製作新的「清單...」的簡單方法,無需 tocloft 即可複製 LoT 或 LoF 的排版

製作新的「清單...」的簡單方法,無需 tocloft 即可複製 LoT 或 LoF 的排版


我本來打算使用這個tocloft包,但這似乎與我用來排版目錄和 LoT/LoF 的其他東西有各種各樣的衝突(特別是我正在使用titlesectitletoc包)。但經過一段時間的研究後,他們最近終於告訴我,他們希望「物件清單」具有與 LoF 完全相同的格式;這使得我似乎可以做某種「定義這個命令與現有命令相同」類型的事情來快速建立 LoO 所需的一切。不幸的是我不知道這些命令是什麼。我正在挖掘 tocloft,看看能找出什麼。由於該包旨在製作非常可自訂的“選項清單”,因此該程式碼的數量超出了我的需要,這使得將其用作模板有點困難。

關於如何製作一個新的“列表...”,其格式與 LoF 相同,但使用單獨的命令將內容添加到列表,有什麼建議嗎?或者我可以在哪裡閱讀這樣的事情,比挖掘 tocloft 包更容易?

編輯::基於評論;為了澄清我正在使用報告文檔類,儘管我希望盡可能避免使用其他包,只是因為我已經使用了一些包來調整 ToC、LoT 和 LoF 的排版,以及處理各種包這些東西似乎不能很好地結合在一起。

編輯 2:: 我從我的 cls 中取出相關程式碼並將其放入某種 MWE 中。它有點長,因為我保留了操作當前 ToC/LoT/LoF 的所有內容,因為問題的一部分是避免在加載其他套件時意外地重新格式化排版。這是 MWE(需要明確的是,我想在其中添加模仿 LoT/LoF 的物件清單)。為了更加清晰,程式碼也被大量註釋。

\usepackage[linktoc=all]{hyperref}% Use this to provide intra-pdf hyperlinking and better toc
\hypersetup{%               %           Setup the coloring of the links. 
%                           %           Currently the only necessary one is "colorlinks=true" and "linkcolor=blue".
    colorlinks   = true,    %           Colours links instead of ugly boxes
    urlcolor     = blue,    %           Colour for external hyperlinks
    linkcolor    = blue,    %           Colour of internal links
    citecolor    = blue     %           Colour of citations, could be ``red''

\usepackage{titlesec}%          Use this for the actual header styling
\usepackage{titletoc}%          Use this to manipulate Table of Contents styling

    margin=1in,%            All 4 margins need to be one inch.
    paperheight=11in,%      We want 11in tall paper.
    paperwidth=8.5in%       And 8.5in wide paper.
    ]{geometry}%            Geometry package is the easiest way to deal with margins.

\providecommand{\realSingleSpace}{\setstretch{1}}%  They claim they want single-space, but what they actually want is 
%                                               "as little white space between letters as is visually acceptable".

%%% Margins: %%%
%%%                         They want 1 inch all around margins, which we do with the geometry package.
    margin=1in,%            All 4 margins need to be one inch.
    paperheight=11in,%      We want 11in tall paper.
    paperwidth=8.5in%       And 8.5in wide paper.
    ]{geometry}%            Geometry package is the easiest way to deal with margins.

%% End Margin Config.

%%% Font Options: %%%
\raggedright%               They want a ragged right edge.
%% End Font Setting

%%% Page Numbering %%%
%%%                         They want the page number in arabic numerals in the bottom middle of each page.

\setlength{\footskip}{0.5in}%   They want the page number to be half an inch from the bottom. 
%                               This measurement is actually the distance to the text block; 
%                               So 1in margin - 0.5inch from botton = 0.5in footskip value.
%% End page numbering settings

%%% Font Spacing %%%

\usepackage[nodisplayskipstretch]{setspace}%    This will allow us to set spacing in general.
%                                                   The optional argument "nodisplayskipstretch" turns off doublespacing 
%                                                       for math display mode environments.
\usepackage{indentfirst}%                       This will make sure the first paragraph of every chapter is indented.
\doublespacing%                                     Make everything double spaced by default.
\preto\longtable{\par\realSingleSpace}%             Pre-append using longtables to make sure that tables are single spaced.
\preto\itemize{\par\realSingleSpace}%               Pre-append singlespace to itemize to account for 
%                                                       single space bullet point lists.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    Formating Design    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%% Caption Configuration TBD

\newcounter{figCount}%      This is an internal counter to track how many figures
\setcounter{figCount}{1}%   We will start at 1 due to how stepping it works.

