

我一直在嘗試生成一個表,其中前兩列合併了行,接下來的三列合併了列,具有三個子列,其高度與第 1 列和第 2 列的合併行相同,最後一個具有像第1 列和第2 列一樣合併的行的列。目前表

我正在使用 pdflatex、tabularx 套件、booktabs 套件和 array 套件。我的相關程式碼是:

\caption{Spectral channel characteristics of SEVIRI in terms of central, minimum and maximum wavelength of the channels and the main application areas of each channel.}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l l c c c l}
\multirow{3}{3.5em}{Channel No.} & \multirow{3}{3.5em}{Spectral Band ($\mu$m)} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Characteristics of} & \multirow{3}{10em}{Main observational application} \\
{} & {} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Spectral Band ($\mu$m)} & {} \\
{} & {} & $\lambda_{\mathrm{cen}}$ & $\lambda_{\mathrm{min}}$ & $\lambda_{\mathrm{max}}$ & {}\\
1 & VIS0.6 & 0.635 & 0.56 & 0.71 & Surface, clouds, wind fields \\
2 & VIS0.8 & 0.81 & 0.74 & 0.88 & Surface, clouds, wind fields \\
3 & NIR1.6 & 1.64 & 1.50 & 1.78 & Surface, cloud phase \\
4 & IR3.9 & 3.90 & 3.48 & 4.36 & Surface, clouds, wind fields \\
5 & WV6.2 & 6.25 & 5.35 & 7.15 & Water vapor, high level clouds, atmospheric instability \\
6 & WV7.3 & 7.35 & 6.85 & 7.85 & Water vapor, atmospheric instability \\
7 & IR8.7 & 8.70 & 8.30 & 9.1 & Surface, clouds, atmospheric instability \\
8 & IR9.7 & 9.66 & 9.38 & 9.94 & Ozone \\
9 & IR10.8 & 10.80 & 9.80 & 11.80 & Surface, clouds, wind fields, atmospheric instability \\
10 & IR12.0 & 12.00 & 11.00 & 13.00 & Surface, clouds, atmospheric instability \\
11 & IR13.4 & 13.40 & 12.40 & 14.40 & Cirrus cloud height, atmospheric instability \\
12 & HRV & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Broadband (about 0.4--1.1 $\mu$m)} & Surface, clouds \\

我希望包含 lambda 的列均勻分佈。我嘗試在 ccc 列中新增大小調整,但運行時出現非法 pream-token 錯誤:

! Package array Error:  Illegal pream-token (2em): `c' used.

See the array package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.104 \end{tabularx}




\usepackage{siunitx} % also loads xparse

\sisetup{range-phrase = --}




\caption{Spectral channel characteristics of SEVIRI in terms 
of central, minimum and maximum wavelength of the channels 
and the main application areas of each channel.}



{\splitcell{Channel \\ No.}} &
\splitcell{Spectral \\ Band}[\si{\micro\meter}] &
  \splitcell{Characteristics of \\ Spectral Band (\si{\micro\meter})}%
} &
Main observational application \\
{} & {} & {$\lambda_{\mathrm{cen}}$} & 
          {$\lambda_{\mathrm{min}}$} &
          {$\lambda_{\mathrm{max}}$} & \\
1 & VIS0.6 & 0.635 & 0.56 & 0.71 & Surface, clouds, wind fields \\
2 & VIS0.8 & 0.81 & 0.74 & 0.88 & Surface, clouds, wind fields \\
3 & NIR1.6 & 1.64 & 1.50 & 1.78 & Surface, cloud phase \\
4 & IR3.9 & 3.90 & 3.48 & 4.36 & Surface, clouds, wind fields \\
5 & WV6.2 & 6.25 & 5.35 & 7.15 & Water vapor, high level clouds, atmospheric instability \\
6 & WV7.3 & 7.35 & 6.85 & 7.85 & Water vapor, atmospheric instability \\
7 & IR8.7 & 8.70 & 8.30 & 9.1 & Surface, clouds, atmospheric instability \\
8 & IR9.7 & 9.66 & 9.38 & 9.94 & Ozone \\
9 & IR10.8 & 10.80 & 9.80 & 11.80 & Surface, clouds, wind fields, atmospheric instability \\
10 & IR12.0 & 12.00 & 11.00 & 13.00 & Surface, clouds, atmospheric instability \\
11 & IR13.4 & 13.40 & 12.40 & 14.40 & Cirrus cloud height, atmospheric instability \\
12 & HRV & \multicolumn{3}{c}{%
  \splitcell{Broadband \\ (about \SIrange{0.4}{1.1}{\micro\meter})}} &
  Surface, clouds \\





