沒有「等人」。超過 3 位作者的作品的截斷 (natbib)

沒有「等人」。超過 3 位作者的作品的截斷 (natbib)
Author = {Karki, Bhishma and Nakarmi, Jeevan Jyoti and Singh, Rhiddi Bir and Banerjee, Manish},
Journal = {Advanced Materials Proceedings},
Number = {9},
Pages = {575-580},
Publisher = {VBRI},
Title = {Fabrication of {Au}:{ZnO} thin films by a solution assisted route for application in photoelectrocatalytic degradation of methylene blue (MB)},
Volume = {2},
Year = {2017}}

這是我的 natbib 參考書目,但儘管如此,當作者超過 3 名時,此類設置也適用於其他列表,Karki et al.但當我使用\citep{karki2017fabrication}.相反,我得到了(Karki, Nakarmi, Singh, & Banerjee, 2017)。我不知道是什麼問題?謝謝


您引用的文章有四位作者。您所體驗到的(首次引用 3 到 5 位作者的文章時,在引文標註中顯示完整的作者列表)是apacite參考書目風格的故意設計功能。僅在隨後對此類條目的引用標註中才採用熟悉的「et al」截斷方案。

對於有 6 位或更多作者或編輯的文章,apacite圍兜樣式會在首次引用文章時截斷引文標註中的作者列表。


Author = {Karki, Bhishma and Nakarmi, Jeevan Jyoti and 
          Singh, Rhiddi Bir and Banerjee, Manish},
Title  = {Fabrication of {Au}:{ZnO} thin films by a solution 
          assisted route for application in 
          photoelectrocatalytic degradation of 
          methylene blue ({MB})},
Journal= {Advanced Materials Proceedings},
Year   = {2017},
Volume = {2},
Number = {9},
Pages  = {575--580},
Publisher = {VBRI},
 author = "A and B and C and D and E and F and G",
 title  = "Thoughts",
 year   = 3001,


\usepackage[colorlinks,allcolors=blue]{hyperref} % optional

\citep{karki2017fabrication}, \citep{karki2017fabrication}

\citep{test}, \citep{test}
