\noindent Text text text\\%
$\text{T} #1^* \text{U}$\\%
$\text{T} \rel^* \text{U}$\\%
My goal is to place a symbol (e.g. $\symb$) over a rel (e.g. $\rel$) that can be used in text without overlapping with text above, and handles superscripts as if it did not have a symbol:
\noindent Text text text\\%
$\text{T} \mathrel{\overset{\symb}{\rel}\vphantom{\rel}^*} \text{U}$\\%
$\text{T} \rel^* \text{U}$\\%
However, I do not want the superscript to be an argument of the command, which rules out the code above.
\item Using overset makes the star too high:%
\item Smashing the rel makes it go over the text:%
\item Smashing the symbol makes it go over the text:%
\item Adding a vphantom inside mathrel leads to the star being too high:%
\item Adding a vphantom after mathrel leads to the star being misplaced to the right:%
\item Accentset without mathrel does not have the spacing due to mathrel:
\item Accentset with mathrel puts the star too high:
% \rhd is not a relation symbol
Text text text\\
$T \overrel{\mathrm{I}}{\rel}^* U$\\
$T \rel^* U$
訣竅在於 TeX 在連續的關係原子之間不添加空格,也不會添加換行點。因此我們可以將下標/上標加入到幻像關係中。