

當在引文中引用作者的語言範例時,我喜歡使用特殊標籤來指定作者的姓名。 (我將其括在方括號中,但它不會出現在這裡,因為不相關。)


\StrCut fromxstring可以很好地移除作者姓名和編號之間的不可破壞的空格。

但是,當沒有分隔符號時,通常使用cleveref\crefstripprefix 的解決方案將無法如預期般運作,請參閱 MWE。

此外,用 \StrCut 剝離到 level2/level3 分隔符號以獲得作者 1a.i--iiihyperref有效,但如果載入則會產生嚴重錯誤。

讓我指出,我並不特別需要範圍,這些範圍已經使用 mwe 中所示的替代「調整」方法進行工作。

我只是希望在引用示例時能夠跳過作者姓名,這將為非範圍的多個參考文獻提供所需的靈活性,例如“作者 1a.ii,2b.i”。

編碼的所有學分可以在這裡找到: 交叉引用:更多子層級和預設

\usepackage{philex} % Linguex wrapper. Awesome despite the "non-academic" coding.
\usepackage{xstring} % Provides the \StrCut command.
\usepackage{refcount} % Provides the \getrefbykeydefault command.
\usepackage{cleveref} % For ranges.


\crefname{bpa}{}{} % Main Counter
\crefname{SubExNo}{}{} % Sublevel.



\crefrangelabelformat{bpa}{(#3#1#4--#5\spacestrip{#1}{#2}#6)} %   Stripping to the non-brakable space, so that Author is not repeated.
\crefrangelabelformat{SubExNo}{(#3#1#4--#5\crefstripprefix{#1}{#2}#6)} % Usually outputs 1a--b but does not work here.
\crefrangelabelformat{SubSubExNo}{(#3#1#4--#5\dotstrip{#1}{#2}#6)} % Used with roman numbering, which confuses crefstripprefix. But you need a separator (a dot in this variant).


    % Philex Formatting
    \phildashes{}{.}        % Adds a dot between levels 2 and 3 in references.
    \subformat{a}{}{.}      % Level 2 is of the form “a.”
    \subsubformat{i}{(}{)}  % Level 3 is of the form “(i)”


\lbpa{main1}{Example One.
    \lba{sub11}{Subexample One-One.
        \lba{subsub111}{Subsubexample One-One-One.}
        \lbb{subsub112}{Subsubexample One-One-Two.}
        \lbz{subsub113}{Subsubexample One-One-Three}}
    \lbz{sub12}{Subexample One-Two.
        \lba{subsub121}{Subsubexample One-Two-One.}
        \lbz{subsub122}{Subsubexample One-Two-Two.}}}

\lbpa{main2}{Example Two.}

When quoting different examples, I do not want \textit{Author} to be repeated.

Works very nicely with xstring's StrCut for the 1st level...


... but the 3rd does not work if hypperref is loaded :

\textbackslash crefrange\{subsub111\}\{subsub113\} yields a critical error.

... and more importantly, level 2 does not work at all because \textbackslash crefstripprefix fails:

\textbackslash crefrange\{sub11\}\{sub12\}  should output “Author 1a--b” but instead I get the following error :

“Improper alphabetic constant.”


Of course an alternative approach is to refer to “parts” so we can “cheat” and build the refs manually:
Philex already has \textbackslash rfx/rnx command to skip the main level.

Then we may define a new command to skip the first sublevel :


    \@ifdefinable\gobbletodot{\long\def\gobbletodot#1.{}}% refcount package





But we lose systematicity and besides, “Author 1a.i, 2b.”  is also something I would like.




感謝@Ulrike Fischer 的舉例這裡關於如何使用輝煌包zref,我提出了一個如何解決我自己在原帖中提出的問題的快速說明。


(當然, \zlabel 必須在任何包含後者的語言包中替換 \label ,這樣我們就不必手動添加它,但這很簡單。)




\zref@newprop{authorstrip}{\bota{bpa}\alph{SubExNo}{\ifnum\theExDepth=3\roman{SubSubExNo}\fi}} % Here is the key line.









\lbpa{main1}{Example One.\zlabel{mainex}
    \lba{sub11}{Subexample One-One.\zlabel{sub11}
        \lba{subsub111}{Subsubexample One-One-One.}\zlabel{subsub111}
        \lbb{subsub112}{Subsubexample One-One-Two.}
        \lbz{subsub113}{Subsubexample One-One-Three.\zlabel{subsub113}}} 
    \lbz{sub12}{Subexample One-Two.\zlabel{sub12}
        \lba{subsub121}{Subsubexample One-Two-One.}
        \lbz{subsub122}{Subsubexample One-Two-Two.}}}

\lbpa{main2}{Example Two.
        \lba{sub21}{Subexample Two-One.}
        \lbz{sub22}{Subexample Two-Two.}} \zlabel{sub22}

Results :







若要單獨提取作者姓名變數(對應於命令的參數 3)\bpaformat,只需在後者的定義中新增以下命令:


