如何交換 biblatex-philosophy 中的參考書目欄位?

如何交換 biblatex-philosophy 中的參考書目欄位?

在我以前尋求將請求的參考書目風格與 相匹配時biblatex,我想知道如何交換 中的“版本”和“編輯器”字段biblatex-philosophy

這是我需要的格式: 目標


\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{scrartcl}

% Bibliography preamble
\usepackage[giveninits=true, style=philosophy-modern]{biblatex}  

% Some tweaks I've already made
\DeclareFieldFormat{postnote}{#1}% no postnote prefix in "normal" citation commands
\DeclareFieldFormat{multipostnote}{#1}% no postnote prefix in "multicite" commands
\DeclareFieldFormat{pages}{#1}% no prefix for the `pages` field in the bibliography

\DeclareFieldFormat[article]{title}{#1} % Remove quotations from Article title
\setlength{\yeartitle}{5.4em} % Set greater spacing between the year and the title
\setlength{\postnamesep}{2.5ex plus 2pt minus 1pt}

Sentence containing citation \parencite{auerbach2003}.



        Author = {Auerbach, Erich},
        Publisher = {Princeton University Press},
        Title = {Mimesis: the representation of reality in Western literature},
        date = {2003},
        Editor = {Trask, Willard R.},
        editortype = {translator},
        Location = {Princeton},
        edition = {2nd ed.}}





biblatex僅用幾行程式碼來更改欄位順序並不總是那麼簡單。這是由於biblatex的參考書目處理結構造成的。biblatex每個條目類型都有一個“驅動程式”,用於定義以什麼順序列印哪些欄位。然而,這些驅動程式並不總是\printfield直接調用,它們通常調用輔助 bibmacros 來進行列印。

@bookfrom 的驅動程式philosophy-standard.bbx為例


您可以看到有些欄位是直接列印的 ( \printfield{edition}),而許多其他內容是由 bibmacro ( \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}) 列印的。

如果幸運的話,有一個相當短的 bibmacro 可以列印您想要交換的兩個欄位。然後更改欄位的順序就像重新定義該 bibmacro 一樣簡單。例如,如果您想更改publisherlocation和的順序date,您只需重新定義即可publisher+location+date。通常,所有條目類型都會使用這些宏,因此您甚至不必擔心這一點。

但是,如果您想交換特定驅動程式中不同巨集列印的兩個字段,那麼您實際上必須重寫該驅動程式。您可以複製驅動程式定義並簡單地重新排列欄位。這可能很煩人,並且會導致您的序言很快就被許多行程式碼填滿,因為您的 bibdriver 的平均長度約為 40 到 50 行。您將必須修改所有受影響的驅動程式。


  {\typeout{failed to remove edition from driver for 'book'}}


  {\typeout{failed to add edition to bibmacro 'book'}}

結構上類似的補丁也必須應用於其他驅動程式和 bibmacros。



\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{scrartcl}

% Bibliography preamble
\usepackage[giveninits=true, style=philosophy-modern]{biblatex}  

  Author = {Auerbach, Erich},
  Publisher = {Princeton University Press},
  Title = {Mimesis: the representation of reality in Western literature},
  date = {2003},
  Editor = {Trask, Willard R.},
  editortype = {translator},
  Location = {Princeton},
  edition = {2}}

% Some tweaks I've already made
\DeclareFieldFormat{postnote}{#1}% no postnote prefix in "normal" citation commands
\DeclareFieldFormat{multipostnote}{#1}% no postnote prefix in "multicite" commands
\DeclareFieldFormat{pages}{#1}% no prefix for the `pages` field in the bibliography

\DeclareFieldFormat[article]{title}{#1} % Remove quotations from Article title
\setlength{\yeartitle}{5.4em} % Set greater spacing between the year and the title
\setlength{\postnamesep}{2.5ex plus 2pt minus 1pt}

    {\typeout{failed to remove edition from driver for '#1'}}}
    {\typeout{failed to remove edition from bibmacro '#1'}}}

    {\typeout{failed to add edition to driver for '#1'}}}

    {\typeout{failed to add edition to bibmacro '#1'}}}

  {\typeout{failed to add edition to bibmacro '#1'}}

Sentence containing citation \parencite{nietzsche:ksa,companion,auerbach2003}.


