我正在嘗試使用 data.txt 作為 CSV 值來編譯以下程式碼。關鍵是它在文本中完美工作,但嘗試在獨立模式下這樣做會導致 TexStudio 停止。另外,cmd 會中斷並顯示程式碼後顯示的輸出
% The following inclusions are required for the LaTeX drawing environment Tikz
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, calc, external}
\addplot+[mark = none, solid, black] table [x=theta, y=h0, col sep=comma] {RP_16_50.txt};
\addplot+[mark = none, dotted, black] table [x=theta, y=h1, col sep=comma] {RP_16_50.txt};
\addlegendentry{$f_0 + f_B$};
\addplot+[mark = none, dashed, black] table [x=theta, y=h_1, col sep=comma] {RP_16_50.txt};
\addlegendentry{$f_0 - f_B$};
Output written on TRY_FIELD.pdf (1 page, 21585 bytes).SyncTeX: Can't rename TRY_FIELD.synctex.gz(busy) to TRY_FIELD.synctex.gz
Transcript written on TRY_FIELD.log.