我可能會開始。第 12 條中的那條長線永遠不會好看,所以最好重寫它。

  \caption{Spectral channel characteristics of SEVIRI in terms of
    central, minimum and maximum wavelength of the channels and the
    main application areas of each channel.} 
  \multirow{3}{3.5em}{Channel No.}
    \multirow{3}{3.5em}{\centering Spectral Band  (\si{\micro\meter})}
    \multicolumn{3}{c}{Characteristics of}
    \multirow{3}{10em}{Main observational application} 
  {} & {} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Spectral Band (\si{\micro\meter})} & {} 
  {} & {} & {$\lambda_{\mathrm{cen}}$} & {$\lambda_{\mathrm{min}}$} &
                                                                  {$\lambda_{\mathrm{max}}$} & {}
  1 & VIS0.6 & 0.635 & 0.56 & 0.71 & Surface, clouds, wind fields 
  2 & VIS0.8 & 0.81 & 0.74 & 0.88 & Surface, clouds, wind fields 
  3 & NIR1.6 & 1.64 & 1.50 & 1.78 & Surface, cloud phase 
  4 & IR3.9 & 3.90 & 3.48 & 4.36 & Surface, clouds, wind fields 
  5 & WV6.2 & 6.25 & 5.35 & 7.15 & Water vapor, high level clouds,
                                   atmospheric instability 
  6 & WV7.3 & 7.35 & 6.85 & 7.85 & Water vapor, atmospheric instability 
  7 & IR8.7 & 8.70 & 8.30 & 9.1 & Surface, clouds, atmospheric
  8 & IR9.7 & 9.66 & 9.38 & 9.94 & Ozone 
  9 & IR10.8 & 10.80 & 9.80 & 11.80 & Surface, clouds, wind fields,
                                      atmospheric instability 
  10 & IR12.0 & 12.00 & 11.00 & 13.00 & Surface, clouds, atmospheric
  11 & IR13.4 & 13.40 & 12.40 & 14.40 & Cirrus cloud height, atmospheric instability \\
  12 & HRV & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Broadband*} & Surface, clouds \\
  \multicolumn{4}{l}{* about \SIrange{0.4}{1.1}{\micro\meter}}


@daleif 答案的一個小變化,考慮了答案中行的顏色。我還冒昧地更改了列名:


\usepackage{booktabs, multirow, tabularx}
\newcommand\mrc[1]{\linespread{0.8}\selectfont\begin{tabular}[t]{@{} c @{}}#1\end{tabular}}
\usepackage[range-phrase = --]{siunitx}

%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!

\caption{Spectral channel characteristics of SEVIRI in terms of central, minimum and maximum wavelength of the channels and the main application areas of each channel.}
            & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\mrc{Spectral band\\ characteristics (\si{\micro\meter})}}
                                     & \\
\multirow[b]{-3.3}{=}{Ch. No.}
    & \multirow[b]{-3.3}{=}{Band name}
            & {$\lambda_{\mathrm{cen}}$}
                     & {$\lambda_{\min}$}
                             & {$\lambda_{\max}$}
                                     &  \multirow[b]{-3}{\linewidth}{Main observational application}  \\
1  & VIS0.6 &  0.635 &  0.56 &  0.71 & Surface, clouds, wind fields \\
2  & VIS0.8 &  0.81  &  0.74 &  0.88 & Surface, clouds, wind fields \\
3  & NIR1.6 &  1.64  &  1.50 &  1.78 & Surface, cloud phase \\
4  & IR3.9  &  3.90  &  3.48 &  4.36 & Surface, clouds, wind fields \\
5  & WV6.2  &  6.25  &  5.35 &  7.15 & Water vapor, high level clouds, atmospheric instability \\
6  & WV7.3  &  7.35  &  6.85 &  7.85 & Water vapor, atmospheric instability \\
7  & IR8.7  &  8.70  &  8.30 &  9.1  & Surface, clouds, atmospheric instability \\
8  & IR9.7  &  9.66  &  9.38 &  9.94 & Ozone \\
9  & IR10.8 & 10.80  &  9.80 & 11.80 & Surface, clouds, wind fields, atmospheric instability \\
10 & IR12.0 & 12.00  & 11.00 & 13.00 & Surface, clouds, atmospheric instability \\
11 & IR13.4 & 13.40  & 12.40 & 14.40 & Cirrus cloud height, atmospheric instability \\
12 & HRV    & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\mrc{Broadband\\(about \SIrange{0.4}{1.1}{\micro\meter})}}
                                     & Surface, clouds \\





\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{p{3.5em} p{3.5em} Y Y Y p{10em}}




