Multibib 未能在附錄中顯示第二個參考書目

Multibib 未能在附錄中顯示第二個參考書目



First paper to cite: \cite{X1}


Cite a paper in the appendix \citeapndx{X2}




更新 1 即使我運行 bibtex 檔案兩次也會發生這種情況。這是log文件:

Process started: /Library/TeX/texbin/bibtex "prova".aux

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2016)
The top-level auxiliary file: prova.aux
The style file: plain.bst
Database file #1: myrefs.bib

Process exited normally 

Process started: /Library/TeX/texbin/bibtex "prova".aux

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2016)
The top-level auxiliary file: prova.aux
The style file: plain.bst
Database file #1: myrefs.bib

Process exited normally

更新2:我認為問題是我的TexStudio沒有運行sec.aux產生第二個參考書目連結的檔案。我按照此連結的步驟操作並創建了一個.cwl並將其添加到 TexStudio Completion 但它仍然不起作用。


在兩個multibib新文件和mwe.tex.這兩個文件都需要使用. TeXStudio 使用for file進行運行,因為您需要自己完成。只需在 Windows 終端機中執行該命令即可。之後,您可以使用 TeXStudio 編譯兩次以獲得最終的 PDF。pdflatexmwe.auxapndx.aux.auxbibtexbibtexmwe.auxapndx.auxbibtex apndx

要讓命令\citeapndx在圖的標題中運行(您在評論中的問題),您需要使用\protect類似的命令(與 a 相同\section):

  \caption{In figure caption \protect\citeapndx{Johnson2000}}
 %                           ^^^^^^^^

因此,使用以下檔案mwe.tex(套件filecontents僅用於在一個編譯 MWE 中同時包含 bib 檔案和 tex 程式碼):

% needs:  bibtex apndx
  author    = {Creighton, Oliver and Ott, Martin and Bruegge, Bernd},
  booktitle = {Requirements Engineering, 14th IEEE International Conference},
  isbn      = {0769525555},
  pages     = {109--118},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  title     = {{Software cinema-video-based requirements engineering}},
  url       = {{\_}all.jsp?arnumber=1704054},
  year      = {2006},
  author  = {Johnson, W Lewis and Rickel, Jeff W and Lester, James C},
  journal = {International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education},
  number  = {11},
  pages   = {47--78},
  title   = {{Animated pedagogical agents: face-to-face interaction in 
              interactive learning environments}},
  volume  = {Internatio},
  year    = {2000},



\newcites{apndx}{References in Appendix}


First paper to cite: \cite{Creighton2006}


Cite a paper in the appendix \citeapndx{Johnson2000}

%\section{In the appendix \protect\citeapndx{Johnson2000}} % <===========
  \caption{In figure caption \protect\citeapndx{Johnson2000}} % <=======



和編譯鏈(獨立於 TeXStudio):

  • 按 Windows 開始鍵在 Windows 中開啟終端機窗口,R然後鍵入cmd,按 Enter
  • 移動到你有 tex 程式碼和 bib 檔案的目錄cd <directory path>
  • 運行命令pdflatex mwe(產生兩個所需的.aux檔案)
  • 運行命令bibtex mwe (編譯mwe.aux
  • 運行命令bibtex apndx(編譯apndx.aux
  • 運行命令pdflatex mwe(生成文件*.bbl*.blg
  • 運行命令pdflatex mwe(產生帶有pdf參考書目的檔案)

如果您使用編輯器(TeXStudio、TeXnicCenter...),則編輯器可以為您運行pdflatex mwebibtex mwe,但不能運行 bibtex apndx.因此,在 Windows 終端機中使用 TeXStudio 進行第一次編譯運行後執行此命令...

運行編譯鏈後,您將得到以下結果 pdf:

