使用 origlanguage 依語言劃分 biblatex 參考書目

使用 origlanguage 依語言劃分 biblatex 參考書目

類似問題這裡,這裡相當古老且相當複雜;我知道 biblatex 從那時起可能已經更新了。我有一個雙語參考書目,其中有一些韓語和英語的來源。

     origtitle = {투자은행이 IPO의 가격형성에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증분석},
     origpublisher = {재무관리연구}
     title = {An Empirical Study on ...},
     publisher = {The Korean Journal of Financial Management}
     origlanguage = {Korean},

我可以按類型劃分參考書目或者使用關鍵字。 ID喜歡能夠除以場地原始語言=,如果可能的話:

\printbibliography[origlanguage=Korean,heading=subbibliography,title={Korean Sources}]



我還沒有編寫 .bib 文件,因此對字段名稱有一定的靈活性。在 Overleaf 上使用 xelatex 進行編譯。


% See https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/How_to_Write_a_Thesis_in_LaTeX_(Part_1):_Basic_Structure


  author   = {Humphrey Appleby},
  title    = {On the Importance of the Civil Service},
  journal  = {Journal of the Civil Service},
  date     = {1980},
  keywords = {underreview},
    author = {H. S. Kang},
    title = {An Empirical Study on the Effect of the Activities of Investment banks on IPO Pricing},
    journaltitle = {The Korean Journal of Financial Management},
    volume = {8},
    issue = {2},
    year = {1991},
    pages = {31-45},
    origlanguage = {Korean},
    origtitle = {투자은행이 IPO의 가격형성에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증분석},
    origpublisher = {재무관리연구}

%loads biblatex and specifies format, sorting year-name-title

  backrefpage = {p.},% originally "cited on page"
  backrefpages = {pp.},% originally "cited on pages"



\section{Section heading}

Wibble wibble wibble (A Study on Initial Returns and Underpricing of {IPOs})\cite{Ka91} (This is a Korean citation). Wibble wibble wibble \cite{appleby} (This is an English citation). 


\printbibliography[type=book,heading=subbibliography,title={Book Sources}]  

\printbibliography[nottype=book,heading=subbibliography,title={Other Sources}]

\printbibliography[origlanguage=Korean,heading=subbibliography,title={Korean Sources}]  



在最近的版本中biblatex origlanguage是一個列表,而不是普通(單值)字段。這使得檢查 的內容變得更加困難origlanguage。 (檢查適當欄位的具體內容非常簡單,如下所示任意欄位上的 biblatex 過濾器顯示,但沒有與\iffieldequalstr清單欄位等效的keyword內容。Koreanoriglanguage


  backrefpage  = {p\adddot},
  backrefpages = {pp\adddot},

      \step[fieldsource=origlanguage, match=\regexp{(\A|\s+and\s+)Korean(\Z|\s+and\s+)}, final]
      \step[fieldset=keywords, fieldvalue={,korean}, append]

  author   = {Humphrey Appleby},
  title    = {On the Importance of the Civil Service},
  journal  = {Journal of the Civil Service},
  date     = {1980},
  keywords = {underreview},
  author        = {H. S. Kang},
  title         = {An Empirical Study on the Effect of the Activities of Investment banks on IPO Pricing},
  journaltitle  = {The Korean Journal of Financial Management},
  volume        = {8},
  issue         = {2},
  year          = {1991},
  pages         = {31-45},
  origlanguage  = {Korean},
  origtitle     = {투자은행이 IPO의 가격형성에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증분석},
  origpublisher = {재무관리연구}

Wibble wibble wibble \cite{Ka91} (This is a Korean citation).
Wibble wibble wibble \cite{appleby} (This is an English citation).

\printbibliography[notkeyword=korean,heading=subbibliography,title={Other Sources}]
\printbibliography[keyword=korean,heading=subbibliography,title={Korean Sources}]

