).  \\
        But some of the \verb|\\|~commands are missing\ldots
        % \typeout{\number\currentgrouplevel}%
        \ldots yet the horizontal rules are typeset normally.  \\*[6pt]
        The \verb|\ensureLineHasEnded| can take the same optional arguments\ldots
        \ldots as the \verb|\\|~command.  \\
        Moreover, it works as expected when used at the end of the \texttt{tabular}.




大多數情況下,您可以使用 TeX 原語\crcr來實現此目的。除非前面的命令是\crcr這樣的,否則它什麼都不做。\cr\cr

\\這就是 Latex 可以忽略最後一行末尾的a 的核心原因。

唯一的問題是,如果你用 then 結束前一行,就好像它是以而不是\crcr結束的,但在大多數情況下,這會導致相同的事情。\cr\\
