

如何改進標題的對齊方式以及下圖 TikZ 的整體美感?

\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} % for arrow size
            % BLOCK - NORMAL (Unloaded)
            \tikzstyle{metal}=[draw=metalcol!30!black,rounded corners=0.1,top color=metalcol,bottom color=metalcol!80!black,shading angle=10]
            \def\W{0.7}     % side width
            \def\H{1.6}     % total height
            \def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
                (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
                (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
                (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
        \hfill% not: "\hspace{0.5cm}"
            % BLOCK - TENSION
            \tikzstyle{metal}=[draw=metalcol!30!black,rounded corners=0.1,top color=metalcol,bottom color=metalcol!80!black,shading angle=10]
            \def\W{0.7}     % side width
            \def\H{1.6}     % total height
            \def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
              \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,0) --++ (0,0,-\F);
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-3.3,7.5) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (1.6,-1.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
              \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!blue,bottom color=metalcol!80!blue!80!black]
                (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-84,in=84] cycle
                (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=96,in=-96]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
                (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
              \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h) --++ (0,0,\F);
        \hfill% not: "\hspace{0.5cm}"
            % BLOCK - COMPRESSION
            \tikzstyle{metal}=[draw=metalcol!30!black,rounded corners=0.1,top color=metalcol,bottom color=metalcol!80!black,shading angle=10]
            \def\W{0.7}     % side width
            \def\H{1.6}     % total height
            \def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
              \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,-\F) --++ (0,0,\F);
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-2.7,6.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (1.6,-1.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
              \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!78!red,bottom color=metalcol!78!red!80!black]
                (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=85,in=-85]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-99,in=99] cycle
                (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=81,in=-81]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-85,in=85] cycle
                (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
              \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h+\F) --++ (0,0,-\F);
        \hfill% not: "\hspace{0.5cm}"
            % BLOCK - BENDING (flexion)
            \tikzstyle{metal}=[draw=metalcol!30!black,rounded corners=0.1,top color=metalcol,bottom color=metalcol!80!black,shading angle=10]
            \def\W{0.7}     % side width
            \def\H{1.6}     % total height
            \def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
              \def\F{0.38*\H} % force magnitude
              \draw[force] (0,0.3*\W,0.85*\H) --++ (-\F,0,-0.25*\F);
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-2.7,4.8) {$\vec{M}$};
              \draw[force] (0,0.4*\W,0.13*\H) --++ (-\F,0, 0.10*\F);
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.2,0.3) {$\vec{M}$};
              \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!70!orange,bottom color=metalcol!70!orange!80!black]
                (0,0,\dh) -- (\W,0,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (0,0,\H-\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
                (\W,0,-\dh) -- (\W,\W,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
                (0,0,\H-\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (0,\W,\H-\dh) -- cycle;
        \hfill% not: "\hspace{0.5cm}"
            % BLOCK - TORSION
            \tikzstyle{metal}=[draw=metalcol!30!black,rounded corners=0.1,top color=metalcol,bottom color=metalcol!80!black,shading angle=10]
            \def\W{0.7}     % side width
            \def\H{1.6}     % total height
            \def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
              \def\F{0.41*\H} % force magnitude
              \draw[force] (0,0.04*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (-\F, 0.2*\F,0);
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.6,0.4) {$\vec{\tau}$};
              \draw[force] (0,0.96*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (-\F,-0.2*\F,0);
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-3,4.8) {$\vec{\tau}$};
              \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!green,bottom color=metalcol!80!green!80!black]
                (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (-\W,0,\H) -- cycle;
              \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!green,bottom color=metalcol!80!green!80!black]
                (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,-\W,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=-92,in=90] cycle;
              \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!green,bottom color=metalcol!80!green!80!black]
                (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,\W,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
                (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
              \draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.10*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (\F, 0.2*\F,0);
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.6,4.8) {$\vec{\tau}$};
              \draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.90*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (\F,-0.2*\F,0);
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (1.61,1) {$\vec{\tau}$};
        \hfill% not: "\hspace{0.5cm}"
            % BLOCK - SHEAR
            \tikzstyle{metal}=[draw=metalcol!30!black,rounded corners=0.1,top color=metalcol,bottom color=metalcol!80!black,shading angle=10]
            \def\W{0.7}     % side width
            \def\H{1.6}     % total height
            \def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
              \def\F{0.38*\H} % force magnitude
              \draw[force] (0,\W/2,0.01*\H) --++ (-\F,0,0);
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.2,5.3) {$\vec{\tau}$};
              \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!78!purple,bottom color=metalcol!78!purple!80!black]
                (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
                (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
                (\dw,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
              \draw[force] (\W+\dw,\W/2,0.98*\H) --++ (\F,0,0);
              \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.6,0.4) {$\vec{\tau}$};
        \caption{Most common types of material deformations}




我認為egreg的解決方案非常優雅,但由於我已經完成了我的解決方案,所以我也將其發布。它只使用一個 TikZ 環境,但將每個區塊放在一個範圍內,因此我不必調整一堆座標。此外,我透過將範圍移動 1/6 來猜測寬度\textwidth。對於給定的 MWE,這會導致(不縮放 tikzpicture)到過滿的 hbox,但由於 MWE 本身有一個過滿的 hbox,我猜測實際textwidth允許它在不縮放的情況下工作。

\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} % for arrow size


    \tikzstyle{metal}=[draw=metalcol!30!black,rounded corners=0.1,top color=metalcol,bottom color=metalcol!80!black,shading angle=10]
    \def\W{0.7}     % side width
    \def\H{1.6}     % total height
    \def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
        % BLOCK - NORMAL (Unloaded)
                (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
                (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
                (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
        \node[anchor=center] at (\W/2,\W/2,-1.2){Unloaded\vphantom{p}};
        % BLOCK - TENSION
                \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,0) --++ (0,0,-\F);
                \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-3.3,7.5) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
            \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (1.6,-1.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
            \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!blue,bottom color=metalcol!80!blue!80!black]
                (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-84,in=84] cycle
                    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=96,in=-96]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
                    (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
            \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h) --++ (0,0,\F);
            \node[anchor=center] at (\W/2,\W/2,-1.2){Tension\vphantom{p}};

                \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,-\F) --++ (0,0,\F);
                \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-2.7,6.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
                \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (1.6,-1.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
                \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!78!red,bottom color=metalcol!78!red!80!black]
                    (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=85,in=-85]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-99,in=99] cycle
                    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=81,in=-81]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-85,in=85] cycle
                    (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
            \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h+\F) --++ (0,0,-\F);
            \node[anchor=center] at (\W/2,\W/2,-1.2){Compression};
        % BLOCK - BENDING (flexion)
            \def\F{0.38*\H} % force magnitude
                \draw[force] (0,0.3*\W,0.85*\H) --++ (-\F,0,-0.25*\F);
                \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-2.7,4.8) {$\vec{M}$};
                \draw[force] (0,0.4*\W,0.13*\H) --++ (-\F,0, 0.10*\F);
            \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.2,0.3) {$\vec{M}$};
            \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!70!orange,bottom color=metalcol!70!orange!80!black]
                    (0,0,\dh) -- (\W,0,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (0,0,\H-\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
                    (\W,0,-\dh) -- (\W,\W,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
                    (0,0,\H-\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (0,\W,\H-\dh) -- cycle;
            \node[anchor=center] at (\W/2,\W/2,-1.2){Bending};
        % BLOCK - TORSION
            \def\F{0.41*\H} % force magnitude
            \draw[force] (0,0.04*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (-\F, 0.2*\F,0);
                \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.6,0.4) {$\vec{\tau}$};
            \draw[force] (0,0.96*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (-\F,-0.2*\F,0);
            \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-3,4.8) {$\vec{\tau}$};
            \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!green,bottom color=metalcol!80!green!80!black]
                    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (-\W,0,\H) -- cycle;
            \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!green,bottom color=metalcol!80!green!80!black]
                    (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,-\W,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=-92,in=90] cycle;
                \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!green,bottom color=metalcol!80!green!80!black]
                (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,\W,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
                (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
                \draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.10*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (\F, 0.2*\F,0);
                \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.6,4.8) {$\vec{\tau}$};
                \draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.90*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (\F,-0.2*\F,0);
            \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (1.61,1) {$\vec{\tau}$};
            \node[anchor=center] at (\W/2,\W/2,-1.2){Torsion\vphantom{p}};
        % BLOCK - SHEAR
            \def\F{0.38*\H} % force magnitude
            \draw[force] (0,\W/2,0.01*\H) --++ (-\F,0,0);
                \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.2,5.3) {$\vec{\tau}$};
            \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!78!purple,bottom color=metalcol!78!purple!80!black]
                    (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
                    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
                    (\dw,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
                \draw[force] (\W+\dw,\W/2,0.98*\H) --++ (\F,0,0);
                \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.6,0.4) {$\vec{\tau}$};
            \node[anchor=center] at (\W/2+\dw/2,\W/2,-1.2){Shear\vphantom{p}};
    \caption{Most common types of material deformations}


