

根據pgfplots手冊(第 4.9.5 節),every legend image post可用於繪製「線圖,並在其上繪製選定的標記」。在該部分中,他們提供了單一圖 + 標記的範例。然而,當我嘗試將他們的範例擴展到具有兩個圖+標記的圖形時,我在圖例中得到了錯誤的標記類型。

在下面的 MWE 中,我希望「第二拋物線」的圖例顯示正方形而不是圓形。如何讓正確的標記顯示在圖例中?


  \begin{axis}[legend image post style={mark=*}]
    \addplot+[only marks,forget plot] coordinates {(0.5,0.75) (1,1) (1.5,0.75)};
    \addplot+[mark=none,smooth,domain=0:2] {-x*(x-2)};

    \addplot+[only marks,forget plot] coordinates {(0.5,1.75) (1,2) (1.5,1.75)};
    \addplot+[mark=none,smooth,domain=0:2] {-x*(x-2)+1};
    \addlegendentry{2nd Parabola}

MWE 在「第二拋物線」圖例中顯示錯誤的標記類型


正如OP已經在在問題下方評論可以添加legend image post style={mark=<correct mark>}到“每個”\addplot命令,但會相當冗長。為了縮短這一點,建立帶有參數的自訂樣式會更容易,我在第一個/左邊的解決方案中展示了這一點。

另一種選擇是先添加一些具有正確樣式的虛擬圖,但是當您想讓它以幾乎全自動的方式工作時,這要求您嚴格cycle list按照給定的順序使用成員。這顯示在下/右解決方案中。


% used PGFPlots v1.16
        % create a cycle list to show that this is a general solution
        cycle multiindex list={
            [3 of]mark list\nextlist
        % create a style for the "mark" `\addplot`s
        my mark style/.style={
            only marks,
            forget plot,
        % create a style for the "line" `\addplot`s
        my line style/.style={
            legend image post style={
                % add a parameter here so this can be used to provide the
                % right `mark` (which is shorter than providing the whole key--value)
        % give a default value to the style (in case no argument is given)
        my line style/.default=o,
        % create another style to add the dummy legend entries
        add dummy plots for legend/.style={
            execute at begin axis={
                % add the number of dummy plots for the legend outside the visible area ...
                \foreach \i in {1,...,\LegendEntries} {
                    \addplot coordinates {(0,-1)};
                % ... and shift the cycle list index back to 1
                \pgfplotsset{cycle list shift=-\LegendEntries}
% semi automatic solution where still the right `mark` has to be provided
        % (I moved the common `\addplot` options here)
        % (the `\vphantom` is just to make both `title`s appear on the same baseline)
        title={Semi automatic solution\vphantom{y}},
        % use/apply the above created styles
        \addplot+ [my mark style] coordinates {(0.5,0.75) (1,1) (1.5,0.75)};
        \addplot+ [my line style=*] {-x*(x-2)};

        \addplot+ [my mark style] coordinates {(0.5,1.75) (1,2) (1.5,1.75)};
        \addplot+ [my line style=square*] {-x*(x-2)+1};
            \addlegendentry{2nd Parabola}
% Almost fully automatic solution where a number of dummy plots has to be given
% to create the required legend.
% An requirement to make this work is that you strictly use a `cycle list`!
        % set here the number of legend entries you want to show
        % because we need to add the dummy plots somewhere outside the visible
        % area we need to set at least one limit explicitly ...
        % ... and also apply the default enlargement
        enlarge y limits=0.1,
        title={Almost fully automatic solution},
        % the style names says everything already ;)
        add dummy plots for legend,

        % just add the plots (using the styles)
        \addplot+ [my mark style] coordinates {(0.5,0.75) (1,1) (1.5,0.75)};
        \addplot+ [my line style] {-x*(x-2)};

        \addplot+ [my mark style] coordinates {(0.5,1.75) (1,2) (1.5,1.75)};
        \addplot+ [my line style] {-x*(x-2)+1};

        % (I prefer adding legend entries here because it is much easier than
        %  stating them at "every" `\addplot` command)
            2nd Parabola,

