

我有大量數據——大約 3000 到 4000 萬個數據項。我們需要處理這些文件並發送給另一個介面團隊。


c1  c2  c3  c4  c5  c6
A   B   C   D   5   s
A   B   C   D   4   s
A   B   E   F   5   s
A   B   E   F   8   S
C   D   E   F   9   S

我需要在輸出檔中列印所有列。由於這與 GPRS 使用有關,因此我們需要分組c1 - c4然後如果一切都匹配,我們需要總結c5,並列印輸出文件中的所有內容。


c1  c2  c3  c4  c5  c6
A   B   C   D   9   s
A   B   E   F   13  s
C   D   E   F   9   s

我還聽說這個工作流程在 Perl 中比在 Unix 腳本中運行得快得多。



$ perl -alne '
    (print && next) if $. == 1;   
    $h{"@F[0..3]"}{s} += $F[4];
    $h{"@F[0..3]"}{t}  = $F[5];
    END {
        for (keys %h) {
            printf "%-4s%-4s%-4s%-4s%-4s%-4s",split(" ",$_),$h{$_}{s},$h{$_}{t};                        
            printf "\n";
    }' file
c1  c2  c3  c4  c5  c6
A   B   E   F   13  S   
A   B   C   D   9   s   
C   D   E   F   9   S


關於工具的選擇:通常,工具越專業,速度就越快。因此,涉及tr, cut,等的grep管道往往比, ,更快。但這當然也很大程度取決於任務。如果您讀到 Perl 更快,那麼您可能誤讀了,或者比較是針對一次處理一行的 shell 循環(對於具有數百萬行的文件來說,這肯定會很慢)。sortsedawkperlpythonruby

如果您的輸入採用要合併的行是連續的形式,那麼 awk 是一個不錯的選擇(在 sed 中沒有執行新增的合理方法)。

awk -v OFS='\t' '                      # use tabs to separate output fields
    NR==1 {print; next}                # keep the first line intact
    function flush () {                # function to print a completed sum
        if (key != "") print previous, sum, more;
    {key = $1 OFS $2 OFS $3 OFS $4}    # break out the comparison key
    key!=previous {flush()}            # if the comparison key has changed, print the accumulated sum
    {previous=key; sum+=$5; more=$6}   # save the current line
    END {flush()}                      # print the last 


sort | awk …

這假設您的列分隔符號是一致的,例如始終是製表符。如果不是,請對輸入進行預處理以使它們成為這樣,或用於sort -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4比較這些特定欄位而不考慮分隔符號。



perl -ane '$h{"@F[0 .. 3]"} += $F[4] }{ print "$_ $h{$_}\n" for keys %h' input-file




$ perl -lane 'if($.>1){$k{"@F[0..3]"}{sum}+=$F[4]; $k{"@F[0..3]"}{last}=$F[5]}
              else{print "@F"}
                foreach (keys(%k)){ print "$_ $k{$_}{sum} $k{$_}{last}"}
              }' file
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6
C D E F 9 S
A B E F 13 S
A B C D 9 s



  • perl -lane-l從每個字串末尾刪除換行符並將其添加到每個print語句中。將a每個輸入行拆分為空格上的字段,並將這些字段保存在數組中@Fn辦法逐行讀取輸入檔並套用以下給出的腳本-e


#!/usr/bin/env perl

## This is the equivalent of perl -ne
## in the one-liner. It iterates through
## the input file.
while (<>) {
    ## This is what the -a flag does
    my @F=split(/\s+/);
    ## $. is the current line number.
    ## This simply tests whether we are on the
    ## first line or not.
    if ($.>1) {
    ## @F[0..3] is an array slice. It holds fields 1 through 4.
    ## The slice is used as a key for the hash %k and the 5th
    ## field is summed to $k{slice}{sum} while the last column is 
    ## saved as $k{slice}{last}.
    $k{"@F[0..3]"}{sum}+=$F[4]; $k{"@F[0..3]"}{last}=$F[5];

    ## If this is the first line, print the fields.
    ## I am using print "@F" instead of a simple print 
    ## so that all lines are formatted in the same way.
    else {
    print "@F\n";

## This is the same as the END{} block
## in the one liner. It will be run after
## the whole file has been read.

## For each of the keys of the hash %k
foreach (keys(%k)){ 
    ## Print the key ($_, a special variable in Perl),
    ## the value of $k{$key}{sum} (the summed values),
    ## and the last column.
    print "$_ $k{$_}{sum} $k{$_}{last}\n"

