tikz 中的分支定界樹

tikz 中的分支定界樹

我正在嘗試創建一棵樹,顯示 tikz 中整數規劃問題的分支定界過程。我成功地按照我想要的方式創建了第一層的樹,但是乳膠無法編譯第二層的樹,而且我不確定我的程式碼優化得很差,因為這是我可以弄清楚如何進行的唯一方法這樣做,而凌亂的程式碼意味著很難找出我哪裡出錯了。



\usetikzlibrary{calc, shapes}

scale = 1.5, transform shape, thick,
tree node/.style = {align=center, inner sep=0pt, text centered, font = 
S/.style = {draw, circle, minimum size = 8mm, top color=white, bottom 
grow = down,  % alignment of characters
level 1/.style = {sibling distance=3cm},
level 2/.style = {sibling distance=4cm}, 
level 3/.style = {sibling distance=2cm}, 
level distance = 1.25cm]

\node [S, label={[font = \scriptsize]10:950}, label={[font = 
\scriptsize]170:1055.56}] {$S$}
    child{node [S, label={[font = \scriptsize]10:950}, label={[font = 
    \scriptsize]170:1000}] {$S_1$}edge from parent node[above left, font = 
    \scriptsize] {$x \leq 5$}}
    child{node [S, label={[font = \scriptsize]10:950}, label={[font = 
    {$S_2$} edge from parent node[above right, font = \scriptsize] {$x \geq 


\usetikzlibrary{calc, shapes}


    scale = 1.5, transform shape, thick,
    tree node/.style = {align=center, inner sep=0pt, text centered, font = 
    S/.style = {draw, circle, minimum size = 8mm, top color=white, bottom 
    grow = down,  % alignment of characters
    level 1/.style = {sibling distance=3cm},
    level 2/.style = {sibling distance=4cm}, 
    level 3/.style = {sibling distance=2cm}, 
    level distance = 1.25cm]
\node [S, label={[font = \scriptsize]10:950}, label={[font = 
\scriptsize]170:1055.56}] {$S$}
    child{node [S, label={[font = \scriptsize]10:950}, label={[font = 
    \scriptsize]170:1000}] {$S_1$} edge from parent node[above left, font = 
    \scriptsize] {$x \leq 5$}}
    child{node [S, label={[font = \scriptsize]10:950}, label={[font = 
    {$S_2$} edge from parent node[above right, font = \scriptsize] {$x 
    \geq 6$}
        child{node [S, label={[font = \scriptsize]10:950}, label={[font 
             = \scriptsize]170:1033}]
            {$S_2,1$} edge from parent node[above right, font = \scriptsize] 
            {$x \leq 1$}
        child{node [S, label={[font = \scriptsize]10:950}, label={[font 
             = \scriptsize]170:1033}]
            {$S_2,2$} edge from parent node[above right, font = \scriptsize] 
            {$x \geq 2$}};






就 Forest 而言,該套件還將為您完成大量佈局工作,儘管標籤不是以這種方式處理的,因此這種特殊的優勢對於這種特殊類型的樹木可能沒有多大好處。

branch and bound下面是一個定義Forest 樣式的範例。當應用於樹時,會發生以下情況:

  • tree nodeSthick應用於樹中的所有節點,並且內容以數學模式設定;

  • 邊緣也是thick

  • 樹上增加了一些空間,以分隔分支和層次;

  • 解析樹後,每個節點的內容在每個冒號處分割:<left label>:<node content>:<right label>:<edge label>;

    • 第一個冒號之前的部分成為左標籤(位於170)。下一部分設定為主節點內容(tree node在數學模式下使用 、 等)。第三部分設定為右側標籤(位於10)。最後一部分成為分支上的標籤:中點左側為左側分支,右側為右側分支。
  • 邊緣標籤的內容可以設定為文字模式(text branch labels)或數學模式(maths branch labels);

    • 可以使用以下之一來添加前綴和後綴

      • set branch labels={<left branch prefix>}{<left branch suffix>}{<right branch prefix>}{<right branch suffix>}

      • set maths branch labels={<left branch prefix>}{<left branch suffix>}{<right branch prefix>}{<right branch suffix>}

