將清單與 tagstoc 套件一起使用

將清單與 tagstoc 套件一起使用


我有一個 csv 字串列表,用於建立表格,我也想使用 csv 字串的第一個實例作為標籤。

\listadd\aka{DVM , Distillation with value matching, RL}
\listadd\aka{RL , Reinforcement Learning, RL }
\listadd\aka{MARL , Multi agent reinforcement learning, RL }
\listadd\aka{RND , random network distillation, Novelty RL }
\listadd\aka{DRL , Deep reinforcement learning, RL }
\listadd\aka{MADRL , Multi agent Deep reinforcement learning, RL }
\listadd\aka{NLP , Natural language processing, NLP}
\listadd\aka{EM ,Emergent communication, EM}
\listadd\aka{LtT , Learning to teach , RL}
\listadd\aka{AA, Action advising , LtT }
\listadd\aka{TB, teacher budget, LtT }
\listadd\aka{CA, Continuous Actions, RL }
\listadd\aka{DA, Discrete Actions, RL}
\listadd\aka{NN, Noisy Nets , General }
\listadd\aka{SiA , Student initiated approach , LtT }
\listadd\aka{JiA , Joint initiated approach , LtT }
\listadd\aka{TiA , Teacher initiated approach , LtT }
\listadd\aka{DDS , Dynamic difficulty scaling , Flow}
\listadd\aka{BB , Believable bots , Flow}
\listadd\aka{ToF , Theory of flow , Flow}
\listadd\aka{GBL , Game-based learning , Flow}
\listadd\aka{HRL , Hierarchical reinforcement learning , RL}

\readlist*\mylist{#1} \declaretag{\mylist[1]}}


命令addtagsaddtag迭代列表,抓取第一個 csv 元素(帶有\readlist*\mylist{#1})並使用declaretag它。當我嘗試addtags在文件中使用時,它給出了 aLaTex Error: No counter '1' defined並且似乎只考慮最後一個標籤。另一方面,如果我使用declaretag








% create row with three elements
\readlist*\mylist{#1} \mylist[1] & %
\readlist*\mylist{#1} \mylist[2] & %
\readlist*\mylist{#1} \mylist[3] \\ \hline

% fill tabular

我希望它能夠與tagstoc賴安·賴克 這裡:


% Here's the package file

% Declare the master TOC.  This will contain:
% * A list of tags
% * A sequence of entries where tags are referenced
% and it will be used multiple times to generate lists of tag usage
\newlistof{tags}{tags}{All tags}
\renewcommand*\cfttagstitlefont{\Large\bfseries}% For example

% Use this in the preamble to make a new tag.
 \addtocontents{tags}{(#1) }%
% This is only true when printing the list of tags
% This makes sure that the list of tags is not printed most of the time...
% ...because it wraps the entire TOC from the preamble

% This is a rather inefficient way to selectively print particular tags.
% Presumably, I should just pop each tag from the list as I go,
% but etoolbox doesn't seem to handle stacks.  Probably I'm missing something.
 \expandafter\let\csname l@tag#1\endcsname=\@gobbletwo
 \expandafter\let\csname l@tag#1\endcsname=\l@section

% These are hooks for the user
% This prints all the references to a particular tag.
% Effectively, it's a partial ToC for that tag.
% This prints the snippets, placed (with repeats) beneath their tags.
% It also prints a list of defined tags, more or less as an excuse
% to have \listoftags handle the .tags auxiliary ToC file.

% This is how to proclaim a snippet, which is what gets tagged.

% In case of no hyperref
% This is how you place a tag beneath a snippet.
 \phantomsection% In case of hyperref


\renewcommand*\listoftagstitle{Snippets tagged with \currenttag}
% Preferred way to declare tags.  They will be printed in this order.


\readlist*\mylist{#1} \declaretag{\mylist[1]}}


但當我使用它時,整個事情變得瘋狂,清單的最後一個元素 (HRL) 重複了 22 次(清單中的元素)。






% Here's the package file

% Declare the master TOC.  This will contain:
% * A list of tags
% * A sequence of entries where tags are referenced
% and it will be used multiple times to generate lists of tag usage
\newlistof{tags}{tags}{All tags}
\renewcommand*\cfttagstitlefont{\Large\bfseries}% For example

% Use this in the preamble to make a new tag.
 \addtocontents{tags}{(#1) }%
% This is only true when printing the list of tags
% This makes sure that the list of tags is not printed most of the time...
% ...because it wraps the entire TOC from the preamble

% This is a rather inefficient way to selectively print particular tags.
% Presumably, I should just pop each tag from the list as I go,
% but etoolbox doesn't seem to handle stacks.  Probably I'm missing something.
 \expandafter\let\csname l@tag#1\endcsname=\@gobbletwo
 \expandafter\let\csname l@tag#1\endcsname=\l@section

% These are hooks for the user
% This prints all the references to a particular tag.
% Effectively, it's a partial ToC for that tag.
% This prints the snippets, placed (with repeats) beneath their tags.
% It also prints a list of defined tags, more or less as an excuse
% to have \listoftags handle the .tags auxiliary ToC file.

% This is how to proclaim a snippet, which is what gets tagged.

% In case of no hyperref
% This is how you place a tag beneath a snippet.
 \phantomsection% In case of hyperref


\renewcommand*\listoftagstitle{Snippets tagged with \currenttag}
% Preferred way to declare tags.  They will be printed in this order.


% create row with three elements
\readlist*\mylist{#1} \mylist[1] & %
\readlist*\mylist{#1} \mylist[2] & %
\readlist*\mylist{#1} \mylist[3] \\ \hline

% fill tabular

\listadd\aka{DVM , Distillation with value matching, RL}
\listadd\aka{RL , Reinforcement Learning, RL }
\listadd\aka{MARL , Multi agent reinforcement learning, RL }
\listadd\aka{RND , random network distillation, Novelty RL }
\listadd\aka{DRL , Deep reinforcement learning, RL }
\listadd\aka{MADRL , Multi agent Deep reinforcement learning, RL }
\listadd\aka{NLP , Natural language processing, NLP}
\listadd\aka{EM ,Emergent communication, EM}
\listadd\aka{LtT , Learning to teach , RL}
\listadd\aka{AA, Action advising , LtT }
\listadd\aka{TB, teacher budget, LtT }
\listadd\aka{CA, Continuous Actions, RL }
\listadd\aka{DA, Discrete Actions, RL}
\listadd\aka{NN, Noisy Nets , General }
\listadd\aka{SiA , Student initiated approach , LtT }
\listadd\aka{JiA , Joint initiated approach , LtT }
\listadd\aka{TiA , Teacher initiated approach , LtT }
\listadd\aka{DDS , Dynamic difficulty scaling , Flow}
\listadd\aka{BB , Believable bots , Flow}
\listadd\aka{ToF , Theory of flow , Flow}
\listadd\aka{GBL , Game-based learning , Flow}
\listadd\aka{HRL , Hierarchical reinforcement learning , RL}

\readlist*\mylist{#1} \declaretag{\mylist[1]}}




% Please add the following required packages to your document preamble:
% \usepackage[table,xcdraw]{xcolor}
% If you use beamer only pass "xcolor=table" option, i.e. \documentclass[xcolor=table]{beamer}

\textbf{Aka} & \textbf{Definition} & \textbf{Field} \\ \hline
\caption{List of acrimonious with corresponding description and field}


\placetag{SiA}\placetag{NN}\placetag{TiA }


\placetag{MADRL}\placetag{HRL}\placetag{TiA }

Something else

