我的 LaTeX 表格太寬,無法完全顯示內容

我的 LaTeX 表格太寬,無法完全顯示內容

我的 LaTeX 桌子太寬,不合適。我完全是一個使用 Overleaf 來編輯 LaTeX 學術計畫報告的初學者。我用來tablegenerator.com產生和複製貼上的表格太寬,我不知道如何修復它。


\caption{Tabular Summary of Literature Survey}
S.No &
  Paper Research Name \& Year &
  Paper Publishing Details &
  Summary &
  Scope of Improvement \\ \hline
1. &\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Stock Closing Price Prediction using \\ \\ Machine Learning Techniques\end{tabular} &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Published by: \\ Mehar Vij, \\ Deeksha Chandola,\\ Vinay Anand\\  Tikkiwal, \\ Arun Kumar\end{tabular} &
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}I. Due to the volatility\\ and non-linearity of \\ financial stock markets, \\ it is very difficult to \\ accurately predict stock \\ market returns.\\ 
\end{tabular} \\ \hline

我還有 7 行這樣的,我該怎麼辦?我已經做了其他所有事情,但在過去的 6 個小時裡我一直在做這件事,有人可以重寫這段程式碼,這樣我的桌子就不會太寬嗎?


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\caption{Tabular Summary of Literature Survey}
S.No &
  Paper Research Name \& Year &
  Paper Publishing Details &
  Summary &
  Scope of Improvement \\ \hline
1. &Stock Closing Price Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques &
  Published by: Mehar Vij, Deeksha Chandola, Vinay Anand Tikkiwal, Arun Kumar &
  I. Due to the volatility and non-linearity of financial stock markets, it is very difficult to accurately predict stock market returns. & \\ \hline






  caption={Tabular Summary of Literature Survey},
S.No &
  Paper Research Name \& Year &
  Paper Publishing Details &
  Summary &
  Scope of Improvement \\ 
1. &Stock Closing Price Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques &
  Published by: Mehar Vij, Deeksha Chandola, Vinay Anand Tikkiwal, Arun Kumar &
  I. Due to the volatility and non-linearity of financial stock markets, it is very difficult to accurately predict stock market returns. & \\ 

