當我避開行尾的空格時。我希望每行的最後一個單字能夠觸及小頁的邊緣,但不要超過它。每一行必須保持原樣,不應刪除或包含單詞,也不應更改兩行之間的單字。我無法使用 \ spaceskip 單獨重新排列每一行。每行的第一個單字應接觸迷你頁的右邊緣,如下圖所示。最後單字的分佈應該是一致的。只要該單字保留在文字中,只有一個單字的行就不是問題。我想知道一個全域的解決方案,像是樣式、套件、指令等。
\spaceskip=1.78\fontdimen2\font plus 1.2\fontdimen3\font minus 1.2\fontdimen4\font
Deep down, I know I do \\
great work! I literally \\
study every single day, \\
and I work on huge projects at work. I've been in \\
the field for over 15 years. I work with \\
and even challenge some of the \\
best developers.
嗨@leandriis,這裡是使用 \makebox[\linewidth][s] 的程式碼:
\spaceskip=1.78\fontdimen2\font plus 1.2\fontdimen3\font minus 1.2\fontdimen4\font
\makebox[\linewidth][s]{Deep down, I know I do} \\
\makebox[\linewidth][s]{great work! I literally} \\
\makebox[\linewidth][s]{study every single day,} \\
\makebox[\linewidth][s]{and I work on huge projects at work. I've been in} \\
\makebox[\linewidth][s]{the field for over 15 years. I work with} \\
\makebox[\linewidth][s]{and even challenge some of the} \\
\makebox[\linewidth][s]{best developers.}
Deep down, I know I do\linebreak
great work! I literally\linebreak
study every single day,\linebreak
and I work on huge projects at work. I've been in\linebreak
the field for over 15 years. I work with\linebreak
and even challenge some of the\linebreak
best developers.