\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt, parskip]{scrreprt}
\KOMAoption{listof}{totoc}%adds \listoffigures and \listoftables to the toc
\KOMAoption{appendixprefix}{true}%i think its for colon at appendix toc
\RedeclareSectionCommand[beforeskip=0pt,%to have smaller spacing before chapter texts
\renewcommand{\autodot}{}% Remove all end-of-counter dots
\usepackage{scrhack}%\float@addtolists detected! Behebt die Warnung.
\usepackage{ucs}% Für den erweiterten utf8 Zeichensatz
\usepackage{lipsum}% Für \lipsum
\usepackage{tikz-timing}[2009/05/15]% Für Zeitablaufdiagramme http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/tikz-timing/
\usepackage{tikz}%drawing stuff
\usepackage[bwr]{callouts}%for simple drawings in pictures
\usepackage{url}% for pathnames
\usepackage{dirtree}%for directory trees
\usepackage{makecell}%To keep spacing of text in tables
\usepackage{colortbl}%coloring tables
% fonts, fonts fonts. see https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/43881/how-to-correctly-use-the-palatino-font-in-memoir
% Pagella (Palatino clone) font for text, pazo for math
\usepackage[sc]{mathpazo} % use mathpazo for math fonts.
\usepackage{tgpagella} % but use tgpagella as main font
\normalfont % we want to avoid annoying warnings
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{qpl}{m}{sl} { <-> ssub * qpl/m/it }{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{qpl}{b}{sl} { <-> ssub * qpl/b/it }{}
% heros (Helvetica clone) for sans serif
\usepackage{tgheros}% Serifenlose Schrift für Überschriften.
\usepackage{graphicx}%bilder einfügen
\usepackage{caption, booktabs}
\usepackage{color} %farben für listings
\subsection{X400/PortA/Relaisplatine 1}
Portextension 1: X400/PortA\\
Labeled with Number 1.
%\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{%resizing the whole table
\multicolumn{9}{|c|}{\gape{\Huge Relaisplatine}} \\
Relay Nr. & Part & Test-Id & \makecell[c]{Signal-Name \\for Testcases} & Conn. & Pin & \makecell[c]{Pin-\\Func.} & R Value & \makecell[c]{Influenced \\ Signal/Voltage } \\
0 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & RIO\_GPP\_VCORE & P2 & 3 & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & SIGN08116 \\
& & & & & 5 & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & GND \\
& & & & & 7 & N.C. & Open & Open \\
1 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & RIO\_ETH\_+1V2 & P2 & 9 & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & SIGN0818 \\
& & & & & 11 & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & GND \\
& & & & & 13 & N.C. & Open & Open \\
2 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & RIO\_CLOCK\_+3V3 & P2 & 15 & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & SIGN0817 \\
& & & & & 17 & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & GND \\
& & & & & & N.C. & Open & Open \\
3 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & RIO\_HICURR1 & P3 & PCB-Cable & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & RIO\_+3V3 \\
& & & & & PCB-Cable & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & GND \\
& & & & & & N.C. & Open & Open \\
4 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & RIO\_HICURR2 & P3 & PCB-Cable & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & RIO\_+3V3 \\
& & & & & PCB-Cable & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & GND \\
& & & & & 14 & N.C. & Open & Open \\
5 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & BAT\_LOW TBD & P2 & 16 & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & TBD \\
& & & & & 18 & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & \\
& & & & & 8 & N.C. & Open & Open \\
6 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & BAT\_EMPTY TBD & P2 & 10 & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & TBD \\
& & & & & 12 & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & \\
& & & & & 2 & N.C. & Open & Open \\
7 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & RIO\_DSP\_+3V3 & P2 & 4 & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & SIGN08150 \\
& & & & & 6 & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & Open \\
\caption{Verkabelung der ersten Relaisplatine an X400/PortA}
\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt, parskip]{scrreprt}
\KOMAoption{listof}{totoc}%adds \listoffigures and \listoftables to the toc
\KOMAoption{appendixprefix}{true}%i think its for colon at appendix toc
\RedeclareSectionCommand[beforeskip=0pt,%to have smaller spacing before chapter texts
\renewcommand{\autodot}{}% Remove all end-of-counter dots
\usepackage{scrhack}%\float@addtolists detected! Behebt die Warnung.
