

我過去常常snotez寫頁邊註釋,除非我使用 I use 命令,否則它效果很好\chapter。如果我使用它,編輯器(TeXStudio)會透過指向文件行的末尾來拋出錯誤,並顯示「未定義的控制序列」。\end{document}'。它還顯示一條警告訊息“標籤可能已更改”。重新運行以獲得正確的交叉引用。


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\paragraph{Page with larger right margin}
This \sidenote{note without determining \texttt{voffset}}  paper proposes an improved  single-diode modeling approach for PV modules suitable for a broad range of the PV technologies available today, including modules \sidenote[\baselineskip][]{note with determining \texttt{voffset}} on tandem cell structures. After establishing the model (which has an overall of seven parameters), the paper devises a methodology to estimate its parameters  using Standard Test Conditions (STC) data, Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT) data, and temperature coefficients values as provided in most manufacturers' datasheets. Simulation results and their comparison \marginnote{Right margin notes work well} with a previous work show a very accurate prediction of critical points in the current-voltage characteristics curve. \sidenoteInstructor{instructor side note} The precise prediction happens for both STC and NOCT conditions and the error in predicting maximum \sidenoteInstructor{instructor side note} power point lies \sidenoteInstructor[2\baselineskip]{instructor side note} within $1\%$ limit, and the error in its corresponding voltage and current is almost always within $2\%$ limit. Further, for both maximum power point and open-circuit voltage, the statistical variance
around manufacturer measurements
\sidenote{\begin{mdframed}[style=\frameSideNote, frametitle=My title]
        My Note
due to temperature changes is demonstrated to be low for five various module technologies.

\paragraph{Page with larger right margin}
This paper proposes an improved single-diode modeling approach for PV modules suitable for a broad range of the PV technologies available today, including modules on tandem cell structures. After establishing the model (which has an overall of seven parameters), the paper devises a methodology to estimate its parameters using Standard Test Conditions (STC) data, Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT) data, \marginnote{Right margin notes work well} and temperature coefficients values as provided in most manufacturers' datasheets. Simulation results and their comparison with a previous work show a very accurate prediction of critical points in the current-voltage characteristics curve. The precise prediction happens for both STC and NOCT conditions and the error in predicting maximum power point lies within $1\%$ limit, and the error in its corresponding voltage and current is almost always within $2\%$ limit. Further, for both maximum power point
\sidenote[][]{\begin{mdframed}[style=\frameSideNote, frametitle=My title]
        My Note
and open-circuit voltage, the statistical variance around manufacturer measurements due to temperature changes is demonstrated to be low for five various module technologies.



我解決了。只需使用\setsidenotes{perpage=true}, 或\setsidenotes{perpage=false} \counterwithout{sidenote}{chapter}



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\paragraph{Page with larger right margin}
This \sidenote{note without determining \texttt{voffset}}  paper proposes an improved  single-diode modeling approach for PV modules suitable for a broad range of the PV technologies available today, including modules \sidenote[\baselineskip][]{note with determining \texttt{voffset}} on tandem cell structures. After establishing the model (which has an overall of seven parameters), the paper devises a methodology to estimate its parameters  using Standard Test Conditions (STC) data, Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT) data, and temperature coefficients values as provided in most manufacturers' datasheets. Simulation results and their comparison \marginnote{Right margin notes work well} with a previous work show a very accurate prediction of critical points in the current-voltage characteristics curve. \sidenoteInstructor{instructor side note} The precise prediction happens for both STC and NOCT conditions and the error in predicting maximum \sidenoteInstructor{instructor side note} power point lies \sidenoteInstructor[2\baselineskip]{instructor side note} within $1\%$ limit, and the error in its corresponding voltage and current is almost always within $2\%$ limit. Further, for both maximum power point and open-circuit voltage, the statistical variance
around manufacturer measurements
\sidenote{\begin{mdframed}[style=\frameSideNote, frametitle=My title]
        My Note
due to temperature changes is demonstrated to be low for five various module technologies.

\paragraph{Page with larger right margin}
This paper proposes an improved single-diode modeling approach for PV modules suitable for a broad range of the PV technologies available today, including modules on tandem cell structures. After establishing the model (which has an overall of seven parameters), the paper devises a methodology to estimate its parameters using Standard Test Conditions (STC) data, Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT) data, \marginnote{Right margin notes work well} and temperature coefficients values as provided in most manufacturers' datasheets. Simulation results and their comparison with a previous work show a very accurate prediction of critical points in the current-voltage characteristics curve. The precise prediction happens for both STC and NOCT conditions and the error in predicting maximum power point lies within $1\%$ limit, and the error in its corresponding voltage and current is almost always within $2\%$ limit. Further, for both maximum power point
\sidenote[][]{\begin{mdframed}[style=\frameSideNote, frametitle=My title]
        My Note
and open-circuit voltage, the statistical variance around manufacturer measurements due to temperature changes is demonstrated to be low for five various module technologies.