\newcommand{\addFigure}[3][\Alph{figCount}]{%   Command to manually add a figure
    \parbox{#2\textwidth}{\centering #1 \\ \includegraphics[width=#2\textwidth]{#3}}

\newenvironment{multiFigure}% Environment that mimicks figure type environment,
%                               Except it doesn't float around and it resets figCount.
    {% Begin Environment Code
    {% End Environment Code

%%% Theorem environment definitions %%%


%%% Table Formatting %%%
%%% They want tables configured a certain way that makes the package "longtables" a more desirable option.
%   More specifically, from their website on text-flow:
%        Text must be continuous throughout the chapter. 
%        It is best to place all tables and figures at the end of the appropriate chapter. 
%        Avoid inserting them into the text of the chapter, unless you are able to do so 
%        without leaving blank gaps at the bottom of text pages.
\RequirePackage{flafter}% This package stops tables from floating backward up the text. This stops weirdness like tables appearing before the section they are in within the source.

%% End table configure

%%% Header Formatting %%%
%%  Some headers by default have a huge margin between the top of the chapter text and the top margin, 
%       which the grad school doesn't like. So we use the titlesec package and the \titleformat command to 
%       directly access all aspects of chapters and parts to fix spacing, formating, and style.
\titlelabel{\thetitle . \quad}

\docBodyfalse% Initially we aren't in the body yet.
%% Define chapter's style based on if we want chapters to auto-upper-case or not.

    {\centering\realSingleSpace\ifdocBody CHAPTER \thechapter \\[-5pt] \fi}




%%% Setup the formating for the actual section, subsection, and subsubsections in the text. We use the titlesec package here as it allows us to directly access the formating without having to renew the command and deal with all the code happening in the background for things like "table of contents" and pagebreaking.
%\titleformat*{\section}{\bfseries\center}% sections need to be bold and centered.

        \bfseries\center\realSingleSpace%       We want \section to be bold (\bfseries), centered (\center), 
    }%                                              and single spaced (\realSingleSpace)
        \thesection%                            The section number is held in \thesection
    {1em}%                                      The space between section number and text is the standard 1em

        \bfseries\filright\realSingleSpace%     We want \subsubsection to be bold (\bfseries), left-justified (\filright), 
    }%                                              and single spaced (\realSingleSpace)
        \thesubsubsection%                      The section number is held in \thesubsubsection
    {1em}%                                      The space between section number and text is the standard 1em

%% End of Header formating

%%% Table of Contents, List of Figures, and List of Tables fixes: They wanted hyperlinked dotted lines between the chapter name and the page number. They also want all uppercase "TABLE OF CONTENTS".

%% Fix the formatting of the various numbers.
\renewcommand*{\thefigure}{\thechapter-\arabic{figure}}%            Change the dot to a hyphen for list of figures.
\renewcommand*{\theequation}{\thechapter-\arabic{equation}}%        Change the equation to chapter - equation#
\renewcommand*{\thetable}{\thechapter-\arabic{table}}%              Change the dot to a hyphen for list of tables.

%%% Fix the titles of the "List Of ...", complete with adding the page/title at the top where applicable.
\renewcommand*\listfigurename{LIST OF FIGURES

    \underline{\smash{Figure}} \hfill \underline{\smash{page}}


\renewcommand*\listtablename{LIST OF TABLES

    \underline{\smash{Tables}} \hfill \underline{\smash{page}}


\renewcommand{\contentsname}{TABLE OF CONTENTS

    \hspace*{0pt}\hfill \underline{\smash{page}}


    {\hyper@linkstart{link}{\Hy@tocdestname}{\titlerule*[5pt]{.}\thecontentspage}\hyper@linkend \\*\addvspace{8pt}}

    {\hyper@linkstart{link}{\Hy@tocdestname}{\titlerule*[5pt]{.}\thecontentspage}\hyper@linkend \\*\addvspace{8pt}}

%%%% An attempt to do everything with titlesec and titletoc packages instead of using toclof package, to avoid package clashes.

%%% Below is the formatting for all the Table of Contents hyperlinks, dotted lines, and horizontal alignment.


