我正在用乳膠寫論文,我在參考書目部分遇到了標題問題。我使用 titlesec 套件作為標題,使用 biblatex 套件作為參考書目和文字後面出現的出版物清單。
這是我的問題的 MWE,出版物列表部分中的標題很好,但在參考書目和頁腳中添加了“參考文獻”,我找不到如何正確獲取它。
author = "Jane Doe",
title = "Matrix Computations",
edition = "4th Edition",
publisher = "The Johns Hopkins University Press",
address = "Baltimore, Maryland",
year = "2013",
Author = "John Doe",
Title = "Latex Minimal Working Ewample (MWE) First Edition",
Journal = "Great LateX Journal",
Year = "2017",
Number = "3",
Pages = "1-23",
Volume = {1},
Author = "John Doe",
Title = "First Latex Minimal Working Ewample (MWE) First Edition",
Journal = "Great LateX Journal",
Year = "2017",
Number = "3",
Pages = "1-23",
Volume = {1},
Author = "John Doe",
Title = "Previous Latex Minimal Working Ewample (MWE) First Edition",
Journal = "Great LateX Journal",
Year = "2017",
Number = "3",
Pages = "1-23",
Volume = {1},
Author = "John Doe",
Title = "Another Latex Minimal Working Ewample (MWE) First Edition",
Journal = "Great LateX Journal",
Year = "2017",
Number = "3",
Pages = "1-23",
Volume = {1},
Author = "John Doe",
Title = "Prequel to Latex Minimal Working Ewample (MWE) First Edition",
Journal = "Great LateX Journal",
Year = "2017",
Number = "3",
Pages = "1-23",
Volume = {1},
Author = "John Doe",
Title = "Prequel to prequel to Latex Minimal Working Ewample (MWE) First Edition",
Journal = "Great LateX Journal",
Year = "2017",
Number = "3",
Pages = "1-23",
Volume = {1},
Author = "John Doe",
Title = "Before Latex Minimal Working Ewample (MWE) First Edition",
Journal = "Great LateX Journal",
Year = "2017",
Number = "3",
Pages = "1-23",
Volume = {1},
Author = "John Doe",
Title = "Introduction to Latex Minimal Working Ewample (MWE) First Edition",
Journal = "Great LateX Journal",
Year = "2017",
Number = "3",
Pages = "1-23",
Volume = {1},
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順便說一句,您不必使用 empty \markboth{}{}