我是 LaTeX 新手,所以我感謝您的幫助:
每當您在 LaTeX 中鍵入普通文字時,如果到達行尾,它會自動中斷到下一行。但是,如果您在行尾使用框(例如 \raisebox),它會強制框進入同一行,即使已到達行尾。 (據我所知,這會導致“Overfull \hbox”警告。)
This is some text that automatically goes in the next line if the end of the line is reached.
\raisebox{0.1ex}{This is some text that does not automatically go in the next line if the end of the line is reached. This even goes above the edge of the paper.}
(\ifprintanswers 來自考試包)
這確實按預期工作,除了在行尾我的答案/ hrulefill 不會中斷到下一行。
在盒子之間。此外,使用 2.3 乘數往往會破壞利潤,因此我會盡量\sloppy
\newcommand\blankit[1]{\blankitaux#1 \relax}
\def\blankitaux#1 #2\relax{%
This is some text that automatically goes in the next line if the end of the line is reached.
\blankit{This is some text that does not automatically go in the next line if the end of the line is reached. This even goes above and beyond the edge of the paper.}
Returning to normal text.
This is some text that automatically goes in the next line if the end of the line is reached.
\blankit{This is some text that does not automatically go in the next line if the end of the line is reached. This even goes above and beyond the edge of the paper.}
Returning to normal text.