![tikzpicture: 使 \foreach \draw [yshift=\n*\u] 停在座標 1 處](https://rvso.com/image/419969/tikzpicture%3A%20%E4%BD%BF%20%5Cforeach%20%5Cdraw%20%5Byshift%3D%5Cn*%5Cu%5D%20%E5%81%9C%E5%9C%A8%E5%BA%A7%E6%A8%99%201%20%E8%99%95.png)
考慮此 MWE 的底部部分,即以下所有內容 ( % Image Ruler y
\usepackage{mwe} % Dummy images
\usepackage{tikzpagenodes} % current page text area.center
\pgfkeys{/tikz/savevalue/.code 2 args={\global\edef#1{#2}}}
\def\ShowHelps{0} % 1 'yes' 0 'no'
remember picture, overlay, % page center 1/3
shift={(current page.center)}, % page center 2/3
Help/.style={font=\Huge, red}
\node[anchor=center, %south west,
inner sep=0 pt] (myimage) at (0,0) {
\begin{tcbitemize}[size=tight, halign=center, colback=gray, raster equal skip=0pt, raster left skip=0mm, raster right skip=0mm, raster width=1\textwidth, boxrule = 0pt, frame hidden]
\tcbitem \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{example-image.jpg}
\tcbitem \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{example-image.jpg}
shift={(myimage.south west)} % page center 3/3
% Restrict the draw area
\clip (-0.1,-0.1) rectangle (1.1,1.1);
\path[] (\UOneCoordinateX,\UOneCoordinateY) coordinate(U1) -- (\UTwoCoordinateX,\UTwoCoordinateY) coordinate(U2);
\ifnum\ShowHelps=1 \draw[Help] (U1) circle(2pt) node[label=left:U1]{} -- (U2) circle(2pt) node[label=left:U2]{};\fi % show unitlength line
\path let \p1=($(U2)-(U1)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\unitlength}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\ifnum\ShowHelps=1 \node[Help] at (0.725,0.25) {unitlength U1U2 = \u}; \fi%<--- show unitlength
\ifnum\ShowHelps=1 \draw[blue, transform canvas={xshift=2mm}] (U1) -- +(0,\u);\fi % Test
% Image Ruler y
\draw[very thick] (0,0) coordinate(B) -- (0, 1);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,10}{%%
\draw[very thick] ([yshift=\n*\u]B) -- +(-3mm,0) node[left]{
\ifnum\n=0 \else \ifnum\n=1 \n\,cm \else \n \fi\fi};
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,10}{%%
\draw[] ([yshift=\n*\u]B) -- +(-1.5mm,0);
\draw[very thick] (0,0) coordinate(B) -- (0, 1);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,10}{%%
\draw[very thick] ([yshift=\n*\u]B) -- +(-3mm,0) node[left]{
\ifnum\n=0 \else \ifnum\n=1 \n\,cm \else \n \fi\fi};
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,10}{%%
\draw[] ([yshift=\n*\u]B) -- +(-1.5mm,0);
in確保標尺的粗垂直線停止在座標 1 處1
。\draw[very thick] (0,0) coordinate(B) -- (0, 1);
在不改變裁剪 ( \clip (-0.1,-0.1) rectangle (1.1,1.1);
) 的情況下使小線也停止在 處?