    {\hyper@linkstart{link}{\Hy@tocdestname}{\titlerule*[5pt]{.}\thecontentspage}\hyper@linkend \\*\addvspace{8pt}}

    {\hyper@linkstart{link}{\Hy@tocdestname}{\titlerule*[5pt]{.}\thecontentspage}\hyper@linkend \\*}

    {\hyper@linkstart{link}{\Hy@tocdestname}{\titlerule*[5pt]{.}\thecontentspage}\hyper@linkend \\*}

    {\hyper@linkstart{link}{\Hy@tocdestname}{\titlerule*[5pt]{.}\thecontentspage}\hyper@linkend \\*}

%\newenvironment{multiFigure}% Environment that mimicks figure type environment,
%%                               Except it doesn't float around and it resets figCount.
%    {% Begin Environment Code
%        \setcounter{figCount}{1}
%        \minipage\textwidth
%    }
%    {% End Environment Code
%        \endminipage
%    }



\usepackage[linktoc=all]{hyperref}% Use this to provide intra-pdf hyperlinking and better toc
\hypersetup{%               %           Setup the coloring of the links. 
%                           %           Currently the only necessary one is "colorlinks=true" and "linkcolor=blue".
    colorlinks   = true,    %           Colours links instead of ugly boxes
    urlcolor     = blue,    %           Colour for external hyperlinks
    linkcolor    = blue,    %           Colour of internal links
    citecolor    = blue     %           Colour of citations, could be ``red''

\usepackage{titlesec}%          Use this for the actual header styling
\usepackage{titletoc}%          Use this to manipulate Table of Contents styling

    margin=1in,%            All 4 margins need to be one inch.
    paperheight=11in,%      We want 11in tall paper.
    paperwidth=8.5in%       And 8.5in wide paper.
    ]{geometry}%            Geometry package is the easiest way to deal with margins.

\providecommand{\realSingleSpace}{\setstretch{1}}%  They claim they want single-space, but what they actually want is 
%                                               "as little white space between letters as is visually acceptable".

%%% Margins: %%%
%%%                         They want 1 inch all around margins, which we do with the geometry package.
    margin=1in,%            All 4 margins need to be one inch.
    paperheight=11in,%      We want 11in tall paper.
    paperwidth=8.5in%       And 8.5in wide paper.
    ]{geometry}%            Geometry package is the easiest way to deal with margins.

%% End Margin Config.

%%% Font Options: %%%
\raggedright%               They want a ragged right edge.
%% End Font Setting

%%% Page Numbering %%%
%%%                         They want the page number in arabic numerals in the bottom middle of each page.

\setlength{\footskip}{0.5in}%   They want the page number to be half an inch from the bottom. 
%                               This measurement is actually the distance to the text block; 
%                               So 1in margin - 0.5inch from botton = 0.5in footskip value.
%% End page numbering settings

%%% Font Spacing %%%

\usepackage[nodisplayskipstretch]{setspace}%    This will allow us to set spacing in general.
%                                                   The optional argument "nodisplayskipstretch" turns off doublespacing 
%                                                       for math display mode environments.
\usepackage{indentfirst}%                       This will make sure the first paragraph of every chapter is indented.
\doublespacing%                                     Make everything double spaced by default.
\preto\longtable{\par\realSingleSpace}%             Pre-append using longtables to make sure that tables are single spaced.
\preto\itemize{\par\realSingleSpace}%               Pre-append singlespace to itemize to account for 
%                                                       single space bullet point lists.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    Formating Design    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%% Caption Configuration TBD

\newcounter{figCount}%      This is an internal counter to track how many figures
\setcounter{figCount}{1}%   We will start at 1 due to how stepping it works.

\newcommand{\addFigure}[3][\Alph{figCount}]{%   Command to manually add a figure
    \parbox{#2\textwidth}{\centering #1 \\ \includegraphics[width=#2\textwidth]{#3}}

\newenvironment{multiFigure}% Environment that mimicks figure type environment,
%                               Except it doesn't float around and it resets figCount.
    {% Begin Environment Code
    {% End Environment Code

%%% Theorem environment definitions %%%


%%% Table Formatting %%%
%%% They want tables configured a certain way that makes the package "longtables" a more desirable option.
%   More specifically, from their website on text-flow:
%        Text must be continuous throughout the chapter. 
%        It is best to place all tables and figures at the end of the appropriate chapter. 
%        Avoid inserting them into the text of the chapter, unless you are able to do so 
%        without leaving blank gaps at the bottom of text pages.
\RequirePackage{flafter}% This package stops tables from floating backward up the text. This stops weirdness like tables appearing before the section they are in within the source.

