

因此,當我寫履歷時,每項工作/經歷的描述都是自己的要點。因此,我使用關鍵字創建了一些要點\bullet。我的問題是項目符號沒有對齊,即它們沒有相同的縮排。我想要三個空格(因此\* \* \*在每個空格之前使用\bullet),但現在它們彼此不一致。


\small\Letter\ \texttt{#2} \\
\small\phone\ \texttt{Phone} \\
\small \textifsymbol{18}\ 
{\tikz\fill[green,path fading=east] 
(0,0) rectangle (\linewidth,2pt);}
\section{Employment History}
\textbf{Job 1}, Employer 1 \\
\textit{City} \textbar \* \* 
\textit{Summer 2017} \\
\* \* \* $\bullet$ This is a job description for job 1. It was quite fun at times yet also quite boring at times. In short, this job was a job of contrast.. \\
\textbf{Job 2}, Employer 2 \\
\textit{City} \textbar \* \* 
\textit{Summers 2014|2016} \\
\* \* \* $\bullet$ In contrast to job 1, job 2 contrasted even more than job 1. While the highs were high, the lows were very low.

\* \* \* $\bullet$ Computer programming languages C, Java, Javascript, OCAML, and Python \\
\* \* \* $\bullet$ Statistical softwares R, SPSS, and STATA \\
\* \* \* $\bullet$ Mapping softwares ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro  \\
\* \* \* $\bullet$ Google Maps API, Mapbox API, and Openstreetmap API \\
\* \* \* $\bullet$ Microsoft Office Suite, Keynote, and LaTeX \\
\* \* \* $\bullet$ Professional and academic writing \\
\* \* \* $\bullet$ Customer service and sales 

在我的範例程式碼中,這種煩惱在作業 1 和作業 2 的作業描述的項目符號中可見。我也嘗試過使用,\textbullet\但這對我來說也不起作用。


這是一個使用 itemize 參數設定的解決方案enumitem

\usepackage[margin=1in, showframe]{geometry}
\setlist[itemize]{wide = 1em, nosep}
\small\Letter\ \texttt{#2} \\
\small\phone\ \texttt{Phone} \\
\small \textifsymbol{18}\
{\tikz\fill[green,path fading=east]
(0,0) rectangle (\linewidth,2pt);}

\section{Employment History}
\textbf{Job 1}, Employer 1 \\
\textit{City} \textbar \* \*
\textit{Summer 2017}% \\
%\* \* \* $\bullet$ This is a job description for job 1. It was quite fun at times yet also quite boring at times. In short, this job was a job of contrast.. \\
\item This is a job description for job 1. It was quite fun at times yet also quite boring at times. In short, this job was a job of contrast.
\textbf{Job 2}, Employer 2 \\
\textit{City} \textbar \* \*
\textit{Summers 2014|2016} %\\
%\* \* \* $\bullet$ In contrast to job 1, job 2 contrasted even more than job 1. While the highs were high, the lows were very low.
       \item In contrast to job 1, job 2 contrasted even more than job 1. While the highs were high, the lows were very low.
       \item Computer programming languages C, Java, Javascript, OCAML, and Python
       \item Statistical softwares R, SPSS, and STATA
       \item Mapping softwares ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro
       \item Google Maps API, Mapbox API, and Openstreetmap API
       \item Microsoft Office Suite, Keynote, and LaTeX
       \item Professional and academic writing
       \item Customer service and sales