使用 MWE 之前和之後: 在此輸入影像描述


我建議使用 external tabular*,這樣您就不必猜測寬度。每張圖片都位於自己的tabular環境中,因此它們將垂直對齊。




\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} % for arrow size
    rounded corners=0.1,
    top color=metalcol,
    bottom color=metalcol!80!black,
    shading angle=10,



  % BLOCK - NORMAL (Unloaded)
    \def\W{0.7}     % side width
    \def\H{1.6}     % total height
    \def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
      (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
      (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
      (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
    \def\W{0.7}     % side width
    \def\H{1.6}     % total height
    \def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
    \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,0) --++ (0,0,-\F);
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-3.3,7.5) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (1.6,-1.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
    \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!blue,bottom color=metalcol!80!blue!80!black]
      (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-84,in=84] cycle
      (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=96,in=-96]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
      (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
    \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h) --++ (0,0,\F);
    \def\W{0.7}     % side width
    \def\H{1.6}     % total height
    \def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
    \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,-\F) --++ (0,0,\F);
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-2.7,6.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (1.6,-1.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
    \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!78!red,bottom color=metalcol!78!red!80!black]
      (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=85,in=-85]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-99,in=99] cycle
      (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=81,in=-81]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-85,in=85] cycle
      (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
    \draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h+\F) --++ (0,0,-\F);
  % BLOCK - BENDING (flexion)
    \def\W{0.7}     % side width
    \def\H{1.6}     % total height
    \def\F{0.38*\H} % force magnitude
    \draw[force] (0,0.3*\W,0.85*\H) --++ (-\F,0,-0.25*\F);
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-2.7,4.8) {$\vec{M}$};
    \draw[force] (0,0.4*\W,0.13*\H) --++ (-\F,0, 0.10*\F);
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.2,0.3) {$\vec{M}$};
    \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!70!orange,bottom color=metalcol!70!orange!80!black]
      (0,0,\dh) -- (\W,0,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (0,0,\H-\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
      (\W,0,-\dh) -- (\W,\W,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
      (0,0,\H-\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (0,\W,\H-\dh) -- cycle;
    \def\W{0.7}     % side width
    \def\H{1.6}     % total height
    \def\F{0.41*\H} % force magnitude
    \draw[force] (0,0.04*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (-\F, 0.2*\F,0);
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.6,0.4) {$\vec{\tau}$};
    \draw[force] (0,0.96*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (-\F,-0.2*\F,0);
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-3,4.8) {$\vec{\tau}$};
    \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!green,bottom color=metalcol!80!green!80!black]
      (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (-\W,0,\H) -- cycle;
    \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!green,bottom color=metalcol!80!green!80!black]
      (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,-\W,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=-92,in=90] cycle;
    \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!80!green,bottom color=metalcol!80!green!80!black]
      (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,\W,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
      (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
    \draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.10*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (\F, 0.2*\F,0);
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.6,4.8) {$\vec{\tau}$};
    \draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.90*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (\F,-0.2*\F,0);
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (1.61,1) {$\vec{\tau}$};
    \def\W{0.7}     % side width
    \def\H{1.6}     % total height
    \def\F{0.38*\H} % force magnitude
    \draw[force] (0,\W/2,0.01*\H) --++ (-\F,0,0);
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.2,5.3) {$\vec{\tau}$};
    \draw[metal,top color=metalcol!78!purple,bottom color=metalcol!78!purple!80!black]
      (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
      (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
      (\dw,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
    \draw[force] (\W+\dw,\W/2,0.98*\H) --++ (\F,0,0);
    \node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.6,0.4) {$\vec{\tau}$};
Unloaded & Tension & Compression & Bending & Torsion & Shear