\usepackage{ucs}% Für den erweiterten utf8 Zeichensatz
\usepackage{lipsum}% Für \lipsum
\usepackage{tikz-timing}[2009/05/15]% Für Zeitablaufdiagramme http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/tikz-timing/
\usepackage{tikz}%drawing stuff
%\usepackage[bwr]{callouts}%for simple drawings in pictures
\usepackage{url}% for pathnames
\usepackage{dirtree}%for directory trees
\usepackage{makecell}%To keep spacing of text in tables
\usepackage{colortbl}%coloring tables
% fonts, fonts fonts. see https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/43881/how-to-correctly-use-the-palatino-font-in-memoir
% Pagella (Palatino clone) font for text, pazo for math
\usepackage[sc]{mathpazo} % use mathpazo for math fonts.
\usepackage{tgpagella} % but use tgpagella as main font
\normalfont % we want to avoid annoying warnings
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{qpl}{m}{sl} { <-> ssub * qpl/m/it }{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{qpl}{b}{sl} { <-> ssub * qpl/b/it }{}
% heros (Helvetica clone) for sans serif
\usepackage{tgheros}% Serifenlose Schrift für Überschriften.
\usepackage{graphicx}%bilder einfügen
\usepackage{caption, booktabs}
\usepackage{color} %farben für listings
\usepackage{changepage, lipsum}
\section{More stuff}
\subsection{X400/PortA/Relaisplatine 1}
Portextension 1: X400/PortA\\
Labeled with Number 1.
\centering\small % or try \footnotesize
\multicolumn{9}{|c|}{\gape{\Huge Relaisplatine}} \\
Relay Nr. & Part & Test-Id & \makecell[c]{Signal-Name \\for Testcases} & Conn. & Pin & \makecell[c]{Pin-\\Func.} & R Value & \makecell[c]{Influenced \\ Signal/Voltage } \\
0 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & RIO\_GPP\_VCORE & P2 & 3 & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & SIGN08116 \\
& & & & & 5 & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & GND \\
& & & & & 7 & N.C. & Open & Open \\
1 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & RIO\_ETH\_+1V2 & P2 & 9 & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & SIGN0818 \\
& & & & & 11 & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & GND \\
& & & & & 13 & N.C. & Open & Open \\
2 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & RIO\_CLOCK\_+3V3 & P2 & 15 & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & SIGN0817 \\
& & & & & 17 & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & GND \\
& & & & & & N.C. & Open & Open \\
3 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & RIO\_HICURR1 & P3 & PCB-Cable & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & RIO\_+3V3 \\
& & & & & PCB-Cable & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & GND \\
& & & & & & N.C. & Open & Open \\
4 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & RIO\_HICURR2 & P3 & PCB-Cable & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & RIO\_+3V3 \\
& & & & & PCB-Cable & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & GND \\
& & & & & 14 & N.C. & Open & Open \\
5 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & BAT\_LOW TBD & P2 & 16 & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & TBD \\
& & & & & 18 & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & \\
& & & & & 8 & N.C. & Open & Open \\
6 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & BAT\_EMPTY TBD & P2 & 10 & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & TBD \\
& & & & & 12 & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & \\
& & & & & 2 & N.C. & Open & Open \\
7 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & RIO\_DSP\_+3V3 & P2 & 4 & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & SIGN08150 \\
& & & & & 6 & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & Open \\
\caption{Verkabelung der ersten Relaisplatine an X400/PortA}
\subsection{Even more stuff}
Just to illustrate that the margins are now their old selves again. \lipsum[5]
使用 的值tabcolsep
:兩者都基於 tgpagella。color
\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt, parskip, table]{scrreprt}
\KOMAoption{listof}{totoc}%adds \listoffigures and \listoftables to the toc
\KOMAoption{appendixprefix}{true}%i think its for colon at appendix toc
\RedeclareSectionCommand[beforeskip=0pt,%to have smaller spacing before chapter texts
\renewcommand{\autodot}{}% Remove all end-of-counter dots
\usepackage{scrhack}%\float@addtolists detected! Behebt die Warnung.
