我想用 TikZ 繪製一張地圖,作為初學者,這張地圖應該在蘭伯特等角圓錐投影。不過為了方便起見,我想包括一些測地線計算,讓使用者可以輕鬆透明地了解他在做什麼,而無需使用外部工具進行轉換和計算。我過去曾這樣做過,效果很好,但我想將其提升到一個新的水平並尋求您的意見。
\begin{projection}[type=Lambert conformal conic,stdlat1=2,stdlat2=-2,lon0=0,k=1]
\coordinate(point1) at (1.0,0.5); %1 degree North, 0.5 degree East
\coordinate(point2) at (-1.0,-0.5); %1 degree South, 0.5 degree West
\draw (point1) -- ++ (relative cs:100m,50m); %draw line from point1 to a coordinate 100 meters (in reality) to the east and 50 meters (in reality) to the north relative of point1
\draw (point1) -- (point2); %draw line from point1 to point2 (can be straight, does not have to be a geodesic)
\draw ($(point2) + (relative cs: 45:2nm)$) -- (point1); %draw a line from a point on a 45 degree bearing with a distance of 2 nautical miles from point1 to point2
\draw (point1) arc (relative cs: 60:90:3nm); %draw a circle segment from point1 with starting heading of 060 and end heading of 090 with a 3 nautical mile radius
任何想法,甚至起點都受到高度讚賞,因為我什至找不到與此接近的東西。歡迎使用 LuaTeX 或類似的可能實作!
感謝@Schrödinger's cat 在評論中提供的寶貴意見。透過應用它們,我能夠想出一個滿足我需求的基本結構。您可以看到我如何將其應用到一個工作範例中,該範例繪製了美國的 4 個城市、亞利桑那州和一個網格:
\usepackage[a4paper, landscape, margin=0cm]{geometry}
Arizona in Lambert Conical projection and the airports PHX, AUS, DTW and JFK
\directlua{lambert = require("lambert")}
%\draw [->] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,350);
\node at (latlon cs:lat=33.434167,lon=-112.011667){PHX};
\node at (latlon cs:lat=30.194444,lon=-97.67){AUS};
\node at (latlon cs:lat=42.2125,lon=-83.353333){DTW};
\node at (latlon cs:lat=40.639722,lon=-73.778889){JFK};
\foreach \lon in {-124,-123, ..., -66}
\foreach \lat in {25,26, ..., 49}
\draw (latlon cs:lat=\lat,lon=\lon) -- (latlon cs:lat=\lat,lon={\lon+1});
\draw (latlon cs:lat=\lat,lon=\lon) -- (latlon cs:lat={\lat+1},lon=\lon);
蘭伯特等角圓錐曲線的 Lua 實現(僅對於球體,會出現複雜情況),如下所示:
local function print_LambertConformalConicForward(a,f,stdlat1,stdlat2,k1,lon0,lat,lon)
lat0 = 40;
n = math.log(math.cos(math.rad(stdlat1))/math.cos(math.rad(stdlat2))) / math.log( math.tan((math.pi/4)+math.rad(stdlat2/2)) / math.tan((math.pi/4)+math.rad(stdlat1/2)))
F = (math.cos(math.rad(stdlat1)) * math.pow(math.tan((math.pi/4)+math.rad(stdlat1/2)), n)) / n
rho = (a * F) / math.pow(math.tan((math.pi/4)+(math.rad(lat)/2)), n)
rho_0 = (a * F) / math.pow(math.tan((math.pi/4)+(math.rad(lat0)/2)), n)
theta = n * (math.rad(lon-lon0))
x = (rho * math.sin(theta)) * k1
y = (rho_0 - (rho * math.cos(theta))) * k1
return { LambertConicalForward = print_LambertConformalConicForward }
2021 年 12 月 10 日編輯:我正在製作另一張地圖,看來我並不是唯一一個尋找使用 TikZ 繪製地圖的人。現在有一個基於地圖圖塊的用於此目的的包,但它也可以在沒有基本地圖的情況下使用:mercatormap