\caption{Most common types of material deformations}






\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} % for arrow size

    >=Straight Barb,
    metal/.style args = {#1/#2}{draw=metalcol!30!black, rounded corners=0.1,
            top color=metalcol!#1, bottom color=metalcol!#2,
            shading angle=10},
    force/.style = {->,red!65!black}
\def\W{0.7}     % side width
\def\H{1.6}     % total height
\def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude
\draw[metal=1/80!black]  %top color=metalcol,bottom color=metalcol!80!black  
    (0,0,0)  --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
    (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,0) --++ (0,0,-\F);
\node[below,left] at (-3.3,7.5) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
\node[below,left] at (1.6,-1.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
    (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-84,in=84] cycle
    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=96,in=-96]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
    (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h) --++ (0,0,\F);
\draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,-\F) --++ (0,0,\F);
\node[below,left] at (-2.7,6.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
\node[below,left] at (1.6,-1.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
    (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=85,in=-85]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-99,in=99] cycle
    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=81,in=-81]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-85,in=85] cycle
    (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h+\F) --++ (0,0,-\F);
            % BLOCK - BENDING (flexion)
\draw[force] (0,0.3*\W,0.85*\H) --++ (-\F,0,-0.25*\F);
\node[below,left] at (-2.7,4.8) {$\vec{M}$};
\draw[force] (0,0.4*\W,0.13*\H) --++ (-\F,0, 0.10*\F);
\node[below,left] at (-0.2,0.3) {$\vec{M}$};
\draw[metal=70!orange/70!orange!80!black]%top color=metalcol!70!orange,bottom color=metalcol!70!orange!80!black]
    (0,0,\dh) -- (\W,0,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (0,0,\H-\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
    (\W,0,-\dh) -- (\W,\W,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
    (0,0,\H-\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (0,\W,\H-\dh) -- cycle;
            % BLOCK - TORSION
\def\F{0.41*\H} % force magnitude
\draw[force] (0,0.04*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (-\F, 0.2*\F,0);
\node[below,left] at (-0.6,0.4) {$\vec{\tau}$};
\draw[force] (0,0.96*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (-\F,-0.2*\F,0);
\node[below,left] at (-3,4.8) {$\vec{\tau}$};
    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (-\W,0,\H) -- cycle;
    (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,-\W,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=-92,in=90] cycle;
    (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,\W,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
    (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.10*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (\F, 0.2*\F,0);
\node[below,left] at (-0.6,4.8) {$\vec{\tau}$};
\draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.90*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (\F,-0.2*\F,0);
\node[below,left] at (1.61,1) {$\vec{\tau}$};
            % BLOCK - SHEAR
\def\F{0.38*\H} % force magnitude
\draw[force] (0,\W/2,0.01*\H) --++ (-\F,0,0);
\node[below,left] at (-0.2,5.3) {$\vec{\tau}$};
\draw[metal=78!purple/78!purple!80!black]%,top color=metalcol!78!purple,bottom color=metalcol!78!purple!80!black
    (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
    (\dw,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W+\dw,\W/2,0.98*\H) --++ (\F,0,0);
\node[below,left] at (-0.6,0.4) {$\vec{\tau}$};
\caption{Most common types of material deformations}


第二步:按用途垂直對齊影像baseline=(current bounding box.center)並將tikzpictures插入tvlr表格中。有了這個數字代碼就進一步縮短了。可能你之後:

\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} % for arrow size

    >=Straight Barb,
    metal/.style args = {#1/#2}{draw=metalcol!30!black, rounded corners=0.1,
            top color=metalcol!#1, bottom color=metalcol!#2,
            shading angle=10},
    force/.style = {->,red!65!black},
    baseline=(current bounding box.center)
\def\W{0.7}     % side width
\def\H{1.6}     % total height
\def\F{0.28*\H} % force magnitude

    \begin{tblr}{colspec = {@{} *{6}{X[c]} @{}}}
    (0,0,0)  --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
    (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,0) --++ (0,0,-\F);
\node[below,left] at (-3.3,7.5) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
\node[below,left] at (1.6,-1.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
    (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-84,in=84] cycle
    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=96,in=-96]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
    (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h) --++ (0,0,\F);
\draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,-\F) --++ (0,0,\F);
\node[below,left] at (-2.7,6.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
\node[below,left] at (1.6,-1.4) {$\vec{\sigma}$};
    (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=85,in=-85]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-99,in=99] cycle
    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=81,in=-81]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-85,in=85] cycle
    (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h+\F) --++ (0,0,-\F);
\draw[force] (0,0.3*\W,0.85*\H) --++ (-\F,0,-0.25*\F);
\node[below,left] at (-2.7,4.8) {$\vec{M}$};
\draw[force] (0,0.4*\W,0.13*\H) --++ (-\F,0, 0.10*\F);
\node[below,left] at (-0.2,0.3) {$\vec{M}$};
\draw[metal=70!orange/70!orange!80!black]%top color=metalcol!70!orange,bottom color=metalcol!70!orange!80!black]
    (0,0,\dh) -- (\W,0,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (0,0,\H-\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
    (\W,0,-\dh) -- (\W,\W,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
    (0,0,\H-\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (0,\W,\H-\dh) -- cycle;
\def\F{0.41*\H} % force magnitude
\draw[force] (0,0.04*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (-\F, 0.2*\F,0);
\node[below,left] at (-0.6,0.4) {$\vec{\tau}$};
\draw[force] (0,0.96*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (-\F,-0.2*\F,0);
\node[below,left] at (-3,4.8) {$\vec{\tau}$};
    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (-\W,0,\H) -- cycle;
    (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,-\W,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=-92,in=90] cycle;
    (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,\W,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
    (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.10*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (\F, 0.2*\F,0);
\node[below,left] at (-0.6,4.8) {$\vec{\tau}$};
\draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.90*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (\F,-0.2*\F,0);
\node[below,left] at (1.61,1) {$\vec{\tau}$};
\def\F{0.38*\H} % force magnitude
\draw[force] (0,\W/2,0.01*\H) --++ (-\F,0,0);
\node[below,left] at (-0.2,5.3) {$\vec{\tau}$};
\draw[metal=78!purple/78!purple!80!black]%,top color=metalcol!78!purple,bottom color=metalcol!78!purple!80!black
    (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
    (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
    (\dw,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W+\dw,\W/2,0.98*\H) --++ (\F,0,0);
\node[below=0pt,left=0pt] at (-0.6,0.4) {$\vec{\tau}$};
    \end{tikzpicture}       \\
Unloaded & Tension & Compression & Bending & Torsion & Shear
\caption{Most common types of material deformations}



TikZ 矩陣:

