我正在使用 Overleaf 編寫數學公式和限制。這是我的程式碼,我還向您展示了我獲得的結果(見圖)。正如您所看到的,公式並沒有很好地對齊。我想透過對齊所有公式並標記它們(用數字,如圖所示)來改進佈局。如果有人能幫我解決這個問題,那將非常有幫助!
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\subsection{Stating the objective function}
\min \quad BFC \cdot \bigg(\mathlarger{\mathlarger{\sum}}_{i\in I}Fc_i \cdot u_i\bigg)
BEC \cdot \bigg(\mathlarger{\mathlarger{\sum}}_{i\in I}\mathlarger{\mathlarger{\sum}}_{j \in J}\mathlarger{\mathlarger{\sum}}_{p \in P}x_i_j_p\cdot Ec_i_j_p_y\bigg)
BTC \cdot \bigg(\mathlarger{\mathlarger{\sum}}_{i\in I}\mathlarger{\mathlarger{\sum}}_{j \in J}\mathlarger{\mathlarger{\sum}}_{p \in P}x_i_j_p\cdot Tc_i_j_p\bigg)
BWC \cdot \bigg(\mathlarger{\mathlarger{\sum}}_{i\in I}\mathlarger{\mathlarger{\sum}}_{j \in J}\mathlarger{\mathlarger{\sum}}_{p \in P}x_i_j_p\cdot Wc_i_j_p\bigg)
BZC \cdot \bigg(\mathlarger{\mathlarger{\sum}}_{i\in I}\mathlarger{\mathlarger{\sum}}_{j \in J}\mathlarger{\mathlarger{\sum}}_{p \in P}x_i_j_p\cdot Z_i_j_p\bigg)\cdot Zc
\subsection{Stating the constraints}
The first constraint ensures that the demand of each customer is satisfied:
\mathlarger{\sum}_{i\in I}x_i_j_p = D_j_p_y, \quad && \forall j \in J, p\in P, y \in Y\label{2}
\noindent The second formula makes sure that the maximum capacity of each supplier facility is not exceeded:
\mathlarger{\sum}_{j\in J}\mathlarger{\sum}_{p\in P}x_i_j_p \leq u_i, \quad && \forall i \in I \label{3}
\noindent Contracts with specific supplier facilities may agree on minimum allocation volumes. This is ensured by the following formula:
\mathlarger{\sum}_{j\in J}\mathlarger{\sum}_{p\in P}x_i_j_p \geq V_i, \quad && \forall i \in I \label{3}
\noindent Specific breweries desire to be supplied by at least two suppliers for some specific type of product code. This is ensured by the following two formulas:
\mathlarger{\sum}_{i\in I}J_i_j_p \geq 2, \quad && \forall j \in J, p\in P \label{4}\\
x_i_j_p \geq b_i_j_p M_j_p
\noindentSpecific OpCos desire to be supplied by at least two suppliers for some specific type of product code. This is ensured by the following two formulas:
\mathlarger{\sum}_{i\in I}F_i_o_p\geq 2,\quad && \forall o \in O, p\in P \label{5}\\
\mathlarger{\sum}_{i\subset I}x_i_j_p \geq F_i_o_pG_o_p,\quad && \forall i \in I, o\in O, p\in P \label{5}
我將序言簡化為程式碼正常運作所需的內容。另外,我不認為你真的需要使用 double \mathlarger
– 後者會為您完成。請注意,hyperref
\subsection{Stating the objective function}
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
\min \quad BFC \cdot \bigg(\mathlarger{\sum}_{i\in I}Fc_i \cdot u_i\bigg)
BEC \cdot \bigg(\mathop{\mathlarger{\sum}_{i\in I}\mathlarger{\sum}_{j \in J}\mathlarger{\sum}_{p \in P}x_{i j p}}\cdot Ec_{ijpy}\bigg) +{}
BTC \cdot \bigg(\mathlarger{\sum}_{i\in I}\mathlarger{\sum}_{j \in J}\mathlarger{\sum}_{p \in P}x_{ijp}\cdot Tc_{ijp}\bigg)
BWC \cdot \bigg(\mathlarger{\sum}_{i\in I}\mathlarger{\sum}_{j \in J}\mathlarger{\sum}_{p \in P}x_{ijp}\cdot Wc_{ijp}\bigg)
+ BZC \cdot \bigg(\mathlarger{\sum}_{i\in I}\mathlarger{\sum}_{j \in J}\mathlarger{\sum}_{p \in P}x_{ijp}\cdot Z_{ijp}\bigg)\cdot Zc
\subsection{Stating the constraints}
The first constraint ensures that the demand of each customer is satisfied:
\mathlarger{\sum}_{i\in I}&x_{ijp} = D_{jpy}, \quad && \forall j \in J, p\in P, y \in Y\label{2} \\
