tikzpicture 的標題放置在錯誤的位置(見圖)
\usepackage{translator, tikz, array}
Example caption of Tikzpicture:
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[anchor=north west,inner sep=0,xshift=6.0cm,yshift=0cm]
[circle,draw, very thick, color=red, minimum size=5.0cm, fill overzoom image=example-image-a]{};
如何將標題放在 tikzpicture 下並更改標題/tikzpicture 之間的垂直間距?預先感謝
- 看我們什麼時候應該使用 \begin{center} 而不是 \centering ?
- 此選項
用於將“某物”寫在“其他東西”上,並且不考慮“某物”的尺寸,就像“某物”沒有尺寸一樣,您不必將其用於普通圖片 fill overzoom image
是 的一個選項tcolorbox
,您需要載入它- 如果您所在的
Example caption of Tikzpicture:
\node[circle, draw, very thick, color=red, minimum size=5.0cm, fill overzoom image=example-image-a] {};
編輯:我不太清楚你想要實現什麼,但如果你想水平移動圖片和它的標題,使用 a minipage
In Fig.~\ref{fig:left} the image and its caption are on the left.
\node[circle, draw, very thick, color=red, minimum size=5.0cm, fill overzoom image=example-image-a] {};
With \verb|\hspace{...}| you can shift them to the right as you like, see Fig.~\ref{fig:hspa}.
\node[circle, draw, very thick, color=red, minimum size=5.0cm, fill overzoom image=example-image-a] {};
With \verb|\hfill| you can shift them completely to the right, see Fig.~\ref{fig:hfi}.
\node[circle, draw, very thick, color=red, minimum size=5.0cm, fill overzoom image=example-image-a] {};