in改為\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,10}{%%
5 來完成,但這不是我的目標,因為我事先不知道我需要多少個數字。我所知道的是,我想在 y 座標處停止1
using處停止一樣\draw[very thick] (0,0) coordinate(B) -- (0, 1);
我需要一種方法來提取 y 的當前座標...我不知道我需要循環遞增厘米和毫米多少次,我所知道的是它應該停止在 1
width=0mm, next state=ruler,
persistent precomputation={
persistent precomputation={
\ifnum \tick=10\relax
\advance\tick by 1
persistent postcomputation={
\ifnum \tick=10\relax
\advance\majortick by 1
\node[inner sep=0pt] (a) {\includegraphics[width=.5\textwidth]{example-image}};
\draw[postaction=decorate, decoration=ruler] (a.south west) -- (a.north west);
我認為,\clip (-0.1,-0.1) rectangle (1.1,1.1);
由於使用 tcolorbox,您不會真正需要。
但作為「如何裁剪 y 軸」問題的答案:
\path[draw=none] (0,0) coordinate(LL) -- (0,1) coordinate(UL);
\path let \p1=($(UL)-(LL)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\ImageHeight}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,10}{%%
\pgfmathsetmacro\YshiftTest{\n*\u < \h ? 1 : 0}
\ifnum\YshiftTest=1 \draw[] ([yshift=\Yshift]B) -- +(-1.5mm,0); \else\fi
\draw[red] (LL) circle(2pt) node[below]{LL};
\draw[red] (UL) circle(2pt) node[above]{UL};
\node[right=3mm, Help] at (UL) {Image Height h=\h}; \fi
\usepackage{mwe} % Dummy images
\usepackage{tikzpagenodes} % current page text area.center
\pgfkeys{/tikz/savevalue/.code 2 args={\global\edef#1{#2}}}
\def\ShowHelps{1} % 1 'yes' 0 'no'
remember picture, overlay, % page center 1/3
shift={(current page.center)}, % page center 2/3
Help/.style={font=\large, text=red, fill=yellow}
\node[anchor=center, %south west,
inner sep=0 pt] (myimage) at (0,0) {
\begin{tcbitemize}[size=tight, halign=center, colback=gray, raster equal skip=0pt, raster left skip=0mm, raster right skip=0mm, raster width=1\textwidth, boxrule = 0pt, frame hidden]
\tcbitem \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{example-image.jpg}
\tcbitem \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{example-image.jpg}
shift={(myimage.south west)} % page center 3/3
% Restrict the draw area
\clip (-0.1,-0.1) rectangle (1.1,1.1);
\ifnum\ShowHelps=1 \draw[red] (-0.1,-0.1) rectangle (1.1,1.1);\fi
\path[] (\UOneCoordinateX,\UOneCoordinateY) coordinate(U1) -- (\UTwoCoordinateX,\UTwoCoordinateY) coordinate(U2);
\ifnum\ShowHelps=1 \draw[red] (U1) circle(2pt) node[label=left:U1]{} -- (U2) circle(2pt) node[label=left:U2]{};\fi % show unitlength line
\path let \p1=($(U2)-(U1)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\unitlength}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\ifnum\ShowHelps=1 \node[Help] at (0.3,0.5) {unitlength U1U2 = \u}; \fi%<--- show unitlength
\ifnum\ShowHelps=1 \draw[blue, transform canvas={xshift=2mm}] (U1) -- +(0,\u);\fi % Test
% Image Ruler y
\draw[very thick] (0,0) coordinate(B) -- (0, 1);
\foreach \n in {0,1,...,10}{%%
\draw[very thick] ([yshift=\n*\u]B) -- +(-3mm,0) node[left]{
\ifnum\n=0 \else \ifnum\n=1 \n\,cm \else \n \fi\fi};
\path[draw=none] (0,0) coordinate(LL) -- (0,1) coordinate(UL);
\path let \p1=($(UL)-(LL)$) in
\pgfextra{ \pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\ImageHeight}{veclen(\x1,\y1)} }
\foreach \n in {0.1,0.2,...,10}{%%
\pgfmathsetmacro\YshiftTest{\n*\u < \h ? 1 : 0}
\ifnum\YshiftTest=1 \draw[] ([yshift=\Yshift]B) -- +(-1.5mm,0); \else\fi
\draw[red] (LL) circle(2pt) node[below]{LL};
\draw[red] (UL) circle(2pt) node[above]{UL};
\node[right=3mm, Help] at (UL) {Image Height h=\h}; \fi