1) 定義。皮波的
2) 定義。冥王星的
[1] 證明Pluto是Pippo的狗
\item_def Def. of Pippo
\item_def Def. of Pluto
\item_proof Prove that Pluto is the dog of Pippo
\item_def Def. of Topolino
\item_proof Prove that Topolino and Pippo are friends
作為替代方案,如果您希望避免 enumitem 包*,這可能有用。
我不知道你是否想要縮排 - 如果需要的話,你總是可以在定義中添加一些空格。
\newcounter{enumcounter} % Used to reset counters - if you've only two new itemtypes,
% probably as easy to reset them explicitly, but for more this
% is more efficient
\newcounter{defcount}[enumcounter] % Counts your definition items, resets every time enumcounter increments
% defined a new environment, which uses description instead of enumerate or itemize, to avoid the pre-existing
% counters. The spacing is not identical, granted.
\newcommand*{\itemdef}{\item\addtocounter{defcount}{1}(\thedefcount) } % increments the counter, describes item look
\newcommand*{\itemproof}{\item\addtocounter{proofcount}{1}[\theproofcount] }
Here is an example:
\itemdef Def. of Pippo
\itemdef Def. of Pluto
\itemproof Prove that Pluto is the dog of Pippo
\itemdef Def. of Topolino
\itemproof Prove that Topolino and Pippo are friends
And another list of things to check that counters reset:
\itemproof Blah
\itemdef Bleep
\itemproof Bloop
And another line to check that vertical spacing is fine.
\item Def. of Pippo
\item Def. of Pluto
\item Prove that Pluto is the dog of Pippo
\item Def. of Topolino
\item Prove that Topolino and Pippo are friends