%% End table configure

%%% Header Formatting %%%
%%  Some headers by default have a huge margin between the top of the chapter text and the top margin, 
%       which the grad school doesn't like. So we use the titlesec package and the \titleformat command to 
%       directly access all aspects of chapters and parts to fix spacing, formating, and style.
\titlelabel{\thetitle . \quad}

\docBodyfalse% Initially we aren't in the body yet.
%% Define chapter's style based on if we want chapters to auto-upper-case or not.

    {\centering\realSingleSpace\ifdocBody CHAPTER \thechapter \\[-5pt] \fi}




%%% Setup the formating for the actual section, subsection, and subsubsections in the text. We use the titlesec package here as it allows us to directly access the formating without having to renew the command and deal with all the code happening in the background for things like "table of contents" and pagebreaking.
%\titleformat*{\section}{\bfseries\center}% sections need to be bold and centered.

        \bfseries\center\realSingleSpace%       We want \section to be bold (\bfseries), centered (\center), 
    }%                                              and single spaced (\realSingleSpace)
        \thesection%                            The section number is held in \thesection
    {1em}%                                      The space between section number and text is the standard 1em

        \bfseries\filright\realSingleSpace%     We want \subsubsection to be bold (\bfseries), left-justified (\filright), 
    }%                                              and single spaced (\realSingleSpace)
        \thesubsubsection%                      The section number is held in \thesubsubsection
    {1em}%                                      The space between section number and text is the standard 1em

%% End of Header formating

%%% Table of Contents, List of Figures, and List of Tables fixes: They wanted hyperlinked dotted lines between the chapter name and the page number. They also want all uppercase "TABLE OF CONTENTS".

%% Fix the formatting of the various numbers.
\renewcommand*{\thefigure}{\thechapter-\arabic{figure}}%            Change the dot to a hyphen for list of figures.
\renewcommand*{\theequation}{\thechapter-\arabic{equation}}%        Change the equation to chapter - equation#
\renewcommand*{\thetable}{\thechapter-\arabic{table}}%              Change the dot to a hyphen for list of tables.

%%% Fix the titles of the "List Of ...", complete with adding the page/title at the top where applicable.
\renewcommand*\listfigurename{LIST OF FIGURES

    \underline{\smash{Figure}} \hfill \underline{\smash{page}}


\renewcommand*\listtablename{LIST OF TABLES

    \underline{\smash{Tables}} \hfill \underline{\smash{page}}


\renewcommand{\contentsname}{TABLE OF CONTENTS

    \hspace*{0pt}\hfill \underline{\smash{page}}


    {\hyper@linkstart{link}{\Hy@tocdestname}{\titlerule*[5pt]{.}\thecontentspage}\hyper@linkend \\*\addvspace{8pt}}

    {\hyper@linkstart{link}{\Hy@tocdestname}{\titlerule*[5pt]{.}\thecontentspage}\hyper@linkend \\*\addvspace{8pt}}

%%%% An attempt to do everything with titlesec and titletoc packages instead of using toclof package, to avoid package clashes.

%%% Below is the formatting for all the Table of Contents hyperlinks, dotted lines, and horizontal alignment.


    {\hyper@linkstart{link}{\Hy@tocdestname}{\titlerule*[5pt]{.}\thecontentspage}\hyper@linkend \\*\addvspace{8pt}}

    {\hyper@linkstart{link}{\Hy@tocdestname}{\titlerule*[5pt]{.}\thecontentspage}\hyper@linkend \\*}

    {\hyper@linkstart{link}{\Hy@tocdestname}{\titlerule*[5pt]{.}\thecontentspage}\hyper@linkend \\*}

    {\hyper@linkstart{link}{\Hy@tocdestname}{\titlerule*[5pt]{.}\thecontentspage}\hyper@linkend \\*}

%\newenvironment{multiFigure}% Environment that mimicks figure type environment,
%%                               Except it doesn't float around and it resets figCount.
%    {% Begin Environment Code
%        \setcounter{figCount}{1}
%        \minipage\textwidth
%    }
%    {% End Environment Code
%        \endminipage
%    }








\foreach \i in {1,...,100}{


\chapter{First Chapter}
\captionof{table}{test table 1}
\captionof{figure}{test figure 1}
\captionof{table}{test table 2}
    \captionof{figure}{test figure 2}

\chapter{Second Chapter}
\captionof{table}{test table 3}
\captionof{object}{test object 1}
\captionof{object}{test object 2}
    \captionof{object}{test object 3}

\captionof{table}{test table 1}
\captionof{figure}{test figure 1}
\captionof{table}{test table 2}
    \captionof{figure}{test figure 2}