  • between origins將變形塊均勻地分佈在寬度上(當然,這只在它們的寬度大致相同時才有效)。

  • 使左側(以視覺中心為中心)與右側(以視覺中心為中心)一樣寬的修剪剪切相比之下,圖向右突出很遠)。

  • 因此,剪切圖中的節點比其他節點放置得更靠內。

  • 您可以使用類似的方法column sep = 2\tabcolsep來模擬環境的水平間距tabular

    然後,重要的是第二行中的節點沒有 sep,以便它們緊密地位於其列中。

  • 請注意我如何使用相同的force路徑壓縮至於緊張但只是顛倒了箭頭提示。

  • geometry套件用於顯示文字區域。


\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, calc} % for arrow size
  tight matrix/.style={
    matrix, every outer matrix/.append style={
      inner sep=+0pt, outer sep=+0pt, shape=rectangle, path only}},
  material deformations diagrams/.style={
      \def\W{0.7}%     side width
      \def\H{1.6}%     total height
      \def\F{0.28*\H},%force magnitude
      rounded corners=0.1, draw=metalcol!30!black, shading angle=10,
      top color=metalcol!##1, bottom color=metalcol!##1!80!black},
    force/.style={>=Latex, ->, draw=red!65!black},
    x={(0.72cm,-0.08cm)}, y={(0.40cm,0.30cm)}, z={(0,1cm)}}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[material deformations diagrams,
  % to make the left side as wide as the right side
  % centered around the middle of subfigures
  trim left=($(current bounding box.east)!2!($(n3)!.5!(n4)$)$),
  % this does the same visually but doesn't warn about overfull hboxes:
  % trim left=(n1), trim right=(n6)
  tight matrix, row sep=+.7em,
  % I'd suggest between origins for distributing the figures equally
  % for this, we name the nodes and use them
  % to trim the picture so that it is centered
  % we actually subtract a bit from the available width
  % because the Shear picture extrudes very much to the right
  column sep={\linewidth/6,between origins},
  % The middle of the defomred blocks are roughly centered above the text:
  row 1/.append code=\tikzset{shift={(-\W/2,-\W/2)}},
  % anchor = base: for vertical alignment of nodes
  % no seps:       for as tight as possible (when not *between origins*)
  % node names:    for trimming
  row 2/.append style={inner sep=+0pt, outer sep=+0pt, anchor=base,
\draw[metal, top color=metalcol]
  (0,0,0)  --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
  (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (0,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
  (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,0) --++ (0,0,-\F) node[below]{$\vec{\sigma}$};
  (0,0,0)  --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-84,in=84] cycle
  (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=96,in=-96]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
  (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W/2,\W/2,\h) --++ (0,0,\F) node[above]{$\vec{\sigma}$};
\draw[force, <-] (\W/2,\W/2,0) --++ (0,0,-\F) node[below]{$\vec{\sigma}$};
  (0,0,0)  --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=85,in=-85]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (-\W,0,0) to[out=-99,in=99] cycle
  (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=81,in=-81]++ (0,0,\h) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-85,in=85] cycle
  (0,0,\h) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force, <-] (\W/2,\W/2,\h) --++ (0,0,\F) node[above]{$\vec{\sigma}$};
\def\F{0.38*\H} % force magnitude
\draw[force] (0,0.3*\W,0.85*\H) --++ (-\F,0,-0.25*\F) node[left]{$\vec{M}$};
\draw[force] (0,0.4*\W,0.13*\H) --++ (-\F,0, 0.10*\F) node[left]{$\vec{M}$};
  (0,0,\dh)    -- (\W,0,-\dh)  to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,0,\H+\dh)  -- (0,0,\H-\dh)  to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
  (\W,0,-\dh)  -- (\W,\W,-\dh) to[out=80,in=-80] (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) to[out=-80,in=80] cycle
  (0,0,\H-\dh) -- (\W,0,\H+\dh) -- (\W,\W,\H+\dh) -- (0,\W,\H-\dh) -- cycle;
\def\F{0.41*\H} % force magnitude
\draw[force] (0,0.04*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (-\F, 0.2*\F,0) node[left]{$\vec{\tau}$};
\draw[force] (0,0.96*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (-\F,-0.2*\F,0) node[left]{$\vec{\tau}$};
  (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (-\W,0,\H) -- cycle;
  (0,\W,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,-\W,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=-92,in=90] cycle;
  (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) to[out=92,in=-92]++ (0,\W,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) to[out=-92,in=92] cycle
  (0,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.10*\W,0.98*\H) --++ (\F, 0.2*\F,0) node[right]{$\vec{\tau}$};
\draw[force] (1.02*\W,0.90*\W,0.02*\H) --++ (\F,-0.2*\F,0) node[right]{$\vec{\tau}$};
\def\F{0.38*\H} % force magnitude
\draw[force] (0,\W/2,0.01*\H) --++ (-\F,0,0) node[above right]{$\vec{\tau}$};
  (0,0,0) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle
  (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (\dw,0,\H) --++ (0,-\W,0) -- cycle
  (\dw,0,\H) --++ (\W,0,0) --++ (0,\W,0) --++ (-\W,0,0) -- cycle;
\draw[force] (\W+\dw,\W/2,0.98*\H) --++ (\F,0,0) node[below left]{$\vec{\tau}$};
\node{Unloaded}; & \node{Tension}; & \node{Compression}; & \node{Bending}; & \node{Torsion}; & \node{Shear};
\caption{Most common types of material deformations}


