

在這張圖中,我試圖創建我的論文所涵蓋的主題地圖。我只是複製並更改了該網站上已有內容的元素。我將不勝感激任何進一步的修改,透過減少盒子來縮小整體圖片。我想刪除 A、B、C 和鴨子的註釋(它們可以用第 2、3、4 和 5 章代替,其中中心章節已經是第 1 章了。


    path picture={
      \node at (path picture bounding box.center) {#1};}}

  \node (a) at (60:10){};
  \node (b) at (20:10){};
  \node (c) at (-20:10){};
  \node (d) at (-60:10){};
  %\node (e) at (-80: 10){};
  \foreach \r/\c in {90/blue,45/green,0/red,-45/yellow}{
    \fill[\c!50] (0,0) -- (\r:4) arc (\r:\r-45:4) -- cycle;
  \foreach \r/\c/\p in {67.5/blue/a,22.5/green/b,-22.5/red/c,-67.5/yellow/d}{
    \draw[\c] (\r:4) -- (\p);
    \fill[gray!50] (\r:4) circle (0.5);
    \fill[\c] (\r:4) circle (0.25);
  \draw[fill=white] (0,0) circle (3) node[align=center]{Chapter 1: Campactness};
  \draw[rounded corners=25pt, fill=gray!50] (3.5,7) rectangle ++(7,3.5);
  \draw[fill=blue!50, figNode={\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth]{example-image-a}}]
    (a) circle (1);
  \node[right=2 of a, rounded rectangle=25pt, rounded rectangle west arc=none, draw, fill=blue!50,
    minimum height=2cm, minimum width=3cm] {Chapter 2: Degrees of compactness (Schauder's theorem and s-numbers)};
  \draw[rounded corners=25pt, fill=gray!50] (7.8,1.6) rectangle ++(7,3.5);
  \draw[fill=green!50, figNode={\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth]{example-image-b}}]
    (b) circle (1);
  \node[right=2 of b, rounded rectangle=25pt, rounded rectangle west arc=none, draw, fill=green!50,
    minimum height=2cm, minimum width=3cm] {Chapter 3: Approximation Schemes ( Q-Compactness, Degrees of Q-compactness) };
  \draw[rounded corners=25pt, fill=gray!50] (8,-5) rectangle ++(7,3.5);
  \draw[fill=red!50, figNode={\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth]{example-image-c}}]
    (c) circle (1);
  \node[right=2 of c, rounded rectangle=25pt, rounded rectangle west arc=none, draw, fill=red!50,
    minimum height=2cm, minimum width=3cm] {Chapter 4: Realizing certain approximation spaces as interpolation spaces (Applications of interpolation theory to PDEs)};
  \draw[rounded corners=25pt, fill=gray!50] (3.2,-10.4) rectangle ++(7,3.5);
  \draw[fill=yellow!50, figNode={\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth]{example-image-duck}}]
    (d) circle (1);
  \node[right=2 of d, rounded rectangle=25pt, rounded rectangle west arc=none, draw, fill=yellow!50,
    minimum height=2cm, minimum width=3cm] {Chapter 5: H-Operators as applications of interpolation theory};




  • 將重構套用至您的程式碼,請參閱例如此處了解更多信息
  • \tikzset已經figNode過時了(圖像消失了)
  • 巨集並\newcommand簡化您的程式碼\graybox\colorcirc
  • 類似的(新)樣式cmnnodecmnbox
  • 使您的“章節節點”能夠使用更大的字體進行多行顯示
  • 重構仍然可以更進一步,例如吸收多個font語句(但這始終取決於程式設計師)

筆記:宏已經提供了;tikz 急需的分號。但如果您願意,您可以更改它,例如\graybox{(3.5,7)};(只需將其放在那裡)。

記住:內部的節點文字{ }接受任何 LaTeX“文字”,例如將某些單字加粗、在內部放置表格或圖像等。


  • 更乾淨的程式碼(美麗密碼),更多“口頭”地說明它將顯示的內容
  • 「只改變一處」方法 ( styles, \newcommand)
  • 更容易進一步調整以滿足您的需求

建議:如果您還沒有完成,請花一些時間閱讀本文開頭的教程PGF手冊,並尋找此處使用的 tikz 命令,例如透過 pdf 中的搜尋/尋找或索引。


\documentclass[12pt,border=3mm]{standalone}% <<<---

%\tikzset{% <<<--- became irrelevant from REFACTORING
%  figNode/.style={
%    path picture={
%      \node at (path picture bounding box.center) {#1};}}

% ~~~ macros (shorthand notations) from REFACTORING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\newcommand\graybox[1]{\draw[cmnbox] #1 rectangle ++(7,3.5);}% the gray boxes

\newcommand\colcirc[3]{% #1=color, #2=nodes name, #3=text
    \draw[#1]      (#2) circle (1);%
    \node [font=\Large]     at (#2) {#3};}% to put text, like 2, ch 2 etc.

% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    cmnnode/.style={rounded rectangle=25pt,% common node style
                    rounded rectangle west arc=none,
                    minimum height=2cm, minimum width=3cm,% these you had already
                    font=\Large,% larger fonts; \LARGE would be maximum
                    align=left,% for multilines, indicated by \\
                    inner sep=1em% give it a bit more space to breath
    cmnbox/.style= {rounded corners=25pt,% common box style
    \node (a) at (60:10){};
    \node (b) at (20:10){};
    \node (c) at (-20:10){};
    \node (d) at (-60:10){};
    %\node (e) at (-80: 10){};
    % ~~~ colored arc segments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    \foreach \r/\c in {90/blue,45/green,0/red,-45/yellow}{
      \fill[\c!50] (0,0) -- (\r:4) arc (\r:\r-45:4) -- cycle;
    % ~~~ small gray and colored circles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    \foreach \r/\c/\p in {67.5/blue/a,22.5/green/b,-22.5/red/c,-67.5/yellow/d}{
      \draw[\c]         (\r:4) -- (\p);
      \fill[gray!50]    (\r:4) circle (0.5);
      \fill[\c]         (\r:4) circle (0.25);
    % ~~~ root-circle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    \draw[fill=white,font=\Large] (0,0) circle (3) node[align=center]{\textbf{Chapter 1}:\\ Campactness};% augmented: font, \\ (multiline), \textbf{} for bold text-part 
    % ~~~ 1st, blue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    \graybox{(3.5,7)}               % simplified, see macro above
    \colcirc{fill=blue!50}{a}{2}    % simplified, see macro above
    % reusing common node style, some bold text, \\ (multiline)
    \node[right=2 of a, cmnnode, fill=blue!50] {\textbf{Chapter 2}: Degrees of compactness\\(Schauder's theorem and s-numbers)};
    % ~~~ 2nd, green ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    \node[right=2 of b, cmnnode, fill=green!50] {\textbf{Chapter 3}: Approximation Schemes\\( Q-Compactness, Degrees of Q-compactness) };
    % ~~~ 3rd, red ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    \node[right=2 of c, cmnnode, fill=red!50] {Chapter 4: Realizing certain approximation spaces as interpolation\\spaces (Applications of interpolation theory to PDEs)};
     % ~~~ 4th, yellow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     \node[right=2 of d, cmnnode, fill=yellow!50] {Chapter 5: H-Operators as applications of interpolation theory};