\intertext{The second formula makes sure that the maximum capacity of each supplier facility is not exceeded:}
\mathlarger{\sum}_{j\in J}\mathlarger{\sum}_{p\in P} &x_{ijp} \leq u_i, \quad && \forall i \in I \label{3}
\intertext{Contracts with specific supplier facilities may agree on minimum allocation volumes. This is ensured by the following formula:}
\mathlarger{\sum}_{j\in J} \mathlarger{\sum}_{p\in P} &x_{ijp}\geq V_i, \quad && \forall i \in I \label{3} \\
\intertext{Specific breweries desire to be supplied by at least two suppliers for some specific type of product code. This is ensured by the following two formulas:}
\mathlarger{\sum}_{i\in I}&J_{ijp} \geq 2, \quad && \forall j \in J, p\in P \label{4}\\
&x_{ijp} \geq b_{ijp} M_{jp}\\
\intertext{Specific OpCos desire to be supplied by at least two suppliers for some specific type of product code. This is ensured by the following two formulas:}
\mathlarger{\sum}_{i\in I}&F_{iop} \geq 2,\quad && \forall o \in O, p\in P \label{5}\\
\mathlarger{\sum}_{i\subset I}&x_{ijp} \geq F_{iop} G_{op},\quad && \forall i \in I, o\in O, p\in P \label{5}
\section{Let us try}
\subsection{Stating the objective function}
\min \quad BFC \bigg(\sum_{i\in I}Fc_i u_i\bigg)
&+ BEC \biggl(\sum_{i\in I} \sum_{j \in J} \sum_{p \in P} x_{ijp} Ec_{ijp} y \biggr) \\
&+ BTC \biggl(\sum_{i\in I} \sum_{j \in J} \sum_{p \in P} x_{ijp} Tc_{ijp} \biggr) \\
&+ BWC \biggl(\sum_{i\in I} \sum_{j \in J} \sum_{p \in P} x_{ijp} Wc_{ijp} \biggr) \\
&+ BZC \biggl(\sum_{i\in I} \sum_{j \in J} \sum_{p \in P} x_{ijp} Z_{ijp} \biggr) Zc
\subsection{Stating the constraints}
The first constraint ensures that the demand of each customer is satisfied:
&\sum_{i\in I} x_{ijp} = D_{jpy}, \quad && \forall j \in J, p\in P, y \in Y\\
\intertext{The second formula makes sure that the maximum}
&\sum_{j\in J}\sum_{p\in P} x_{ijp} \leq u_i, \quad && \forall i \in I \label{3}
\intertext{Specific breweries desire to be supplied by at least two suppliers for some specific type
of product code. This is ensured by the following two formulas:}
&\sum_{i\in I}J_{ijp} \geq 2, \quad && \forall j \in J, p\in P \label{4}\\
&x_{ijp} \geq b_{ijp} M_{jp}\label{5}
檢查最後一個i\subset I
\sum_{\substack{i\in I \\ j\in J \\ p\in P}}
\subsection{Stating the objective function}
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text
\min \tvar{BFC} &\cdot \Bigl(\,\sum_{i\in I} Fc_i \cdot u_i\Bigr)
\tvar{BEC} \cdot \Bigl(\,\sum_{i\in I}\sum_{j \in J}\sum_{p \in P}x_{ijp} \tvar{Ec}_{ijpy}\Bigr)
\tvar{BTC} &\cdot \Bigl(\,\sum_{i\in I}\sum_{j \in J}\sum_{p \in P}x_{ijp} \tvar{Tc}_{ijp}\Bigr)
\tvar{BWC} \cdot \Bigl(\,\sum_{i\in I}\sum_{j \in J}\sum_{p \in P}x_{ijp} \tvar{Wc}_{ijp}\Bigr)
\tvar{BZC} &\cdot \Bigl(\,\sum_{i\in I}\sum_{j \in J}\sum_{p \in P}x_{ijp} Z_{ijp}\Bigr) \tvar{Zc}
\subsection{Stating the constraints}
The first constraint ensures that the demand of each customer is satisfied:
\sum_{i\in I}x_{ijp} = D_{jpy}, \quad \forall j \in J, p\in P, y \in Y
The second formula makes sure that the maximum capacity of each supplier facility
is not exceeded:
\sum_{j\in J}\sum_{p\in P}x_{ijp} \leq u_i, \quad \forall i \in I
Contracts with specific supplier facilities may agree on minimum allocation volumes.