      • set text branch labels={<left branch prefix>}{<left branch suffix>}{<right branch prefix>}{<right branch suffix>}

  • 樹的每片葉子下方都畫有一條水平線。


  branch and bound,
  where level=1{
    set branch labels={x\leq}{}{x\geq}{},
    if level=2{
      set branch labels={}{\geq y}{}{\leq y},





  tree node/.style = {align=center, inner sep=0pt, font = \scriptsize},
  S/.style = {draw, circle, minimum size = 8mm, top color=white, bottom color=blue!20},
  tree node label/.style={font=\scriptsize},
  declare toks={left branch prefix}{},
  declare toks={right branch prefix}{},
  declare toks={left branch suffix}{},
  declare toks={right branch suffix}{},
  tree node left label/.style={
  tree node right label/.style={
  maths branch labels/.style={
    branch label/.style={
      if n=1{
        edge label={node [left, midway] {$\forestoption{left branch prefix}##1\forestoption{left branch suffix}$}},
        edge label={node [right, midway] {$\forestoption{right branch prefix}##1\forestoption{right branch suffix}$}},
  text branch labels/.style={
    branch label/.style={
      if n=1{
        edge label={node [left, midway] {\foresteoption{left branch prefix}##1\forestoption{left branch suffix}}},
        edge label={node [right, midway] {\forestoption{right branch prefix}##1\forestoption{right branch suffix}}},
  text branch labels,
  set branch labels/.style n args=4{%
    left branch prefix={#1},
    left branch suffix={#2},
    right branch prefix={#3},
    right branch suffix={#4},
  set maths branch labels/.style n args=4{
    maths branch labels,
    set branch labels={#1}{#2}{#3}{#4},
  set text branch labels/.style n args=4{
    text branch labels,
    set branch labels={#1}{#2}{#3}{#4},
  branch and bound/.style={
    /tikz/every label/.append style=tree node label,
    maths branch labels,
    for tree={
      tree node,
      math content,
      s sep'+=20mm,
      l sep'+=5mm,
    before typesetting nodes={
      for tree={
        split option={content}{:}{tree node left label,content,tree node right label,branch label},
    where n children=0{
        \draw [thick]  ([yshift=-10pt, xshift=-2.5pt].south west) -- ([yshift=-10pt, xshift=2.5pt].south east);
  branch and bound,
  where level=1{
    set branch labels={x\leq}{}{x\geq}{},
    if level=2{
      set branch labels={}{\geq y}{}{\leq y},


  • }你的mwe中第二個程式碼的錯誤在mising之後有來源edge from parent node
  • 解決方案與tikz
  • 透過為節點和邊緣標籤定義新樣式,您的程式碼會清理並變得更短
  • 將問題中的兩棵樹合併為一棵(類似於CFR在他的回答中)mwe 變成:

\usetikzlibrary{calc, shapes}

         tree node/.style = {align=center, inner sep=0pt, font = \scriptsize},
every label/.append style = {font=\scriptsize},
                 S/.style = {draw, circle, minimum size = 11mm, inner sep=0pt,
                             top color=white, bottom color=blue!20},
               ENL/.style = {% edge node left
                             font=\footnotesize, left=1pt},
               ENR/.style = {% edge node right
                             font=\footnotesize, right=1pt},
                     grow = down,
         sibling distance = 2.8cm,
           level distance = 3cm
    \newcommand\LB{% Lower bound
                    \tikz\draw[very thick] (-0.5,0) -- + (1,0);}

\node [S, label=10:950, label=170:1055.56] {$S$}
    child{node [S, label=10:950, label=170:1000, label=below:\LB] {$S_1$}
        edge from parent node[ENL] {$x \leq 5$}}
    child{node [S, label=10:950, label=170:1033] {$S_2$}
        child{node [S, label=10:950, label=170:1033, label=below:\LB] {$S_2,1$}
            edge from parent node[ENL] {$x \geq 6$}}
        child{node [S, label=10:950, label=170:1033, label=below:\LB] {$S_2,2$}
            edge from parent node[ENR] {$x \leq 1$}}
        edge from parent node[ENR] {$x \geq 6$}

