在我的論文中,我在整個文件中使用了 Palatino 字體(特別是馬斯帕佐包),因此我想在我正在準備的簡報中使用相同的字體。問題是,當我設定 時\usepackage{mathpazo}
當我使用這個 MWE 投影機演示時
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Various ways that AM could help to develop the space industry:
{\footnotesize \begin{itemize}
\item Printing of components and replacements
\item Recycling of materials
\item Creation of structures that are hard to produce on Earth or difficult to transport to orbit
\item ISRU
\item The creation of new materials and parts that may one day be made in microgravity only and may only function there, i.e. they would be truly space based
要在文字和數學模式下使用 Palatino,我建議您添加說明\usefonttheme{professionalfonts}
\mode<presentation> {%
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]
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text margin right=5mm}
\usepackage{mathpazo} % or: {newpxtext,newpxmath}
Various ways that AM could help to develop the space industry:
\item Printing of components and replacements
\item The creation of new materials and parts that may one day be
made in microgravity only and may only function there, i.e.,
they would be truly space based