This is ensured by the following formula:
\sum_{j\in J}\sum_{p\in P}x_{ijp} \geq V_i, \quad \forall i \in I
Specific breweries desire to be supplied by at least two suppliers for some specific
type of product code. This is ensured by the following two formulas:
\sum_{i\in I}J_{ijp} \geq 2, \quad \forall j \in J, p\in P
x_{ijp} \geq b_{ijp} M_{jp}
Specific OpCos desire to be supplied by at least two suppliers for some specific
type of product code. This is ensured by the following two formulas:
&\sum_{i\in I}F_{iop}\geq 2, &\quad& \forall o \in O, p\in P \label{6}\\
&\sum_{i\subset I}x_{ijp} \geq F_{iop}G_{op}, && \forall i \in I, o\in O, p\in P \label{7}
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
\subsection{Stating the objective function}
\min \quad \mathrm{BFC}{\cdot}\bigg(\sum_{i\in I}Fc_i{\cdot} u_i\bigg)
+ \mathrm{BEC}{\cdot}\bigg(\sum_{i\in I}\sum_{j \in J}\sum_{p \in P}x_{ijp}{\cdot}Ec_{ijpy}\bigg) \\
+ \mathrm{BTC}{\cdot}\bigg(\sum_{i\in I}\sum_{j \in J}\sum_{p \in P}x_{ijp}{\cdot}Tc_{ijp}\bigg)
+ \mathrm{BWC}{\cdot}\bigg(\sum_{i\in I}\sum_{j \in J}\sum_{p \in P}x_{ijp}{\cdot}Wc_{ijp}\bigg) \\
+ \mathrm{BZC}{\cdot}\bigg(\sum_{i\in I}\sum_{j \in J}\sum_{p \in P}x_{ijp}{\cdot}Z_{ijp}\bigg){\cdot}Zc
\subsection{Stating the constraints}
The first constraint ensures that the demand of each customer is satisfied:
\mathlarger{\sum}_{i\in I}x_i_j_p = D_j_p_y, \quad && \forall j \in J, p\in P, y \in Y\label{2}
\noindent The second formula makes sure that the maximum capacity of each supplier facility is not exceeded:
\mathlarger{\sum}_{j\in J}\mathlarger{\sum}_{p\in P}x_i_j_p \leq u_i, \quad && \forall i \in I \label{3}
\noindent Contracts with specific supplier facilities may agree on minimum allocation volumes. This is ensured by the following formula:
\mathlarger{\sum}_{j\in J}\mathlarger{\sum}_{p\in P}x_i_j_p \geq V_i, \quad && \forall i \in I \label{3}
\noindent Specific breweries desire to be supplied by at least two suppliers for some specific type of product code. This is ensured by the following two formulas:
\mathlarger{\sum}_{i\in I}J_i_j_p \geq 2, \quad && \forall j \in J, p\in P \label{4}\\
x_i_j_p \geq b_i_j_p M_j_p
\noindentSpecific OpCos desire to be supplied by at least two suppliers for some specific type of product code. This is ensured by the following two formulas:
\mathlarger{\sum}_{i\in I}F_i_o_p\geq 2,\quad && \forall o \in O, p\in P \label{5}\\
\mathlarger{\sum}_{i\subset I}x_i_j_p \geq F_i_o_pG_o_p,\quad && \forall i \in I, o\in O, p\in P \label{5}
- 增加方程式中某些符號的大小(在您的情況下
)並不是一個好主意。它們的尺寸是為了美觀的方程式而刻意設計的,所以請不要破壞設計師的努力 - 我認為
等是縮寫,應該用 upshape 字體書寫,即應該寫成\mathrm{BFC}
, `\mathbf{BTC}˙ 等 - 同樣
(可能性較小) \cdot
從數學角度來看,不需要使用進行乘法。不管怎樣,如果你堅持使用它們,你可以透過將它們括在花括號中來減少它們周圍的空間(如上面的 MWE 中所做的那樣)