Biblatex printbibliography 未定義的控制序列錯誤

Biblatex printbibliography 未定義的控制序列錯誤

我正在用乳膠寫一份報告,但\printbibliography給了Undefined control sequence錯誤。這是我的 .tex 檔案的摘錄:

\usepackage[backend=biber, sorting=none, maxnames=35]{biblatex}


Report content \cite{hkust}\cite{hkust_cat}\cite{geom}\cite{dreiding}\cite{cp2k}\cite{charmm}\cite{Smit}\cite{csd1}\cite{csd2}.


這是我的 .bib 檔案:

    author = {Boyd, Peter G. and Moosavi, Seyed Mohamad and Witman, Matthew and Smit, Berend},
    title = {Force-Field Prediction of Materials Properties in Metal-Organic Frameworks},
    journal = {The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters},
    volume = {8},
    number = {2},
    pages = {357-363},
    year = {2017},
    doi = {10.1021/acs.jpclett.6b02532}

    author = {Mayo, Stephen L. and Olafson, Barry D. and Goddard, William A.},
    title = {DREIDING:  a generic force field for molecular simulations},
    journal = {The Journal of Physical Chemistry},
    volume = {94},
    number = {26},
    pages = {8897-8909},
    year = {1990},
    doi = {10.1021/j100389a010}

@article {hkust,
    author = {Chui, Stephen S.-Y. and Lo, Samuel M.-F. and Charmant, Jonathan P. H. and Orpen, A. Guy and Williams, Ian D.},
    title = {A Chemically Functionalizable Nanoporous Material [Cu$_3$(TMA)$_2$(H$_2$O)$_3$]$_n$},
    journal = {Science},
    volume = {283},
    number = {5405},
    pages = {1148--1150},
    year = {1999},
    doi = {10.1126/science.283.5405.1148}

    author = {MacKerell, A. D. and Bashford, D. and Bellott, M. and Dunbrack, R. L. and Evanseck, J. D. and Field, M. J. and Fischer, S. and Gao, J. and Guo, H. and Ha, S. and Joseph-McCarthy, D. and Kuchnir, L. and Kuczera, K. and Lau, F. T. K. and Mattos, C. and Michnick, S. and Ngo, T. and Nguyen, D. T. and Prodhom, B. and Reiher, W. E. and Roux, B. and Schlenkrich, M. and Smith, J. C. and Stote, R. and Straub, J. and Watanabe, M. and Wi{\'o}rkiewicz-Kuczera, J. and Yin, D. and Karplus, M.},
    title = {All-Atom Empirical Potential for Molecular Modeling and Dynamics Studies of Proteins},
    journal = {The Journal of Physical Chemistry B},
    volume = {102},
    number = {18},
    pages = {3586-3616},
    year = {1998},
    doi = {10.1021/jp973084f}

    title={cp2k: atomistic simulations of condensed matter systems},
    author={Hutter, J{\"u}rg and Iannuzzi, Marcella and Schiffmann, Florian and VandeVondele, Joost},
    journal={Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science},

    title={Fast Parallel Algorithms for Short-Range Molecular Dynamics},
    author={Steve Plimpton},
    journal={The Journal of Computational Physics},

    title={On the Limited Memory BFGS Method for Large Scale Optimization},
    author={Dong C., Liu and Jorge, Nocedal},
    journal={The Journal Mathematical Programming},

    title = {Structural Relaxation Made Simple},
    author = {Bitzek, Erik and Koskinen, Pekka and G{\"a}hler, Franz and Moseler, Michael and Gumbsch, Peter},
    journal = {Physical Review Letters},
    volume = {97},
    issue = {17},
    pages = {170201-170205},
    numpages = {},
    year = {2006},
    month = {},
    publisher = {},
    doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.170201}

    author = {Alaerts, Luc and S{\'e}guin, Etienne and Poelman, Hilde and Thibault-Starzyk, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Jacobs, Pierre A. and De Vos, Dirk E.},
    title = {Probing the Lewis Acidity and Catalytic Activity of the Metal-Organic Framework [Cu$_3$(btc)$_2$]},
    journal = {Chemistry: A European Journal},
    volume = {12},
    number = {28},
    year = {2006},
    pages = {7353-7363},
    doi = {10.1002/chem.200600220}

@article {Murnaghan,
    author = {Murnaghan, Francis D.},
    title = {The Compressibility of Media under Extreme Pressures},
    volume = {30},
    number = {9},
    pages = {244--247},
    year = {1944},
    doi = {10.1073/pnas.30.9.244},
    journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}

    author = {Prestipino, C. and Regli, L. and Vitillo, J. G. and Bonino, F. and Damin, A. and Lamberti, C. and Zecchina, A. and Solari, P. L. and Kongshaug, K. O. and Bordiga, S.},
    title = {Local Structure of Framework Cu(II) in HKUST-1 Metallorganic Framework: Spectroscopic Characterization upon Activation and Interaction with Adsorbates},
    journal = {Chemistry of Materials},
    volume = {18},
    number = {5},
    pages = {1337-1346},
    year = {2006},
    doi = {10.1021/cm052191g},

    author = {Allen, Frank H.},
    title = "{The Cambridge Structural Database: a quarter of a million crystal structures and rising}",
    journal = {Acta Crystallographica Section B},
    year = {2002},
    volume = {58},
    pages = {380--388},
    doi = {10.1107/S0108768102003890},

    author = {Groom, Colin R. and Allen, Frank H.},
    title = {The Cambridge Structural Database in Retrospect and Prospect},
    journal = {Angewandte Chemie International Edition},
    volume = {53},
    number = {3},
    pages = {662-671},
    doi = {10.1002/anie.201306438},
    year = {2014},

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另一個問題是,當我編譯報告時,它會列印一些奇怪的內容以供參考\geom。這是參考頁面。檢查參考文獻 3。




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title = {Local Structure of Framework Cu(II) in HKUST-1 Metallorganic Framework: Spectroscopic Characterization upon Activation and Interaction with Adsorbates},

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title = {A Chemically Functionalizable Nanoporous Material [Cu$_3$(TMA)$_2$(H$_2$O)$_3$]$_n$},

