\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\sffamily,boxed/.style={minimum width=1.7cm,minimum height=1cm,draw,thick,text width=2.5cm,text centered},node distance=.4cm]
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=upper]
\begin{scope}[start chain=1 going below,every join/.style={-latex,thick},frm/.style={boxed,on chain=1,join}]
\node[on chain=1](n0) {\scriptsize Training Sequence};
\node[frm](n3) {\scriptsize Construct dhjkfshfkjsf cardinality};
\node[frm](n4) {\scriptsize feature Construction with respect to each set };
\node[boxed,right=0.7cm of n3] (n10) {\scriptsize Train and construct GAN Model with GEI pairs};
\node at (n0-|n10) (n9) {\scriptsize Test Sequence};
\node[boxed,right=0.7cm of n4] (n11) {\scriptsize feature Construction after fusing };
\begin{scope}[every edge/.style={draw,-latex,thick}]
(n9) edge (n10)
(n10) edge (n11)
(n4.east) edge (n10.west);
\caption{Block diagram of the proposed gait recognition approach}
\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\sffamily\scriptsize,boxed/.style={minimum width=1.7cm,minimum height=1cm,draw,thick,text width=2.5cm,text centered},node distance=.4cm]
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=upper]
\begin{scope}[start chain=1 going below,every join/.style={-latex,thick},frm/.style={boxed,on chain=1,join}]
\node[on chain=1](n0) {Training Sequence};
\node[frm](n3) {Construct dhjkfshfkjsf cardinality};
\node[frm](n4) {feature Construction with respect to each set };
\node[boxed,right=0.7cm of n3] (n10) {Train and construct GAN Model with GEI pairs};
\node at (n0-|n10) (n9) {Test Sequence};
\node[boxed,right=0.7cm of n4] (n11) { feature Construction after fusing };
\path (n4.east) -- coordinate (aux) (n10.west);
(n9) edge (n10)
(n10) edge (n11)
(n4.east) -| (aux) |- (n10.west);
\caption{Block diagram of the proposed gait recognition approach}
boxed/.style={minimum width=1.7cm,minimum height=1cm,
draw,thick,text width=2.5cm,text centered,anchor=center}]
\matrix[matrix of nodes,row 2/.style={nodes=boxed},
row 3/.style={nodes=boxed},
column sep=0.7cm,row sep=0.4cm] (mat){
Training Sequence & Test Sequence \\
Construct dhjkfshfkjsf cardinality & Train and construct GAN Model with GEI
feature Construction with respect to each set &
feature Construction after fusing\\
foreach \X in {1,2} {
foreach \Y in {1,2} {(mat-\X-\Y) edge (mat-\the\numexpr\X+1\relax-\Y)}}
(mat-3-1.east) -| (mat.center) |- (mat-2-2.west);
\caption{Block diagram of the proposed gait recognition approach}
第一個@Schrödinger's cat 答案的一個小變化。使用chains
\tikzset{suspend join/.code={\def\tikz@after@path{}}}
node distance = 4mm and 8mm,
start chain = going below,
base/.style = {font=\sffamily\scriptsize, text width=2.5cm, align= center,
on chain, join=by ->},
box/.style = {base, draw, thick ,minimum height=1cm},
\node (n11) [base] {Training Sequence};
\node (n12) [box] {Construct dhjkfshfkjsf cardinality};
\node (n13) [box] {feature Construction with respect to each set };
\node (n21) [base, suspend join,
right=of n11] {Test Sequence};
\node (n22) [box] {Train and construct GAN Model with GEI pairs};
\node (n23) [box] {Feature Construction after fusing };
\draw[->] (n13.east) -- ++ (0.4,0) |- (n22);
\caption{Block diagram of the proposed gait recognition approach}