openSuse、linux、chmod 更改連結的權限

openSuse、linux、chmod 更改連結的權限


linux-gn77:~ # ls -l /usr/bin/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root dev 31 May  3 20:33 /usr/bin/ -> /usr/lib   /tomcat7/bin/
linux-gn77:~ # chmod 770 /usr/bin/
linux-gn77:~ # ls -l /usr/bin/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root dev 31 May  3 20:33 /usr/bin/ -> /usr/lib/tomcat7/bin/
linux-gn77:~ # chmod o=r /usr/bin/
linux-gn77:~ # ls -l /usr/bin/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root dev 31 May  3 20:33 /usr/bin/ -> /usr/lib/tomcat7/bin/
linux-gn77:~ # chmod o-r /usr/bin/
linux-gn77:~ # ls -l /usr/bin/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root dev 31 May  3 20:33 /usr/bin/ -> /usr/lib/tomcat7/bin/



您無法變更連結的權限。您將需要更改目標的權限。這記錄在man 2 symlink

   The permissions of a symbolic link are  irrelevant;  the  ownership  is
   ignored  when following the link, but is checked when removal or renam‐
   ing of the link is requested and the link is in a  directory  with  the
   sticky bit (S_ISVTX) set.


 chmod 770 /usr/lib/tomcat7/bin/
