我製作了一張標準尺寸的簡單名片。然而,當我打開 pdf 時,它變大了 1.5 毫米(高度和寬度)。我嘗試更改geometry
\tikzstyle{linha} = [line width=7pt,MaterialGrey300]
\tikzstyle{linhafina} = [line width=3pt,MaterialGrey300]
\tikzstyle{bola} = [inner sep=0pt,minimum size=0pt]
% yes, I know \tikzstyle is oudated, it's just easier to type.
[every node/.append style={text=MaterialGrey800,
% font=\Huge
\node[opacity=.6,overlay,inner sep=0pt] (figura)
%at (current page.center)
\draw[line width=4pt,MaterialRed900%,fill=MaterialGrey300
%rounded corners=12pt
] (figura.south west) rectangle (figura.north east);
\node[yshift=1.5cm] (texto) at (figura.center)
{\itshape \LARGE John Doe};
\node[below= 3pt of texto,overlay] (prof) {\scshape \large o\,r\,i\,o\,n};
align=left,anchor=south west,fill=white,opacity=.5,
text opacity=1,
rectangle,draw,rounded corners=2pt] (address) at (figura.south west) {\small Contact:\\e-mail: --- \\ website};
一切都很好,但是當我在 Acrobat Reader 中打開 pdf 時,尺寸稍大(1.5 毫米):