\usepackage{ucs}% Für den erweiterten utf8 Zeichensatz
\usepackage{lipsum}% Für \lipsum
\usepackage{tikz-timing}[2009/05/15]% Für Zeitablaufdiagramme http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/tikz-timing/
\usepackage{tikz}%drawing stuff
\usepackage[bwr]{callouts}%for simple drawings in pictures
\usepackage{url}% for pathnames
\usepackage{dirtree}%for directory trees
\usepackage{makecell}%To keep spacing of text in tables
\usepackage{xcolor}%farben für listings
% fonts, fonts fonts. see https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/43881/how-to-correctly-use-the-palatino-font-in-memoir
% Pagella (Palatino clone) font for text, pazo for math
\usepackage[sc]{mathpazo} % use mathpazo for math fonts.
\usepackage{tgpagella} % but use tgpagella as main font
\normalfont % we want to avoid annoying warnings
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{qpl}{m}{sl} { <-> ssub * qpl/m/it }{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{qpl}{b}{sl} { <-> ssub * qpl/b/it }{}
% heros (Helvetica clone) for sans serif
\usepackage{tgheros}% Serifenlose Schrift für Überschriften.
\usepackage{graphicx}%bilder einfügen
\usepackage{caption, booktabs}
\subsection{X400/PortA/Relaisplatine 1}
Portextension 1: X400/PortA\\
Labeled with Number 1.
\multicolumn{9}{|c|}{\gape{\Huge Relaisplatine}} \\
\makecell{Relay\\ Nr.} & Part & Test-Id & \makecell[c]{Signal-Name \\for Testcases} & Conn. & Pin & \makecell[c]{Pin-\\Func.} & R Value & \makecell[c]{Influenced \\ Signal/Voltage } \\
\multirowcell{2}{0} & \multirowcell{2}{RIO} & \multirowcell{2}{RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR} & \multirowcell{2}{RIO\_GPP\_VCORE} & \multirowcell{2}{P2} & 3 & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & SIGN08116 \\
& & & & & 5 & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & GND \\
& & & & & 7 & N.C. & Open & Open \\
1 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & RIO\_ETH\_+1V2 & P2 & 9 & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & SIGN0818 \\
& & & & & 11 & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & GND \\
& & & & & 13 & N.C. & Open & Open \\
2 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & RIO\_CLOCK\_+3V3 & P2 & 15 & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & SIGN0817 \\
& & & & & 17 & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & GND \\
& & & & & & N.C. & Open & Open \\
3 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & RIO\_HICURR1 & P3 & PCB-Cable & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & RIO\_+3V3 \\
& & & & & PCB-Cable & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & GND \\
& & & & & & N.C. & Open & Open \\
4 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & RIO\_HICURR2 & P3 & PCB-Cable & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & RIO\_+3V3 \\
& & & & & PCB-Cable & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & GND \\
& & & & & 14 & N.C. & Open & Open \\
5 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & BAT\_LOW TBD & P2 & 16 & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & TBD \\
& & & & & 18 & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & \\
& & & & & 8 & N.C. & Open & Open \\
6 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & BAT\_EMPTY TBD & P2 & 10 & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & TBD \\
& & & & & 12 & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & \\
& & & & & 2 & N.C. & Open & Open \\
7 & RIO & RIO\_VOLT\_SDAR & RIO\_DSP\_+3V3 & P2 & 4 & COM & 0 $\Omega$ & SIGN08150 \\
& & & & & 6 & N.O. & 0 $\Omega$ & Open \\
\caption{Verkabelung der ersten Relaisplatine an X400/PortA}